Amityville Horror Coverage

Amityville Horror Coverage
Exclusive interviews, video, photos, and more related to the Amityville Horror.
Updated: 04-15-2005

The Amityville Horror is coming...again! For kids that grew up with the 1979 original, the remake give you a chance to relive the fear. For those who don't yet know about the house on Ocean Avenue - you will.

Like the original, the remake claims to be "based on a true story". In 2005, just like in 1979, the truth of the stories behind the movie(s) remains controversial. What really happened in the house? Was it really haunted? Does any of that matter if the movie can scare you and give you nightmares? will have the most extensive "Amityville" coverage you'll find anywhere online. To get you started, check out Staci's excellent interview with the real George Lutz and documentary film maker Dan Farrands:

-'s Three Part George Lutz Interview

If you haven't seen the original film, or if you have but you want to refresh your memory, the recently released "Amityville Horror" boxed set might be a good choice:

- Staci Reviews The Amityville Horror Boxed Set

Of course, the reason for the renewed interest in Amityville is mostly because of the new MGM film coming out later this week. With that in mind, has interviews with the cast of the new remake - and of course a review of the new film:

- Interviews With The 2005 Remake Cast

- Review Of The New Amityville Film

But text is just the start! We've also got premiere coverage, exclusive photos of the cast and crew, video interviews, and more being added daily. To get you started with the video, check out these clip featuring coverage from the premiere, interviews with the cast and crew, and Staci's 60 Second Review of the film:


"Amityville Horror" 2005 Premiere:
Amityville Premiere
Click The Image Above To View The "Amityville Horror" 2005 Premiere.

"Amityville Horror" 2005 Interviews:
Amityville Interviews
Click The Image Above To View The "Amityville Horror" 2005 Cast Interviews.

"Amityville Horror" 2005 60 Second Review:
Amityville 60 Second Review
Click The Image Above To View The "Amityville Horror" 2005 60 Second Review.

More on the new Amityville Horror movie coming soon - check back daily. The movie opens in American theaters on April 15th.

If you want to visit George Lutz official Amityville Horror website, click here.

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