Dark Water (DVD)

Dark Water (DVD)
The waterlogged ghost story comes to disc.
Updated: 12-25-2005

When I saw Dark Water in theaters, I declared it “all wet”. A sodden, soggy, often sappy angst-filled drama that covers the same old ground, Dark Water hasn’t much improved with age. Much. I will say that it plays a lot better on DVD in the comfort of one’s own home and with the option to turn down the migraine-inducing soundtrack.


The story, based on a ghost-tinged mystery novel and successful Japanese film, follows a wan and drawn single mom, Dahlia Williams (Jennifer Connelly), and her precocious daughter, Ceci (Ariel Gade), who’re starting a new life on their own after divorce from dour dad (Dougray Scott). For my full review of the film, click here.


The DVD is available in an “unrated” version, with plenty of additional release material. A word to the wise: Many of the featurettes reveal the ending of the movie, so it’s best to save them for last. (Even though the movie itself also gives its own ending away early on.)


There are two inconsequential deleted scenes, and a short peek into the sound design of the movie. Another featurette is Analyzing Dark Water Sequences, which is interesting from the technical standpoint but doesn’t offer up much else.


Beneath the Surface: The Making of Dark Water is, at 15 minutes long, is one of the more worthwhile looks behind the scenes — however, the nearly half-hour long An Extraordinary Ensemble featurette is pretty much your typical EPK (electronic press kit) fare in which everyone says how great the others were to work with and what an Important Movie they’re making. Still, I applaud Buena Vista for making a real effort with the featurettes.


If you’re not tired of the ghost-girl / leaking apartment / Asian remake trend in horror movies then Dark Water is definitely worth a rental. Connolly and her costars are excellent, and there are some decent chills and thrills in the film.


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Reviewed by Staci Layne Wilson

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