DinoCroc (DVD)

DinoCroc (DVD)
It feeds on fear!
Updated: 12-25-2005

DinoCroc was, supposedly, one of the highest-rated original movies to air on the Sci-Fi Channel. I never saw it before now, but I understand the scares have been bolstered for the DVD release and indeed — if you like monster movies with camp-and-circumstance you could do worse than DinoCroc.


Scientists have inadvertently unleashed a genetically engineered, and very angry, creature that roams the swamps and byways of a small town and “feeds on fear”. The residents of Grant's Lake turn to a famed crocodile hunter and the local sheriff for protection… still, a few wind up as unwilling dino-snax.


The plot is simple and silly, but we’re not looking for Academy Award material when we watch these sorts of creature features. The acting — from Charles Napier as the sheriff, and Costas Mandylor as the Aussie croc hunter — is passable given their dialogue, and the CGI is Sci-Fi Channel schlock sublime. There’s some unnecessary romance and angst in the movie, but the death scenes are fun.


DinoCroc is a kid-safe rental, and should satisfy the appetites of monster-movie fans and will appeal to those still lamenting the cancellation of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Others, proceed with caution.


There is no additional release material on the DVD.


= = =

Reviewed by Staci Layne Wilson

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