New Indie Gothic Horror Thriller In The Works

New Indie Gothic Horror Thriller In The Works
Savage Dog Films' "Rip Cage" begins production.
Updated: 01-18-2004

In an attempt to contribute to a genre of dark stories, Savage Dog Films has begun production on a feature length gothic horror film in association with an independent film production company focusing on horror films, Zombie House Productions.

"It's a deeply psychological and mind-boggling story", Michael Lee of Savage Dog Films says. He continues, "It has been underway for quite some time now and we are extremely thrilled to see that the project will finally come to life". "We were interested in the idea of involving another production company already from the script stage and we are proud to announce that this role has been given to Zombie House, their short films are incredibly creepy and we feel that we made the right choice", Dustin Johnson adds.

This film marks a new achievement for Zombie House, as the studio's first official part in producing a feature film. The film is called 'Rip Cage' and pays great tribute to religion and its theories. Still while staying true to the marvel and hope of religion there is something darker going on underneath, not everything is as it seems. "'Rip Cage' is highly provocative and we hope to turn a few stomachs with it. Not by using very graphic images, but with the story itself", Dustin Johnson says. We are in 'Rip Cage' introduced to a number of people who are all experiencing the sort of afterlife, which seems to be the only decent answer. In their attempt to get away from the pain they are introduced to, the group must re-assess their qualities and relationships, because the Rip Cage just doesn't let anyone get away.

The story and the screenplay is written by Lennie Overgaard, who is probably mostly known for his publicity work on the Lions Gate Films title 'Cube 2: Hypercube'. "I learned quite a bit by working so closely with the crew as I did, it made me see what works in a one-set movie and what doesn't." The entire film, except for a few outside-the-cage shots, will be shot on a green-stage giving all the possibilities to create the dirty, yet dream-like environment that the movie takes place in. The co-writer on 'Rip Cage', Vanessa Mason, adds, "I tried to increase discussion about spirituality and the afterlife, I thought that tied in better with the themes of the movie and also made it more distinct from other films". She continues, "The oldness, the bodies, the decay, the black around the eyes all suggests a gothic, horror movie atmosphere".

'Rip Cage' will require quite a large amount of digital effects shots and to do that Lennie Overgaard, who is in charge of the digital department at Savage Dog Films, takes on the visual effects supervisor role also. Everything from developing the environment, compositing, gore enhancements and digital stunt characters will be found in 'Rip Cage'.

The film will be shot in Fresno, California under the direction of Armando Jimenez from Zombie House Productions as soon as casting has taken place. As soon as filming finishes, the material will be forwarded to Savage Dog Digitals for the post-production work, as well as the development of the music that will play a very big role in the movie. For this job, Catonium of Sweden has been called in.

Publicity and promotion of the film will also be a highly important aspect of 'Rip Cage'. A lot of material will be developed for the film: posters, a music video, an official website, a DVD loaded with extra materials and a soundtrack will hopefully be released through the label that Catonium is currently involved with.

The film is set to be finished later this year.

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