Art in Horror - Pt 3 of 3

Art in Horror - Pt 3 of 3
Exclusive interviews, on-camera with William Malone and Richard Elfman.
Updated: 05-21-2009

In the third and final part of our series about how fine art and great horror movies go together,'s Staci Layne Wilson talked to directors William Malone (House on Haunted Hill, and the upcoming Parasomnia) and Richard Elfman (The Forbidden Zone, and the the recent documentary 28 Days to Vegas) about the subject. Their reflections on how art has influenced their own films offers a rare glimpse into their deeper processes, as well as Elfman's appreciation as moderator of his fellow filmmakers.

These exclusive interviews took place at a special screening for William Malone's Parasomnia -- the charity event was held in part to benefit the American Cinetheque and to raise awareness for the late Polish surrealist painter, Zdzislaw Beksinski. A short clip from the Masters of Horror Panel discussion follows.

Have a look.


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Be sure and watch Part one, featuring Stuart Gordon and Mick Garris -
and part two with Tobe Hooper and Wes Craven

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