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Old 05-02-2011, 11:23 AM
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Dario Argento's "Dracula 3D"

Marta Gastini (The Rite), Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner, Hobo With a Shotgun), Asia Argento (Land of the Dead), Miguel Angel Silvestre and Miriam Giovanelli will all star in Filmexport Group's "Dracula 3D".

To be helmed by Italian horror icon Dario Argento, the latest Vlad the Impaler pic is based on the original novel by Bram Stroker, about the vampire Dracula, an icon of twentieth century culture.

"The tale begins with Jonathan Harker, journeying by train and carriage from England to Count Dracula's crumbling, remote castle situated in the Carpathian Mountains on the border of Transylvania. The purpose of his mission is to catalogue the big library of Dracula. At first enticed by Dracula's gracious manner, Harker soon discovers that he has become a prisoner in the castle. He also begins to see disquieting facets of Dracula's nocturnal life. One night while searching for a way out of the castle, and against Dracula's strict admonition not to venture outside his room at night, Harker falls under the spell of three wanton female vampires, the Brides of Dracula. He is saved at the last second by the Count, because he wants to keep Harker alive. Harker barely escapes from the castle with his life. Soon Dracula is tracking Harker's devoted fiancée, Wilhelmina "Mina" Murray, and her friend, Lucy Westenra. There is a notable encounter between Dracula and Renfield, an insane man who means to consume insects, spiders, birds, and other creatures — in ascending order of size — in order to absorb their "life force". Renfield acts as a motion sensor, detecting Dracula's proximity and supplying clues accordingly.

Lucy begins to waste away suspiciously. All her suitors fret, and Seward calls in his old teacher, Professor Abraham Van Helsing from Amsterdam. Van Helsing immediately determines the cause of Lucy's condition but refuses to disclose it, knowing that Seward's faith in him will be shaken if he starts to speak of vampires. Van Helsing tries multiple blood transfusions, but they are clearly losing ground. On a night when Van Helsing must return to Amsterdam, Lucy and her mother are attacked by a wolf. Mrs Westenra, who has a heart condition, dies of fright, and Lucy apparently dies soon after. Lucy is buried, but soon afterward the newspapers report children being stalked in the night by a "bloofer lady". Van Helsing knows that this means Lucy has become a vampire. The suitors and Van Helsing track her down, and after a disturbing confrontation between her vampiric self and Arthur, they stake her heart, behead her, and fill her mouth with garlic.

Around the same time, Jonathan Harker arrives home from recuperation in Budapest; he and Mina also join the coalition, who turn their attentions to dealing with Dracula. After Dracula learns of Van Helsing and the others' plot against him, he takes revenge by visiting—and biting— Mina at least three times. Dracula also feeds Mina his blood, creating a spiritual bond between them to control her. The only way to forestall this is to kill Dracula first. Mina slowly succumbs to the blood of the vampire that flows through her veins, switching back and forth from a state of consciousness to a state of semi-trance during which she is telepathically connected with Dracula. It is this connection that they start to use to deduce Dracula's movements. It is only possible to detect Dracula's surroundings when Mina is put under hypnosis by Van Helsing. This ability gradually gets weaker as the group make their way to Dracula's castle. Dracula flees back to his castle in Transylvania, followed by Van Helsing's group, who manage to track him down just before sundown and destroy him by shearing "through the throat" with a knife and stabbing him in the heart also with a knife. Dracula crumbles to dust, his spell is lifted and Mina is freed from the marks. Quincey Morris is killed in the final battle, stabbed by Gypsies who had been charged with returning Dracula to his castle; the survivors return to England."
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 05-02-2011, 01:53 PM
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Harker's only a librarian in Horror of Dracula. In the book, he's a solicitor working on a real estate transaction.
Horror and Bizarro novelist and editor
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Old 05-02-2011, 03:00 PM
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Looking forward to this. I sure hope it's better than that crappy Francis Ford Coppola film.
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Old 05-06-2011, 12:49 PM
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I will undoubtedly watch this but only as a huge Dario Argento fan-I have very low expectations.
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Old 08-03-2011, 09:38 AM
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(Thanks to Fangoria - http://fangoria.com/index.php?option...ews&Itemid=167)

The box-office disappointment of MOTHER OF TEARS, which prevented him from securing a theatrical release in Italy for his subsequent GIALLO, couldn’t keep 70-year-old Italian master of horror Dario Argento away from the cameras. The love for cinema and the horror genre is so deeply rooted within the filmmaker’s heart that for his latest movie, he dared to tackle the icon created by Bram Stoker with DRACULA 3D, updating the classic tale with the best dimensional technology.

“I have always been fascinated by this filmmaking system; therefore, when I was submitted the script, I immediately took the opportunity,” Argento explains to Fango during our visit to the Castle of Montalto Dora, near Turin, where most of the movie is being shot.

German actor Thomas Kretschmann, who previously starred in Argento’s THE STENDHAL SYNDROME, follows in the footsteps of Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee and Gary Oldman as the Prince of the Night, opposed by iconic actor Rutger Hauer as Professor Van Helsing: “I’ve always admired him,” the director says of Hauer, “and in my opinion he is more interesting now as an actor than when he was young. He as this very powerful face, with eyes expressing a sort of fury. The wrinkles on his visage give him the aspect of someone whose life has forged him, and I thought he would be a wonderful Van Helsing. In this story, he is a very practical vampire hunter; he’s not much into religion and mysticism, he’s not relying too much on the Bible or the cross.”

The movie’s plot is faithful to Stoker’s book, although Argento has introduced some of his own distinctive elements, like a fascination with insects. “I wanted to insert something original, so that the audience could recognize it as a Dario Argento movie. I then thought: Dracula is a creature that could mutate into a wolf, a bat and even into fog, so why couldn’t he transform also into a insect? So my Dracula will metamorphose into flies, a rat, a giant mantis and even a spider!”

DRACULA 3D is targeting a release next March.
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 08-05-2011, 03:01 AM
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Thomas Kretschmann as Dracula?Ok now I'm completely sold.
"The wind that would have killed us both, it saves my life"-Bel Canto
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Old 08-07-2011, 02:05 PM
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Can never get to much Dario Argento. Im not into 3-d (I wear glasses so putting a second pair on over my normal glasses isnt my favorite thing to do) but I am looking forward to this one
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Old 11-05-2011, 11:43 PM
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Official website - http://www.dracula3d.it/

Official poster and stills from the film -


One night in the woods adjacent to Passo Borgo, at the foot of the Carpazi mountains, a couple of young lovers, Tania and Milos, secretly meet. On her way home, Tania is chased and overcome by a "dark shadow" that kills her. In those days Jonathan Harker, a young librarian, arrives at the village hired by Count Dracula, a nobleman from the area. Tania's body mysteriously disappears from the cemetery. In the meantime Harker, before going to Count Dracula's castle, takes the opportunity to visit Lucy Kisslinger, his wife Mina's best friend as well as the daughter of the local mayor.

Upon arriving at the castle, Harker is greeted by Tania, brought back to life from the dead and made vampire, who tries from the very beginning to seduce him; however they are interrupted by Dracula's entrance welcoming Harker. The following night Tania tries again to bite Harker, she is close to his neck when she is stopped by the count who gets the upper hand and it is he himself who bites Harker's neck, however allowing him to live. The following day, weakened but still conscious Harker attempts to escape, but as soon as he is outside the castle a large wolf with a white lock assaults and savagely kills him. Meanwhile, Mina, Harker's wife, arrives in the village and is guest for a few days at the home of her dearest friend Lucy Kisslinger, who will also be bitten and vampirized. The day after, Mina, worried about her husband, goes to Count Dracula's castle. Their encounter makes her forget the reason for her presence there. She is completely under the count's influence; the count had orchestrated the events leading up to their encounter; in fact Mina looks exactly like his beloved Dolinger, who died some centuries ago. Upon her return to the Kisslinger house, Mina learns of the death of her dear friend Lucy. The sequence of such strange and dramatic events summons the aid of Van Helsing, vampire expert of the techniques used to eliminate them. Van Helsing, aware of the circumstances decides to act swiftly and prepares the tools needed to combat vampires. He directs himself to the center of evil, Count Dracula's castle. Meanwhile Dracula, in the village, kills the inhabitants who rescinded their pact, while Van Helsing, inside the castle, is able to definitively eliminate Tania. Dracula, intent on his desire to reunite with his beloved wife, leads Mina, completely hypnotized, to the castle where Van Helsing is waiting. He has decided to engage in a deadly fight with his evil foe. During the struggle Van Helsing loses his gun with the silver bullet and Mina, still under Dracula's spell, gathers it and tries to aid Dracula, but she misses the target and involuntarily kills him. The special silver bullet transforms Dracula into ashes; but his spirit lifts the ashes into the air and uniting, they shape into a large bat with a mocking grin... "
Thanks to Bloody-Disgusting for the pics and the synopsis.
"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 11-09-2011, 05:19 AM
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Ok I'm genuinely excited now. I just pray it turns out much better than Argento's awful version of Phantom Of The Opera.
"The wind that would have killed us both, it saves my life"-Bel Canto
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Old 09-19-2013, 04:26 PM
Haifisch Haifisch is offline
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Rutger Hauer as Van Helsing?

Now you have my attention...


I remember seeing this title in Fangoria's forecast, and my initial thoughts were just meh. And they haven't grown that much more positive.
For one thing, I really don't like the abundance of cheap-looking cgi for the animals and Dracula's transformations. For another thing, I might get a lot of crap for saying this on a horror site, but I'm not a fan of Dario Argento. I've seen Suspiria, and I didn't like it. I've also seen Jennifer, his highly acclaimed Masters of Horror episode, and I thought it was stupid.
The one thing that sells me on this, however, is the fact that Rutger Hauer is playing Van Helsing. I loved him in The Hitcher, as well as Hobo with a Shotgun. And I think he's the perfect casting choice for this role.

Last edited by Haifisch; 09-19-2013 at 04:36 PM.
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dario argento, dracula, rutger hauer

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