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Old 07-26-2009, 01:57 AM
Posts: n/a
ATW Books now online with tomes for the discerning horror film fanatic

Hey all.

I'm Brody Grimm, one of the founders of a self publishing collective based in Norfolk called
ATW books. At the risk of boring you to tears, I'm attempting to keep this less like a press
release and more like an invite to our site.

We love horror films. If you love horror films, we love you too.

We've dabbled in self publishing with large companies over the last few years and found it
tremendously frustrating. From initial buy-ins to reliance on sites we abhor like PayPal,
the whole experience left us feeling dirty, tired, and with no desire to go on living. It was
kind of like watching an Ulli Lomell film. We ordered books, paid for ISBN numbers, sold them
at conventions from the trunks of our cars, eBay, and whatever bookstore was open minded enough
to have us.

We gave up. We continued to write about horror obsessively. We continued to meet up at each
others apartments and share our work, consuming DVD's and scotch in massive quantities, haunting
forums and getting work as writers where we could.

A few months ago a local printer went out of business and we were able to purchase some high
end equipment for a song.

We've busted our asses in the time since then, getting things ready, looking at hosting options,
shopping cart technology and most importantly getting our projects in order.

We called upon friends, preparing the next two volumes of our Big Ass Book of Horror series.

We cut costs everywhere we could. Using free sites, torrented software, and our less than stellar
Photoshop skills to produce the most cost effective books we could. We know we're not a proven
commodity. So we sell as cheaply as possible. We're making very little on this books, but fuck it.
We live for this shit.

This has gone on far longer than I expected. I just wanted to give a little background on our
group and avoid this coming off as "here is website buybookz kthxby."

So, more to the point, if you would kindly direct your internets to


Buy a book and enjoy.

Our massive, 500 page Big Ass Books of Horror are a real treasure trove of insight and knowledge
on the subject of horror. For the low low price of $9.99 you will receive enough content to last
you weeks and weeks of bathroom time. There are countdown articles, retrospectives, biographies,
humor, trivia, and all sorts of amazing shit.

We also have books about the greatest on screen killers, the goriest films ever, big ass monsters,
vampires, and the devil himself.

so again


Thanks for reading. Hope you'll be reading a lot more very soon.
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