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Old 08-16-2010, 06:00 AM
Spookhouse's Avatar
Spookhouse Spookhouse is offline
The Andraculoid
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Ohio
Posts: 223
Tragic Passion

He stood over her assimilated body of flesh and metal breathing heavily. The excitement had gotten the best of him at this point. A smudged welding helmet hung covering his face. His dirty fingernails in crusted with oil and blood and his hands stained green from embalming fluids. The smell of formaldehyde, methanol, and ethanol tangled with the scent of stale blood and burnt steel. It would've stung his nostrils if she hadn't broken his nose during the struggle days earlier. But a broken nose was worth it for this beautiful specimen of skin and hardware. He would have let someone slice open his eyes and pour gasoline over the cuts in his iris for her. To him she was worth any amount of pain, anything could happen to him as long as he was with her in the end.
Leaning over the body he used an electric drill to drive screws into her alloy cranium. He had to drain her body of all its blood and remove her spinal cord. The spinal cord extends down to the space between the first and second lumbar vertebrae; but it does not extend the entire length of the vertebral column. It is also a long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells that extends from the brain, the medulla specifically. The brain and spinal cord together make up the central nervous system. In order to keep the central nervous system in place he replaced the spinal cord with durable rubber infused with tubes to help carry the constant flow of embalming fluid that was needed to represent the flow of blood int he body.
Her brain was now floating in the dark green, almost bluish liquid. A task that seemed almost impossible a few hours ago when he lost compliance with the ventricular system. The ventricular system is a set of structures containing cerebro-spinal fluid in the brain and is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord. Cerebro-spinal fluid is a clear bodily fluid that occupies the subarachnoid space and the ventricular system around and inside the brain. In essence, the brain "floats" in it.It acts as a "cushion" or buffer for the cortex, providing a basic mechanical and immunological protection to the brain inside the skull. But as complicated as this all sounds, eventually the answer became clear; a mixture of spinal fluid and embalming fluid would be the perfect concoction.
After he was done screwing in the final bolts he lifted his welding protector revealing his filthy appearance. Dirt and dried blood clinging around the middle of his face. His nose bent to one side from his brief scuffle with his darling. With sweating dripping down his face he perked his lips together and blew off metal shavings from her chrome skull. His greasy unkempt hair sticking up through any opening in the leather straps attached to his welding helmet, splashed with green chemicals.
Taking a step back he looked over his beloved bionic princess and smiled. His teeth soiled brown with gaps of empty voids. He glanced over her two legs; metal legs. Instead of using the two legs that were already present and infusing them with synthetic parts. He decided to do just the opposite of that. Both legs were cut off and restored with steel bones and rubber skin twisted with human muscle tissue.
His eyes moved to her torso. From the front her upper body was a different story. Every original piece of her remand intact except for her form which had to be converted to steel bones and synthetic rubber muscles due to the small fracas between them. A tiny problem really when in comparison to the back of her upper body. He hadn't done a very good job at stitching her skin back together after replacing her spinal cord. The gash along where her real spin had been was fat and stretchy. Like the skin had forgotten how to fall back into place. As hard as he tried his hands just wouldn't stay steady enough, maybe it was the excitement of almost being done he had said to himself.
She laid still on the gurney. An object of cold desire, an icon of his rotten love, the bulk of his life's work, and a new article to the testament of passion. The cot she was arranged on was made of solid bars of weaved horizontally and vertically. Attached to all for corners of the cot were giant red and yellow wires twisted around each other hanging down stretched across the basement floor in either direction. These cords continue to run across the floor until they become attached to 4 giant outlets in either wall.
Not wanting to take his eyes off his creation, he backs away slowly to the master switch.The switch that will bring his love to life. The Switch that will kick his life mixture of spinal fluid and embalming chemicals into gear. They can flow through out the body bring helping the flesh and metal live in harmony. She'll never leave him after he flips that switch. He reaches his hand back behind him and wraps his fingers around the black handle and with one swift tug he pulls the switch down.
A giant flash of electricity and then nothing. Blackness, emptiness... a void. From above him comes a loud shrill of a woman's voice with a heavy southern accent. From the top of the stairs you can hear her yell, "DAMNIT SHELDON, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAV TA TEL`YA ! STOP BLOWIN` THA GENERATOR! YOU SUM OFA BISH!"
"I'm sorry momma I didn` mean tos." he crys upwards towards the voice.
"WELL GIT UP HER AND FIX THA DAMN GENERATOR BOY!" the ear-piercing voice blasts back through the darkness.
"Yes, Ma'm." He mumbles back as he searches for a flashlight. His hands comb over the desk until they happen upon his flashlight. He clicks it on and looks around for the steps, the light swinging past the gurney and soon he finds the steps.
"LETS GO BOY! I SAID NOW!" the womans calls from atop the steps.
"I'm doing it now momma, relax." he replies as jumps up the steps in a hurry. In to much of a hurry perhaps, because as his light brought the cross hatched cot into view he didn't notice that it was empty. Empty of her flesh. Empty of his love. Empty of her bionic body. Empty of his beautiful mechanical bride.
Both your true natures will come forth, Do not let fear and anger break you.
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