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Old 08-15-2017, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Roiffalo View Post
Evil Dead

Here we go. THE REMAKE. Christ, this is sad. There's soooo much subplot with the main characters who are siblings and backstory we don't know or give a shit about cause we all know everyone's going to die anyway. It just takes away from the story and makes the other characters look like assholes when really they're all just fucking awful.

The only thing going for it is the effects, which are nice and bloody. I of course vote for the original on which is better, but blood effects in it were not the most convincing. But then again the original didn't have pointless animal death, so fuck this movie.

And as always, if you find a book wrapped in black plastic and bound tight with barbwire like a birthday present to Satan, DON'T. FUCKING. OPEN IT.
Ya, I only saw this once with an old Evil Dead 1&2 fan buddy, and we didn't like it. I remember rolling my eyes when... all these dangerous supernatural things start happening to the group, and one of the guys tells the group he found this Book of the Dead and he wants to tell them something to help the situation... and then the chic says, "Shut up, Trevor!" or whatever his name was. I guess that's what young people say these days to important info.

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