Free Gift for Fans of Terrance Zdunich's GUILTY SUSIE (The Molting comic)

Free Gift for Fans of Terrance Zdunich's GUILTY SUSIE (The Molting comic)
The Molting, Terrance Zdunich, GraveRobber, Guilty Susie
Updated: 03-11-2011

A note from Terrance Zdunich, author / illustrator:


Today, a milestone has been reached!  A landmark, erected!  A cockroach flag, planted firmly in the dirt!  Two years ago, I began the ambitious endeavor of creating and independently distributing a 12-part comic book series called THE MOLTING.  Today, the halfway mark has officially been crossed!


I’m excited to announce that “Allied Forces”, Chapter 6 of the project named “Best Horror Series 2010” (Comic Related), is now available at  This 64-page, full-color book is the meatiest installment to date with gorgeous artwork and lettering created by Brian Johnson, Oceano Ransford, Molly Rodman, and yours truly.

In celebration of this milestone achievement, Team Molting has also created a COLLECTABLE BUTTON featuring The Molting’s Guilty Susie.  This button is part of limited edition set and all proceeds go towards keeping this independent series alive.



So join me in wearing a “Guilty” badge while guiltlessly reading the ongoing adventures of THE MOLTING.

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