Conversation Between JacobCain1971 and anglewitch
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 23 of 23
Well lots of it is packed up. It seemed that they wouldn't do so I am writing a science story called The Stars Never Reached. Its about a sailor stuck in Germany who has no job. He finds his life in Germany very hard. He gets into a bar fight with a couple of germans and he escapes soon after he comes across a wanted poster reading Help wanted 50 able bodied men for expedition in charge of expedition Myer Hoffstein. So the next day he goes to Hoffstein's house where he learns a startling thing about the expedition, he learns that the expedition is going to be in space. The reason for this expedition Hoffstein wants to collect the stars (as you can read this is of course going to be taking place before they had rocket ship). But I don't want to ruin it so I'll stop there.
What's the name of the boxing team your coaching?
I'm writing a story too. In fact I have a few short stories kicken around the place that never been published.