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Conversation Between JacobCain1971 and anglewitch
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 23
  1. anglewitch
    02-16-2015 01:17 PM
    Zombies I suppose. Mostly just zombies and vampires. :[
  2. anglewitch
    02-15-2015 02:50 PM
    Here is a book you could write that may interest the people of America. It could be about vampire street gangs owning the streets of New York. There could be one particular street gang that heads them all that some other gangs are trying to bump off. just an idea, I know what some people like.
  3. anglewitch
    02-14-2015 08:22 PM
    Hey man happy valentines day.
  4. anglewitch
    02-10-2015 02:46 AM
    Hopefully by next year. I have only written five pages so I need to get off my ass and get to work.
  5. JacobCain1971
    02-10-2015 02:43 AM
    Hi, I've technically only written 4 books. THE KEEP was originally in COLD LIGHT OF DAY - a long flashback, a la Highlander. But I got heavily criticised for breaking up the main storyline, so I took it out on second reprint. Then just released it recently as a short novella via kindle. Not working on anything new at the mo. But saving up to take some time off in 2016 and write book 5. :-) When do you expect to complete your sci-fi novel?
  6. anglewitch
    02-10-2015 02:39 AM
    Well I see your in today how many chapters you going to type?
  7. anglewitch
    02-09-2015 12:16 PM
    So you have written five books. Are you writing a sixth?
  8. anglewitch
    02-06-2015 09:54 AM
    Your idea for the koontz & king poll was really good.
    Great idea!
  9. anglewitch
    02-06-2015 03:47 AM
    Thanks. Like your new avatar.
  10. anglewitch
    02-06-2015 02:12 AM
    I have excepted you as my friend.

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