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View Full Version : DeadLights Magazine

09-13-2016, 07:00 PM

I am happy to announce the very early stages of a new magazine that is being put together. It is called DeadLights Magazine, and as you might have guessed, it is pure Horror Fiction. It will be on Amazon in Kindle format, and there are whispers of Nook with Barnes and Noble, and even just a plain old .PDF format in the future. We will also be doing a limited first run of print copy, which I am really looking forward to. We will be publishing Flash Fiction, Short Stories, Poetry, and Dark Art! As well as Non-Fiction: Editorials, Reviews, Reflections. Etc.

Website: http://www.deadlightsmagazine.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deadlightsmagazine/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeadLightsmag/

If you feel like this is something you'd like to see, I've started a Kickstarter account where you can donate to help pay for the authors and artists who submit work. A lot of the start-up costs are coming out-of-pocket, so any little bit helps!

Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/331986466/deadlights-magazine

Submissions are not being accepted just yet, but they will be open very soon, and we look forward to working with anyone and everyone in the future! Until then, any suggestions and comments are welcome!

Don't worry, I don't bite. ::big grin::

Thanks for reading,

10-05-2016, 09:56 AM
We have opened submissions to our magazine, DeadLights, which will be in print, and on Nook and Kindle.

We have also started a small E-Zine on our website! It is called 'Shotgun Horror Clips', and it looks like it will be Bi-Monthly, although it may be published every Friday. We'll see. Right now, the E-Zine does not pay, but its purpose is for new authors who have never published to practice their craft and see their name in print. It also helps for writing credits when querying other publications! We hope to eventually grow this little E-Zine so that we can pay authors that contribute, too, but for now it will be a non-paying gig. It is a free E-Zine, open to the public!

Thanks for your interest and taking the time to read this post!