View Full Version : Talented artist needed...

03-29-2011, 07:55 AM
For those who don't know me, I am Ax and I run a site called "Everto Horror".
I designed a logo for Everto Horror a few years ago, but it was rushed, computerised, and much of it taken from various sources.

I was wondering if anybody would be interested in re-designing the logo, which can be found on my site's homepage.



Ps: Apologies for the unintentional advertsing

03-29-2011, 03:21 PM
Are you interested in a proofreader for your site, to clean up all the spelling and puncuation errors it contains?

03-30-2011, 03:43 PM
Would there be money invloved?

04-07-2011, 02:45 PM
I'm afraid I cannot offer any money, due to the fact that we do not generate any revenue from the site.

We also have no requirement for a proof reader, as the site does not contain any spelling or punctuation errors. I noticed you are from America. I am from England. Perhaps you briefly forgot that we spell things differently to you. If you were referring to the submissions from other authors, I will remind you that it is out of my hands. Thank you for the offer, but on this occasion I will have to decline.

04-07-2011, 04:10 PM
Is the logo being replaced the one with the zombie on a motorcycle? What did you have in mind to change it to? What exactly does everto mean? I'll help you out next week, i gotta do a couple days lockup.

04-07-2011, 04:23 PM
On this page:
Copyright is misspelled as copywright. This is not a British spellling, it's just an error.

On this page:
which is a story YOU wrote, there is this line"
There is a man sat, rocking back and forth
Unless Brits have a very odd way of communicating, the word "is" is unneccesary.

From the same story:
She looks up and me through big blue eyes
Unless Brits use the words "at" and "and" interchangably, then that too is an error.

From another of YOUR stories:
As I close in on the beast, it's growl gets shrill
In both the U.S. & the U.K. "it's" is a contraction for it is. You mean "its."

You do it again here:
It's whimper becomes a terrified whine.

You also have a tendency to split a sentence into two separate sentences, where the second sentence is not complete. For example:
Gripping it's mouth and neck.
I twist it's head around.
Actually, in that example the first one is incomplete, and you misspell its again.

I'm afraid you desperately DO need a proofreader. Most writers do- it's very hard to proofread your own work- you're too used to it.

Unfortunately, a site dedicated to writing that features so many errors lacks credibility. I wish you luck though.

04-09-2011, 01:37 PM
Is there a need for a web dev? Marquee text is frowned upon in the web development community and flaming text stopped being cool after the first few months of yahoo geocities existing.

04-13-2011, 07:54 AM
Is there a need for a web dev? Marquee text is frowned upon in the web development community and flaming text stopped being cool after the first few months of yahoo geocities existing.

Yeah I think you need a little help on some basic webdesign..