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09-30-2006, 12:41 PM
dont have to be in horror. Mine is the the trolley in jackass the movie

10-01-2006, 04:57 AM
Can't remember what it was, but that movie where the bitch decides to rape the guy tied to a chair just because "she can", then gets her head shot the fuck off by his friend while she's climaxing...that's gotta be up there.
Wednesday, was it? Some...day, I think.

10-01-2006, 05:11 AM
Originally posted by Phalanx
Can't remember what it was, but that movie where the bitch decides to rape the guy tied to a chair just because "she can", then gets her head shot the fuck off by his friend while she's climaxing...that's gotta be up there.
Wednesday, was it? Some...day, I think.

Your sure that was a film or your last Saturday night,?

Mine is hard to pick , but maybe the opening scene from Ghostbusters in the library , and the ghost shows then the song starts!

10-01-2006, 06:04 AM
Your sure that was a film or your last Saturday night,? Yep, the movie was thursday, not wednesday...and fo the record, I have my friends shoot the girl in the head BEFORE I fuck her...can't get it up when they're begging for their life, crying.

Another one, Leon (aka the proffesional), the final scene more or less...the "this is for matilda" bit. It sucked, but it was great at the same time.

Man Bites Dog - When the "murderer" explains to the camera about how his next victim is on heart medication, so all he has to do is knock on the door, then he screams like a maniac in her face. Great stuff.

10-01-2006, 06:17 AM
I'm risking sounding like a broken record here, but the final scene of Dr. Strangelove is one of the finest in cinema.

10-01-2006, 06:58 AM
I would have to say the beginning of Natural Born Killers, the whole Diner scene. But then again I love the whole movie so...it's hard to pick just one. Also in the Devil's Rejects wehn she corners the old guy at the motel and says " so you gonna take me back t you room and play with me... or is my brother gonna have to shoot your f'n teeth out of your head"... and of course a few others from that movie as well.

10-01-2006, 07:13 AM
"Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me."
- Dustin Hoffman, The Graduate

"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
- Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca

- Robert Redford, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

10-01-2006, 01:45 PM
damn, it's hard to think of just one.
the problem is, a question like this pulls up all the movies that I really shouldn't like, but do anyway.

The Nightcrawler opening scene in X2 is awesome

The De Niro/Pacino conversation in Heat

The very final shot in The Blair Witch Project

One tiny, tiny moment in Episode 1 when Darth Maul uses the Force to throw a box. Seriously.

Ah dammit - this is too difficult.

10-01-2006, 01:51 PM
The ending of "Dark city" was excellent.

So was the ending of "Evil dead 2".

10-01-2006, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by omcdave
the chest burster from alien POW !GUTS !BLOOD! great film making:D

Yep, i'll agree on that one

10-01-2006, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Phalanx
Can't remember what it was, but that movie where the bitch decides to rape the guy tied to a chair just because "she can", then gets her head shot the fuck off by his friend while she's climaxing...that's gotta be up there.
Wednesday, was it? Some...day, I think.

Isn't this The Rookie with Clint Eastwood and Charlie Sheen?

The Flayed One
10-02-2006, 03:53 AM
The long, drawn out hallway scene in Exorcist III. One of the most memorable moments ever in cinema.

10-02-2006, 05:40 AM
So, so many....

The last stand in Aliens. 5 minutes of absolute adrenaline spewing action. It has one of the best build ups in history, a brilliant "HOLY FUCK!" scene where Hicks looks up in the ceiling, then shooting shooting shooting, explosions, shooting, aliens, acid, and Paul Reiser getting ambushed by a 7 foot tall bug.

It has EVERYTHING :D Probably my favorite movie moment, EVER.

The bank robbery in Heat was also fantastic. Almost no talking, just horrifyingly loud assault rifle fire.

For some reason, i have always gotten a kick out of Buffalo Bill's little "personal moment" in the mirror in Silence of the Lambs... Want to creep someone out? Reenact just a little bit of that scene and watch people start to squirm. Help out if you can imitate his voice (which i can.... :) "You wanna fuck me? I would fuck me..."


And no "greatest moments" list would be complete without the hallway shootout in Equilibrium.

10-02-2006, 05:54 AM
i have so many different favorites.

in the master of disguise with the whole turtle club thing. Turtle turtle aint i turtley enough for you turtle club turtle turtle and then he bites the dude's nose off. lol funny stuff.

in Red Rose when the hallway keeps changing getting shorter and longer.

in resident evil apocalpyse(sorry for misspelling) when Nemesis comes into the picture oh that was great scared the shit out of me too lol.

you all know when they go into the room where they hear a noise or just sit there all stupid and then they get killed well stephen king twisted it so bad ur totally scared because ur yelling out at the screen run idiots dont go in there and then a cat or something happens and then the killer comes good stuff.

i would like to be as good as stephen king and the other geniousess out there, but i know i wont ever be as good as Stephen King he is a god lol

10-02-2006, 06:37 AM
Carpenters' The thing : when all hell breaks loose on the operating table

the chase scene in Raising Arizona (running through someones house - no one there but the TV is on)

two guys and a girl .. robery downey looking at himself in a mirror and saying 'what the hell is wrong with you' (at a time when his own personal world was caving in)

terminator 2 - the new terminator walking through the bars (we hadnt seen CGI like that before)

bunch of others I'll think of as i go.

10-02-2006, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by urgeok
Carpenters' The thing : when all hell breaks loose on the operating table

the chase scene in Raising Arizona (running through someones house - no one there but the TV is on)

two guys and a girl .. robery downey looking at himself in a mirror and saying 'what the hell is wrong with you' (at a time when his own personal world was caving in)

terminator 2 - the new terminator walking through the bars (we hadnt seen CGI like that before)

bunch of others I'll think of as i go. Thge dogs chasing nicholas cage around the store while he is carrying diapers had me on the floor. I also loved Tex Cobb takingout small animals while driving through the desert. Thats just evil

pretty much any part in t2 that had the t-1000 effects was a masterpiece. I love it near the end when the terminators are fighting, and Arnie swings the t-1000 face-first into the wall, and rather than turning around, he morphs his front onto his back and attack again.

Robert Patrick is a godamn intimidating looking man...

I have always loved the gunfight in the cocaine factory in Robocop. great intro, the door to the place starts pounding over and over, scaring the piss out of everyone, then the door falls in. Robocop walks in, and is targeting everyone in the place (subtle trick, it explains why every shot he takes hits the mark).

Best opening line to an action scene:
"Come quietly or there will be, trouble."

10-02-2006, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Vodstok
I have always loved the gunfight in the cocaine factory in Robocop. great intro, the door to the place starts pounding over and over, scaring the piss out of everyone, then the door falls in. Robocop walks in, and is targeting everyone in the place (subtle trick, it explains why every shot he takes hits the mark).

Best opening line to an action scene:
"Come quietly or there will be, trouble."

damn...gotta love that scene, and that one-liner.

10-02-2006, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by Vodstok

pretty much any part in t2 that had the t-1000 effects was a masterpiece. I love it near the end when the terminators are fighting, and Arnie swings the t-1000 face-first into the wall, and rather than turning around, he morphs his front onto his back and attack again.

i loved the attention to detail as well ..

when the thing was morphing and oozing into the helicopter - everything was reflected in its surface .. properly - conforming to the spherical shape ...

you just never saw anything like it before ..

10-02-2006, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by urgeok
i loved the attention to detail as well ..

when the thing was morphing and oozing into the helicopter - everything was reflected in its surface .. properly - conforming to the spherical shape ...

you just never saw anything like it before .. And sadly, rarely seen since.

This is why James Cameron can't keep a wife, he is a completely anal retentive asshole who refuses to comprimise his vision for any reason. I love him to death, he is one of my idols. The extended version of t2 has quite a few more little things that were cut out for time. i love the scenes where the t-1000 is begnning to lose control of his sampling because he was frozen. great touch that im glad was readded.

10-02-2006, 08:05 AM
Dont forget the sound effects too. That and the visual effects in that movie were in one-word...breathtaking. Stan Winston, Gary Rydstrom and their teams did ground-breaking work for T2, indeed.

Deserved the 4 Academy Awards it got in all respects, IMO.


10-02-2006, 08:11 AM
I've always enjoyed that the advances made in t2 was actually Jim Cameron riding his own coattails after the work he did on the Abyss.

I wish he would get off his ass and give us another sci-fi action movie...

10-02-2006, 08:14 AM
He had finalised "Alien 5: The Showdown" with Ridley Scott as director, but the guys at Fox shot it down, because they wanted to go ahead with AvP 2. :mad:

10-02-2006, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Vodstok
So, so many....

For some reason, i have always gotten a kick out of Buffalo Bill's little "personal moment" in the mirror in Silence of the Lambs... Want to creep someone out? Reenact just a little bit of that scene and watch people start to squirm. Help out if you can imitate his voice (which i can.... :) "You wanna fuck me? I would fuck me..."



That part is wack!! Almost sad in a way. The song he plays in the back ground("Goodbye Horses"
Performed by Q. Lazzarus) I love so I finally downloaded it a while ago, my ex could not listen to that song seriously, no matter what you will think of that part of Silence of the Lambs. I still think that is one of the best movies of all time.

10-02-2006, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by _____V_____
He had finalised "Alien 5: The Showdown" with Ridley Scott as director, but the guys at Fox shot it down, because they wanted to go ahead with AvP 2. :mad: Probably the DUMBEST thing they could have done...

The movie could have been crap, but being an Alien movie with Scott AND Cameron on it.... the names alone would have been a huge draw.

Shit, the could have gotten David Fincher signed as the 2nd unit director or something and it would have been the Holy Trinity of KickAss Alien Movie Makers.

Jean Pierre Jeunet was busy punching Joss Whedon....

10-02-2006, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Vodstok
Probably the DUMBEST thing they could have done...

The movie could have been crap, but being an Alien movie with Scott AND Cameron on it.... the names alone would have been a huge draw.

Shit, the could have gotten David Fincher signed as the 2nd unit director or something and it would have been the Holy Trinity of KickAss Alien Movie Makers.

Jean Pierre Jeunet was busy punching Joss Whedon....

I mentioned this movie in one of my earlier threads here :-


Maybe the script would have been lame, but Ridley Scott and James Cameron together...just think...

Fox is running on vaporised brains...god knows what they will be cooking up next, instead of giving free-reins to creative and innovative film makers who could contribute so much to the genre...

10-02-2006, 10:32 AM

And to think, a few years ago, there was talk that AvP would never happen, too much shit with the licenses....

I am surprised to see that Jim Cameron liked AvP. Maybe he had just come up from the sea floor and hadnt decompressed enough, because it was an AWFUL movie.

10-02-2006, 10:36 AM
Maybe he was being generous in his praise...or kissing Anderson's ass...

Either way, its high time Cameron kick starts his brains and cooks up another tale of high shenigan whammies full of dazzling CGI and brain frying sound effects. We are ready to lap it up. :p


10-02-2006, 10:55 AM
damn straight. Shit, i even paid to see his frigging teenage love story. Cried like a damn baby, too.
C'mon.. jack was such a nice guy. So tragic... Poor Rose...

Anyway, i want more morphing silver guys stabbing aliens....

I would pay to see Jim Cameron's "Aliens vs T-1000". I dont care how stupid it ended up.

10-02-2006, 10:59 AM
Heck he got the $$ and the crew to pull off one of these too...

10-02-2006, 11:02 AM

Script? What script? There's a SHITLOAD of killing.

10-02-2006, 11:08 AM
Maybe we will see the very first video game in a movie...

James Cameron's "Movie Icon Tekken" or something...
