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favorite horror movies
this is an album of some colorful photos from horror movies I have been enjoying since child hood ahahaha and maybe other people would want to check out these movies too.
tamara pretty cool. see no evil hear no evil speak no evil
high tension 
mind fuck x10
Jason is Freddy's enemy. also a whole series all classic and originally scary
Chucky and tiff my favorite horror couple by far see them show their true love in bride of Chucky :)
ginger snaps  
 this is a really good movie loves the transformation ginger over goes a creature feature ;)
house of 1000 corpses one word AWESOME
sleep away camp is such a messed up movie and has two sequels to it at the end of the first movie there is such a twist that you just will not believe
Freddy Kruger by far my favorite horror villain. His character is creative and he has such wicked humor i love it. Cannot get enough of the nightmare...
100 tears ok I do not like clowns and this movie just proves why. very creepy and gory a lot of blood and mass murder by an over weight clown that...
american mary its so awesome such an empowering movie I love it a must see. surgeon taken to a whole new level and do not judge a book by its cover

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