Kim Chapiron – Exclusive Interview

Kim Chapiron – Exclusive Interview
The director of Sheitan spills some secrets.
Updated: 01-17-2007

Staci Layne Wilson/ What's been the most unexpected response to Sheitan?


Kim Chapiron: People bursting into laughter during the most violent scenes in the film. The film always balances between dark humor and uncomfortableness. Spread confusion was my goal


How did you get Vincent Cassell to star, and what was it like to work with him?


I’ve known Vincent for more than ten years. He has starred in most of my short-films. He’s the craziest motherfiucker in this game.


Why does the movie have a "70's" vibe, and how did you achieve that?


I think this is the golden era of cinema. Most of my references come from these times. Also, my co-screenwriter is my father who’s from this generation.


How did you assemble your cast?


We are all close friends and part of a big French collective entitled KOURTRAJME. Sheitan is the fruit of 10 years of collaboration and friendship.


How do you describe the story of Sheitan, without giving anything away?


It’s the story of Joseph, a house keeper (Vincent Cassel), who fornicated his own sister, Marie. In denial, he is convinced that the devil forced him to do it. Therefore, the devil, also known as the Sheitan, demands a sacrifice.


What is your favorite scene in the finished film, and why is it your favorite?


The hot spring because it’s when two world collide: Urban and rural. Furthermore, the girls sport wet bikinis. You know what I mean?


Any regrets?


Production forced me to edit out a scene where Vincent Cassel gives himself a fellatio


What's next for you - will you direct any more scary movies?


I’m currently co-writing a feature in the NY with my long-time buddy Jeremie Delon. The topic of this project is juvenile correctional centers in America. Partizan (Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind, Science of Sleep…) is producing it. The shooting is scheduled this summer. Look out for it. It’s going to be raw, sincere, violent, moving, and like Sheitan, it will not leave you indifferent.

What are some of the best horror films you've seen in the past year?


La descente. I’ve dreamt about it for over a week.



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