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Old 02-07-2006, 01:53 PM
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Amalthea Amalthea is offline
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Exclamation I need your opinion about this upcoming crossover!

Oliver & Company 2 – The Meeting With The Rescue Rangers

(AKA A.P. – Artificial Pets)

An unfinished Oliver & Company / RR crossover


This fic is taking place the evening after O&C has ended.

Columbus Avenue - New York City (Autumn 1988):

Gadget, Chip, Zipper, Monty and Dale stood at a mart on Columbus Avenue, and watched the newspaper ads.

The Rangers read in a newspaper ad, that some dogs had rescued a cat and a girl under a chase on the Brooklyn Bridge last night, as the gangster boss Sykes got killed.

As Gadget saw the picture of Georgette on the newspaper, were she saying to her friends ‘Canina has told about this poodle before, I think she’s called Georgette!’

Dale said ‘And Flash The Wonder Dog, he had starred in a talk show with the gang leader called Dodger!’

Exit - New York City:

Later that night were Georgette, Dodger, Rita, Francis, Einstein and Tito going to the nightclub called Exit, who laid on 56th Street.

The gang made Breakdance shows in the club, as Dodger and Rita they sang, and this place was their breakthrough, as they later on performed in other NYC nightclubs like Halcyon and Limelight, and then Ministry Of Sound in London.

But suddenly that night, were Nimnul’s remote controlled cats and dogs of metal entering the nightclub, and they razed the plaze.

Tito said ‘Oh no, not those monsters again!’ as Dodger said ‘It’s time to stop these things!’ as he made the Flash Wonder Dog howl.

Flash he came as called, and this time were he having The Rangers in his company, and they helped Flash with defeating the metallic pets.

The dogs and cats from Nimnul’s lab were soon lying as trash around the messy nightclub, and Dodger and Rita thanked Flash.

Then were Dodger asking Flash ‘Who are those mice, and squirrels?’ and Chip and Dale said ‘We ain’t squirrels, we are chipmunks!’ as Flash he said ‘I would like to welcome my friends The Rescue Rangers!’

The dog gang greeted on The Rangers, and they became friends, as they got a talk by the bar that night, and enjoyed drinks and soda.

Dodger asked Gadget later on ‘Could you help me and my friends?’ and Gadget said ‘Sure!’ as Dodger continued ‘We need help with tracking down Nimnul, and stop his mechanical army for once!’

Monty said ‘Let him try to stop us! We are having the most modern technology hidden at our headquarter, just wait and see!’

Gadget said ‘I’m good at inventing, as Monty is good at fighting!’ and Flash said ‘Great! Let’s all meet next evening at Nimnul’s factory by Asbury Park, and see what’s he’s up too!’

Nimnul’s Factory – New Jersey:

The Rangers and their new friends took the subway to New Jersey the next evening, and they arrived at a station near Asbury Park.

The amusement park were transformed into a ghost town, and Gadget, Chip, Dale and Zipper had spend their early days there.

As The Rangers, Oliver and the dog gang entered the park, where Flash saying ‘Nimnul is having his factory located in a casino, where there once were a pool nearby, where a sign is warning about No Swimming!’

Monty got a flashback of the pools, the casinos, and the bumper cars, but he got disturbed by Flash that said ‘Let’s find the casino!’

The Rangers and their pals walked along empty streets and houses for a long time, as they felt they were not alone in an uncomfortable way, and the reason were the silent Guard-Hawk spies.

Finally were they finding the ‘No Swimming’ sign by the ruined casino, who now were owned by Nimnul.

In the moment as Gadget and her friends entered the casino, where they like taken back in time, as they saw a crowded and noisy casino, just like in the lively Asbury Park days for years ago.

But it all was an illusion made together by Nimnul and Banshee, and suddenly were The Rangers and their friends facing an empty, and dusty hall.

Flash said ‘I knew it was an illusion! Nimnul and his girlfriend Banshee are trying to confuse us on his way to his hideout!’ and Monty said ‘Then let us find him in a hurry, and do an end to these eerie tricks!’

The heroes tried several doors under the illusion of the old amusement park, and at last were they finding a door to the factory downstairs.

The dogs, Oliver, Zipper and the mice they entered a hall, where there were rows of robot dogs and cats, as they also found long rows of clones.

Oliver said ‘I want to get out!’, Flash said ‘He’s going to pay for this!’, as Gadget said ‘Scary! I haven’t seen anything like this before!’

Suddenly were Nimnul and Banshee popping out of nowhere, and Nimnul asked ‘How do you like my experiments?’ as Monty shouted ‘You are mad!’ and got ready for a fight.

But Banshee said ‘No need for a fight now! Or me and my pal are going to experiment on you and your friends!’

Nimnul took a red rock up from his pocket, who weakened Flash, and Nimnul said to Flash ‘Poor doggie! This rock from Australia is your weakness as I know!’

Nimnul called on his robot dogs, and the heroes got ordered outside to the Palace, where got placed by a locked fence, as an army of robot dogs, Guard-Hawks, and robot cats guarded them.

Rita said ‘We are lost!’ as Flash said ‘I’m too weak to fight back now!’ but Monty said ‘I have a plan to get us all outside again!’
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Old 02-11-2006, 07:43 AM
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