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Old 10-27-2005, 06:45 PM
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Baby Does Her Laundry...

One fine day, a lovely young girl named Vera-Ellen had to do some laundry. She was miles from home, in a big city. She had run away, and was staying in a friend's van while she waited to make it big in films. She'd been gone for about a week, and her clothes were starting to stink. And her friend kind of smelled bad too. She figured that was mostly due to decay.
So, she went to the local laundromat to do her washing, but it was closed. She stood out front of it for a while, confused and wondering what to do. Leaning against the wall with her basket of clothes in her arms, she was evetually approched by a handsome fellow who introduced himself as Sully. The man told her that she could use the laundry room where he lived. While she waited, she could hang out in his apartment and listen to music. And he claimed to have lots of ice cold beer.
And she loved nothing more than to get fucked up.
And find something to do...
She was struck again by how nice everyone had been to her. She'd been told that the big city was full of rude, strange people that had evil intentions. She hadn't met a one yet, however. Such friendly folk, these city slickers.
Sully seemed delighted to have her over. He said that he had lots of friends who would love to meet her. She was overcome with pride. Folks wanting to meet her, of all people!
On the way over, she told him all about her ambitions to be a movie star. She didn't think she could wait to get to his place when he told her he had connections in the movie industry. She had big dreams, did Vera-Ellen. She wanted fame so bad she could taste it.
They took a long time in getting to his apartment, which was much farther away than he had said. Oh, well. She figured, he was doing her a favor, so she'd forgive him. It was too bad he had to live in such a run-down part of town. And his place was such a mess. Back home, they wouldn't let the pigs live in such conditions. It plain ruined the meat.
Scully was such a gentleman. He cleared off a space on the couch for her to sit, then immediately went to the kitchen to fetch her a beer. In a glass, even. She was sure getting the royal treatment. He sat across from her, and seemed almost desperate to have her drink it. Such hospitality. The beer tasted kind of funny, but not wanting to seem ungrateful, she drank it quickly, then asked for another.
After a few minutes, Sully's friends started showing up. It was strange, really; they all seemed to owe him money. After seeing her, they all remembered, and gave him fat stacks of cash without question, while he just sat back in his overstuffed easy chair, grinning from ear to ear. Such gentlemen, all of them. Even if they were all heavily tattooed bikers. Not surprising, really; Sully was a heavily tattooed biker himself.
And this group seemed to defer to him as if he were royalty. She figured he must be the leader of this group, and considered herself lucky. No bottom feeders for her! She only ran with the leaders of the pack.
Sully was quick to fetch her another beer, which she decided to drink more slowly. The noise level grew louder with every new arrival, and the living room filled up quickly. She wondered vaguely why there weren't any other girls at what was turning out to be quite the party, but her concerns were easily forgotten when a new arrival brought out his pipe, and offered her a hit of his weed.
She took a long toke, choking a little as she exhaled. It sure didn't taste like the weed she got back home, but she figured these folks must have better connections than she did. It made her feel different, too; but she didn't care. She loved to get high, and didn't much care how she got that way.
After a while, it occurred to her that she should get her laundry started. The boys told her not to worry, that they would help her with her clothes when the time came. They all laughed at that, and she wondered why.
It was getting awfully hot in the apartment. She loosened her top, and felt every eye in the room on her. She loved male attention so much. It really made her feel special. So she undid a few more buttons.
They all stared at her exposed cleavage like they'd never seen breasts before. She was awfully proud of her titties, and was glad they had finally filled in. She'd been so gawky for so long, and hadn't gotten half the attention she'd wanted until now.
She was having such fun with these boys, and she felt great. She remembered partying with the boys back home, but it hadn't been anything like this. They were too afraid of her daddy to treat her right. She was right to have run away, and said so to the entire room.
They all found it incredibly amusing, and made sure to tell the new group of guys all about it when they arrived. More bikers, these; she wondered if there was a convention in town. Some kind of rally. She asked them where the party was, and they just laughed and laughed.
She hoped that she could hang out with her new friends for a while. They were really cool, and they treated her like an adult. She thought it was unfair that just because she was underage, she didn't get to have any fun. Seventeen was old enough, dammit!
She laughed and laughed, feeling fine. She started swaying to the music playing on the radio, tossing her shiny blonde hair. She absolutely loved Bowie. He made her feel like dancing. She got up onto the coffee table and kicked off the ragged, dirty magazines piled up on them. Singing under her breath, she shut her eyes and swayed.
"She'll break your heart one day...then she'll laugh as she walks away..."
What fun!!!
She couldn't stop laughing! The room was starting to look funny, so she closed her eyes for a moment. Stars danced behind her lids, and she felt like she could fly off into them, if she wanted to. She was never, ever going home. The men started hooting and cheering. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so alive.
She heard a commotion near the apartment's front door, and opened her eyes. There was some kind of fight going on out in the hall. She hopped down from the coffee table, and headed over to see.
One of the men surrounding her took her by the arm and stopped her. He asked her where she thought she was going, and that struck her as funny. She laughed again, and tore her arm out of his grasp.
No matter how fucked up she might be, nobody disrespected Vera-Ellen.
Vera-Ellen turned and challenged her assailant.
"Just who the fuck do you think you are, asshole?"
She raised a warning hand and waved it in his face.
The man shook his shaggy head and growled at her, lunging in to grab at her again. Vera-Ellen danced out of his reach, and darted in to sock him one, landing a punch that would no doubt soon blacken his eye. He roared in rage, and charged at her, only to be pulled back by several of his friends.
"Don't do it man..." they cautioned him, "Sully'll have your ass if you mark his new girl."

She cackled upon hearing that.
"Who say's I'm Sully's girl, huh?"
She put both hands on her hips and tossed her head.
"Nobody owns Vera-Ellen!"
She felt a warm hand on her shoulder, and turned to meet Sully's gaze. He looked down at her gently and smiled.
"Ok, ok...it's okay, little girl..."
He stroked her shoulder and upper arm with a strong, gentle hand. She settled a bit, leaning into him.
"My boys are just saying that I'm looking out for you...pretty girl like you, nobody looking out for her...who knows what could happen in a rough town like this..."
"Vera-Ellen, huh? That's a pretty name."
She smirked at her assailant, and turned to face Sully again.
"Sully, sweetie?"
She reached her arms up around his shoulders, and lightly crossed her wrists behind his neck.
"That mean fella there scared me plain silly!"
Trailing one hand down his neck, she traced a line with her fingernail along his collarbone. She noticed absently that his nipples stiffened up immediately. Looking deep into his warm hazel eyes, she smiled sweetly. Leaning into him, she pressed her firm young breasts against his chest.
"Would you do me a little, tiny favor then?"
He glanced over the crowd now filling the room, then nodded down at her.
"Sure thing, little girl..."
Showing her pearly whites in a broad grin, she leaned up to kiss him on his jaw.
"Kill that sumbitch for me, would you?"
She had to walk down a narrow hallway for a good ten feet before going through a second, open door and into the main room. Sully's quarters were less a bedroom, and more a suite of rooms. The two windows on the far wall were both painted black and nailed shut. The door to a private bathroom stood wide open in the far corner. A bare bulb hung from the fixture in the ceiling, casting harsh light on the room she stood in.
Dirty laundry lay piled in heaps on the floor surrounding the king sized bed that Sully now lay on, beckoning to her with an imperious hand. A loud, complicated stereo system took up most of one corner, and a bureau stood in another, black cloth draped over the mirror above it. A gigantic heap of cocaine sat piled on the mirror sitting on the bureau, and she ran to it shrieking in glee. Sully sat up on the bed, piling pillows behind him as he leaned against the headboard.
"Go ahead, sweetheart...have a toot. Nothing's too good for my little girl."
She paused for a moment, thinking of her daddy. She missed him terribly, but he didn't understand her anymore. Nobody did.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:13 PM
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Depraved Depraved is offline
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Location: Bill Moseley's nightmares
Posts: 28
Shaking her head as the burning gave way to delicious numbness, Vera-Ellen rubbed her face with the back of her hand. She felt amazing. This shit was great! The stuff back home had been stepped on more times than the sidewalk outside, but what could you do? It was a seller's market. Sully must have some serious connections. She strolled over to where he lay, and gave him a wicked smile.
"So, what do I have to do to change your mind?"
Sully lay back, propped up against the bed. He patted his crotch, and grinned. Vera-Ellen walked over to the bed and crawled along up his body, stopping at his groin to meet his eyes shyly.
"I've never done this before...I'm kinda scared."
He laughed a little, and ground his erection up against her chin.
"Just put it in your mouth, little girl. Pretend it's your favorite candy and suck, suck, suck!"
She frowned a bit, and shook her head.
"What if you hurt me?"
She looked down at his cock, straining against his stained blue jeans. Her eyes grew round, and she drew back.
"I mean, it's sooo big and all...I could choke!"
He whined a little, and reached down to take her hand. "Feel this, girlie...it's all for you!"
She blushed a pretty pink, and shook her head even more, sending her blonde curls flying every which way.
"I don't know...maybe, if you couldn't move around so much?"
He grinned at this, and said, "You know, girlie; I have just the answer to that."
He reached into the bedside table, and pulled out two black silk scarves.
"I don't usually do this right away with a girl, but you seem especially mature. You do me, and then I'll do you." He held them out to her almost desperately, lust burning in his gaze.
She said again, "I don't know...oh, I guess so."
And tied his hands tightly to the bedposts, leaving him exposed.
She crawled up him again, covering him with her heated flesh. He shut his eyes and moaned expectantly, shivering in delight as she slowly caressed his skin. He shouted out loud.
"All right! Right on, girlie!! Give it to me good!"
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:14 PM
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She straddled him as the shouting from the other room grew louder. They called out rude, terrible things; challenging her to do him right.
She intended to.
Tipping her head back, she howled like a wolf bitch, and reached down to the sheath strapped securely to her leg.
Sully started, and opened his eyes in confusion when she covered his mouth with her hand. Vera-Ellen struggled to hold his face still while she rode him, bringing the gleaming knife edge up for him to see. A thin sliver of light danced along the blade, and nearly hypnotized him with fear. His struggles ceased, and he held very still. Only his eyes moved, to follow her knife as she stroked his face with it.
"You know, Sully...we don't really know each other all that well, do we?" She giggled a little bit, and ground her pussy hard against his still straining cock. All this action was getting her excited. She was finally having some real fun. She took her hand from his face, and cautioned him with mock seriousness.
"You better keep real quiet, Sully baby; I'd hate to have my hand slip."
She put the knife to his throat, and laid the edge against his tender skin. Parting her thighs a little more, Vera-Ellen undid her fly and slid her hand in, stroking herself with her free hand. She shut her eyes for a moment and gave herself to her need. She worked herself almost brutally, moaning and eventually shrieking in ecstatic bliss.
Finally, she opened her eyes and gave him a slow smile, then tipped her head to one side, appearing mildly perplexed.
"You know, you never even asked where it was that I ran away from, did you?"
Digging the tip of her knife into his cheek, she twisted it carefully, and gouged out a divot of meat. She giggled helplessly as he jerked and twitched beneath her. Her hand moved back to his mouth as she popped the chunk of flesh from her knife to her lips. She swallowed it before his horrified eyes as he began to scream and scream.
The catcalls from the other room grew even louder. She covered his mouth again and shook her head.
"Mustn't give the game away, Sully...not when we're having such fun!"
He bucked wildly, nearly shaking her off of him. She calmly stuck the knife in his eye, holding the point carefully between his eye and his lid.
"You never even wondered why they put me in there, did you?"
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:15 PM
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He held absolutely still, eyeball fixed nervously on the knife point stuck in his eye. It hadn't punctured anything just yet, and he hoped like hell that it was going to stay that way. She shoved a rag into his mouth, and he recoiled at the foul intrusion.. The little bitch had gagged him with his dirty laundry! What appeared to be underwear, no less. His eyes watered, and he fought nausea.
Vera-Ellen looked down at him with utter contempt.
"You better not puke, you know."
Leaving the knife wedged carefully between eye and lid, she rested the haft against the bridge of his nose, got up off the bed and wandered back over to the coke. Expertly chopping up a rail, she glanced back at him, lying helpless on the bed.
"I don't want you dead just yet."
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:17 PM
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She wandered back to the rumpled bed, shading her reddened eyes from the harsh light of the bare, hanging bulb. She leaned over Sully, and shook his shoulder lightly. He cringed away, turning his purpling face from her. His left eye was swollen, and leaking bloody tears.

"Aw, honey; don't be that way now...I didn't mean to hurt you."
She sighed.
"The knife just slipped, okay?"
Smiling at him sweetly, she changed her tone of voice. With a disturbing brightness, she spoke again.
"Would a nice, fat line make you feel better?"
He nodded, but kept his face turned away. She stroked his cheek with her dainty hand, and murmured something low. He shuddered again, and wet himself. She sighed, and shook her head.
"That's not the way to earn a treat, Sully."
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:19 PM
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She brought the knife back up to his face, and stroked his cheek with the flat of the blade. He stared at her, shaking, as she patted his face with an impatient hand.
"I don't think you're even trying to have fun...I'm having to do all the work here..."
She pulled the gag from his mouth with distaste.
"So, Sully; I could really go for another beer. You know where a girl could find one?"
He worked his mouth for a moment, watching her eyes. She stood over him, knife poised. He chose his words carefully.
"There's plenty of beer in the kitchen."
She cocked her head and looked at him strangely.
"You gonna be all right while I'm gone?"
Vera-Ellen smiled, and walked to the foot of the bed.
"Now, you're gonna have to work with me here."
She yanked on the bottom sheet with both hands, and frowned as he just lay there with fear in his eyes.
"Pick your damned self up, so I can strip the bed!"
She cursed in frustration, and pulled again. This time, he complied, and shifted around enough so that she could remove the sodden sheet, leaving the mattress bare. She wadded up the urine soaked cloth carefully, managing to avoid touching the stains.
She glared at him with suspiscion.
"I really don't trust you not to be a tattle-tale, Sully."
Whipping his head back and forth wildly, he jerked away from Vera-Ellen as she moved back over to where he lay. She forced the fouled sheets between his teeth, then flashed him a picture perfect smile.
"If you're a good boy while I'm gone, I'll let you have a beer!"
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:20 PM
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She walked through the first door, and went down the narrow hallway to the second, then leaned against the door. The crowd sounded pretty rowdy out there, and she hesitated to just stroll in. She might be naive, but her mama hadn't raised no fool.

Grinning, she raised her hand and struck herself across the face several times. Her lip split under the blows, and she watched her blood spray out in a brief arc. Vera-Ellen then prodded the corner of her reddened eyes with her delicate fingernails, until tears flowed down to coat her cheeks.

Now she was ready.

Head down, Vera-Ellen opened the door and stumbled into the room, and ran right into a wide, denim covered chest. She looked up through frightened, tearstained eyes and flinched away from Clem. He grabbed her by the upper arms.
"Where do you think you're going, little girl?" he rumbled, satisfaction oozing from every pore. He held her at arms length and looked her over.
"Sully seems to have brought your snooty ass down a notch or two, huh?"
He grinned, and took her chin in his hand, forcing her to face him. She refused to look at him, until he shook her lightly.
"Well, girlie? Did he teach you some manners or what?"
In a trembling voice close to tears, Vera-Ellen replied quietly.
"Yeah, he really showed me what was up."
She met Clem's eyes briefly, then looked away.
"He sent me out here to get some supplies. I'm supposed to bring him some cold beer."
She hung her head again, turning her face away; then whispered to Clem.
"Sully says the party's over. You're supposed to clear everyone out of here."
A sob catching in her throat, she continued.
"When you're done with that, you're supposed to come back and teach me a lesson too."
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:21 PM
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She tore herself from his grasp. Clem grinned from ear to ear.
"I thought he might say something like that!"
He turned to the roomful of men.
"You cocksuckers need to clear on out of here!"
She ran for the kitchen, feeling the eyes of every man there on her.
"As soon as you asshole are gone..."
Clem roared at them with smug pride, and slapped Vera-Ellen on her ass as she ran back towards the room with the beer.
"I'm gonna get me a piece of that action!"
Shutting the second door behind her, Vera-Ellen clutched the sixpack to her chest and leaned back against it, laughing hysterically. She stumbled over to the bureau, popping open a beer against the top drawer handle. She took a refreshing pull from her icy cold brew, then turned to watch the door. Sully squirmed against his restraints, and she dashed over to him with glee.
"I thought you might like some company, Sully my friend!"
She pulled the gag from his mouth, and poured her beer down his throat, completely unmindful of his choking.
"There now...is that better?"
She heard the first door open, and reached for her knife.
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:23 PM
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She leaned down and swiftly ran the blade up the inside of Sully's thigh, just missing his femoral artery. She got a good vein, though; blood immediately poured out to soak the bare mattress. Bloody knife in hand, Vera-Ellen started giggling quietly, and dashed across the room to stand beside the door. She flicked off the light switch just in time, leaving the room lit only by the dim glow spreading under from the hallway light. Clem swaggered into the room, and stood in the doorway, peering into the room.
"Jeez, boss...why is it so dark in here?"
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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Old 10-27-2005, 07:27 PM
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As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he took his time making sense of the scene before him. He made a soft, helpless sound as it all came clear. He stood there for a moment, mouth hanging open.

As Clem stood gaping at the bloody mess on Sully's bed, Vera-Ellen darted past him, slashing him across his belly in a long movement. She brought the knife back again, twisting the blade inside him and dragging it back across. She jerked it free, and jumped back as he grunted and wheezed.
Surprise spreading across his face, he looked down at the widening slit. The weight of his entrails pushed through the opening, sliding out in a slippery rush of guts. He grabbed clumsily with hands slowed by shock, seizing at the purple-streaked sausages now slithering from his stomach. The loops in his fingers hung slack as the main body of his intestinal tract slopped over his shoes in a stinking pile.

Vera-Ellen laughed at him haughtily.
"I think I learned me a pretty good lesson, don't you?"
He looked over her shoulder, and shouted in aggreived desperation.
"Don't just stand there, Cheever! Fucking help me!"
"Gimme some sugar...and make it sweet."
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