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Old 08-17-2010, 09:07 AM
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Spookhouse Spookhouse is offline
The Andraculoid
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North Valley Abortion Clinic-Part 1

The two o'clock appointment walks into the front door. She is a lengthy woman with long red hair and pale skin covered with freckles, your typical ginger. Her hair rag-tag and messy outlined with split ends and her skin more translucent then pale. She takes a few steps to the counter and says "I'm here for my appointment."

"Name?" says the over-weight woman behind the counter as she looks up from her stack of papers. Her jowls wobbling as she forms her words.

"Pepper." she states throwing some of her hair over her shoulder.

The nurse sliders her finger down a list of names and stops over Pepper. "Yes, here you are. I'm glad you made it." She smiles up at Pepper, "Have a seat please the doctor will be with you in a few moments." Then the woman simply lowers her vision back to her stack of papers. Pepper nods and turns around walking the few feet to a chair and sits down.

Her ass isn't in the chair two seconds before the door connecting the waiting room and the surgery hall is opened and the doctor steps out smiling. "Pepper?" he states.

"Yes that's me." she stands up smiling but nervous.

The doctor takes a few steps from the door and reaches his hand out to her. "Hi. My name is Doctor Richards." he smiles with perfect pearly whites. She shakes his hand quietly. "I'll be performing your procedure today. Please step this way and we can get started." He motions with a jerk of his head towards the hallway behind him. He moves back towards the door holding it as Pepper steps in first then Doctor Richards right after.

"It's okay to be nervous." he says walking directly next to her. "Lots of people are nervous, almost everybody, even the men." he chuckles. He is a short man, shorter then Pepper, but what he lacks in height he makes up for in looks. His chiseled face and perfect combed back hair is a testament to that. Pepper keeps quiet as they continue to walk the long hall passing door after door.

"Abortion has come a long way since the days of herbal abortifacients, the use of coat hangers, and kicks down the stairs." Dr. Richard states calmly foot over foot carrying them both to the surgical room.

"Abortifi-what?" Pepper asks.

"Abortifcaients." he laughs. "It's a substance that induces abortion. Mostly consisting of tansy, pennyroyal, black cohosh, and the now-extinct silphium. Very similar to the 72-hour pill but won't cause multiple organ failure or mass hysteria." Doctor Richards looks over his notes attached to his clip board, "It won't matter any how seeing as your a little too late for that pill now." he chuckles as they continue to walk.

Pepper tries not to make eye contact with this man who seems to find funny. She was re-thinking this now. Maybe she should have this baby, it couldn't be that bad could it. But then again she couldn't afford to have a snobby messy little brat running around, she could barely afford to pay the house every night after stripping. No no, this was the best option she thought to herself. Besides this place is reasonably cheap and even though this doctor is a bit too open about this abortion thing he is cute. There is no turning back for her now she had decided, get it over with already.

"Here we are." Dr. Richard sates as he stops outside an open door smiling. "Just have a seat so we can go over a few things."

Pepper enters the pale blue room through the door frame and takes a seat in the leather chair. She swings her legs up onto the stirrups and rests her feet on the metal rings. She looked over the pale blue walls, the type of color you'd find in a new born baby boy's room. Only inside this room there isn't a crib and a mobile. There is a cold leather chair with metal stirrups and some sort of vacuum and pump sitting on the counter.

Dr. Richards closes the door and walks over to chair and still standing her glances down and says to her, "According to your sheet here this states your in your first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Now what we'll be doing for you is called Electrical Vacuum aspiration or EVA. This procedure is very common and consists of removing the fetus or embryo, placenta and membranes by suction using an electric pump."

Pepper nods, "Yes of course." she states. "Mmmhmm." as he continues to look around the room images of babies flashing through her mind. Babies playing with building blocks and babies running through the house. Children laughing and giggling. Then her mind switches over to images of infants covered in mud, covered in shit and piss. Babies covered in snot and dried baby food. She licks her lips and tastes her stale breath as he shivers a bit from the thought.

Her gaze turns to him just as he finishes telling her about the procedure. "Well shall we proceed then Pepper?" says Dr. Richard. She nods her head in compliance. "Good then I'll just give you a minute to change." he announces as he opens the door stepping out into the hallway and closes the door once more.

Visions of a new born being handed to its mother, the cord still attached to them, connecting them both in a tangle of blood and feces splashes around in her mind as she removes her shirt. Revealing a set of paid for silicone implants that were just a little off center. And the right one carrying a long scar underneath it, something that men rarely ever see during their lap dance in the dark smokey club. Snap shot of an 8 year old boy running up to his mother and hugging her fills her brain. Pepper unbuttons her pants and bend down taking them to her ankles. Then she steps out of them one leg after the other, the last leg bringing the pants up to her so she doesn't have to bend over twice. She grabs the hospital gown and slides it on, as she does she in-visions the same 8 year old boy hugging his mother. But the mother she isn't having it, she quickly grabs the child by his arm and pulls him close smacking him across the face. Another strike across the kids cheek, and another. By the third strike with an open hand and the mothers rings have flipped around and as she catches the kid with yet another smack the diamond on her wedding gashes open his cheek bone. Blood dwindles down the child's face along with teardrops as the gown comes to a settle on Pepper's shoulders.

As Pepper leans back in the chair the door opens and in walks Doctor Richards wearing his surgical mask and carrying a tray of medical utensils. He slides on his latex gloves and washes them in the sink, "This shouldn't take more then 15 minutes." he says still washing his hands. When he's done he turns around and even though his mask his covering his mouth and nose Pepper can see he is smiling. "Now if you wouldn't mind propping your feet up in the stirrups and I can get to work." Pepper nods her head yes and positions her feet within the metal rings.

"First I'm going to an anesthetic to numb your cervix." he states as he pulls up a seat between Peppers legs. He reaches over to his tray and grabs a syringe, he pushes it squirting some liquid out and then taps the clear tube. He then slowly inserts the long needle into the length of her vagina. The needle reaches about 5 inches and the doctor sticks it into the right side of her vaginal wall and injects the anesthetic. Pepper winces a bit at the pinch inside her but before the doctor can even retract the needle she can feel the numbing travel through her lower abdomen. "The hard parts over." Richards chuckles a bit as he tosses the needle onto the tray.

"Okay Pepper, just lean back and this will be over fairly soon." She takes his advice and rests her head on leather chair. Doctor Richards reaches over and grabs a pair of a dilators. These are two 7 inch long steel rods that are bent at the tops to help open the cervix which then help the doctor reach uterus. Richards slides both rods in slowly past the vaginal lips and down the vaginal walls till he reaches the tight neck of the cervix. Here he simply uses the dilators and pries the cervix open enough for the next tool. After securing the dilators Doctor Richards once again reaches to his tray and grabs a sterile cannula. The cannula is a plastic tube about 13 inches in length and bent at the top. Very similar to the tool dentists use to suck up saliva and blood in your mouth during a cleaning, except this one is made to vacuum out fetus tissue.
Both your true natures will come forth, Do not let fear and anger break you.
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Old 08-17-2010, 09:08 AM
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Spookhouse Spookhouse is offline
The Andraculoid
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North Valley Abortion Clinic-Part2

He slides this cannula in through the vaginal lips, down the vaginal hall, into the cervix and finally he breaches the uterus and rests it there for just a moment. Pepper's eyes follow the end of the cannula as it transforms into a long rubber tube connecting to an object that resembles a thermos. Dr. Richards makes a small movement revealing himself from behind her hospital gown, and towards the thermos-like object. Pepper diverts her eyes upward to the ceiling, Richards flips a switch and a small humming noise starts. Quiet at first but gets only a bit louder, then the doctor disappears again behind her gown.

The room is silent except for the hum of the thermos. Peppers eyes scan the ceiling as images of dead children flash through her mind. Infants with blue skin from suffocation where a parent rolled over on them in the middle of the night. Or a toddler bloated, with pale skin and purple lips from drowning in a bath tub, the water running. The forgetful parents down stairs watching television. And still the humming continues as Doctor Richards moves the long rod back and forth slowly in and out sucking up sticky membrane, baby tissue, and bloody clots of fetal matter.

Silence cakes the room as Pepper thinks of sudden infant death and Dr. Richards vacuums up the decidua, which is the the uterine lining and form maternal part of the placenta. And still Pepper's mind flashes with image of babies cold with broken necks and scrambled brains from shaken baby syndrome. The cannula pulls in the amniotic fluid and amniotic membrane as the doctor continues to slide the rod slowly.

Soon the humming stops and Pepper is pulled out of her trance. The Doctor removes the long plastic tube and sets it on the metal tray. He looks over from around Peppers knees and smiles through his mask. She catches his eyes but doesn't smile back. "I just need to examine your uterus and we'll be done here." he says. He again disappears behind her gown and tinkers around for a few more minutes. Checking to make sure the entire embryo had been cleared out. He then removes the dilators and sets them on the tray next to the cannula and syringe.

Doctor Richards stands up, his white gloves still completely clean, and walks towards the thermos containing the contents of Peppers used to be baby. He unhooks the rubber hose from and bottom of the cylinder and tucks it under his arm. Turning around he pulls his mask down from his face and looks to Pepper. Smiling he says, "Thank you for your contribution. The nurse will be with you in just a moment." He then opens the door and retreats closing it behind him.

She stands up wobbly but with enough balance to get dressed. And within minutes the fat lady is at the door knocking. "You okay honey?" her pudgy mouth spits through the other side of the door.

"Yes, I'm fine." Pepper calls as she slides her shirt over her head. "Can you call me a cab please?"

"Already done honey. They're outside as we speak." the flabby mouth says from outside in the hallway. "We're all waiting on you doll."

Great, Pepper thinks to herself and rolls her eyes. She steps to the door and opens it. There in the hallway is the beef pear-shaped bovine of a woman with her dumpy jowls, smiling and wheel chair parked in front of her. Pepper takes a seat in the chair and the heft woman begins to wheel her down the long hall way.

"The doctor will need to see you in two days and then again in another two weeks." she says above and behind Pepper's head. Pepper only continues to look forward down the long corridor. The wheels turn over and over till they are at the exit of the hallway and the entrance into the waiting room. As the over-weight woman opens the door she continues to explain to Pepper how she must keep clean and douche at least every other day until her last appointment with the doctor.

The fat woman continues to explain all of this as her and Pepper reach the entrance of the building. The exit back into the world. Her cab just outside, Pepper stands to her feet and begins to exit out the door. She walks to the cab, opens the door, and enters shutting the door behind her. The bulky lady from the front desk watches from the entrance door and waits till the yellow cab pulls away.

From the corner of her eyes the woman catches a young girl with brown hair walking up to the clinic doors. This girl is no more then 17 years old and as she steps to the fat lady she says, "Hi, I'm here for a four o'clock appointment."

"Your name?" asks the bulky woman.

"Ashley." states the young girl and she smiles nervously.

"Right this way and have a seat. I'll let the doctor know your here." replies rotund woman who turns and waddles back behind her desk with Ashley following behind and taking a seat. "Your 4 o'clock is here Doctor.", the lady behind the desk says into the speaker with her finger on a button.

Back behind the door to the long corridor, and down that long corridor behind a certain wooden door is Doctor Richards. Chewing and slurping, his mouth smeared in dark purple and chunky membranes, the silver thermos-like object atop his desk open. His one hand holds chunks to face feeding his hungry mouth while the other hand reaches into the cylinder pulling out more slop to cram into his mouth. blood and embryo embedded around his nails and stained down his fingers.

Your 4 o'clock is here Doctor, announces the speaker phone on his desk. Doctor Richards quickly sucks off the tissue and membrane from his one finger and pushing down on a button he replies, "I'll be right out Sheila."
Both your true natures will come forth, Do not let fear and anger break you.
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Old 08-21-2010, 02:33 PM
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I thoroughly enjoyed this :D
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Old 08-21-2010, 07:02 PM
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I concur. Nice work.
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Old 09-16-2010, 08:00 PM
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Thank you very much. I'm very glad you enjoyed it.
Both your true natures will come forth, Do not let fear and anger break you.
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Old 09-30-2010, 08:53 AM
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Definitely enjoyed it. I was totally captivated.

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