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Old 07-17-2006, 07:58 AM
joshaube joshaube is offline
Evil Dead
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Inside Man;
I don't know if I can rate/review this film fairly, since before watching it my Grandmother had spoiled the entire thing for me. That means, the twists at the end and whatnot weren't a suprise, and I didn't get the whole "first time viewing" experience at all. It also kind of made it boring because I kept thinking "So that connects here... and yeah, makes sense." like something you would do while watching a twisty-mystery for the second time to make sure thibngs actually made sense or the director just bullshitted you. I also kept wondering when the final scenes that my Grandmother explained to me would happen - making the whole build-up seem tedious. I can say this, the robber's plans were pretty ingenious, but not at all as amazing as he made them seem - and I really liked Jodie Foster's character. I want a spin-off. Hehe. The concept wasn't that original either, it's a bank robbery after all... and now that I think of it, the title's kind of a spoiler.

Sleepaway Camp 2;
A much different tone then the original. This is more hokey-pokey fun. Camp-like fun. It doesn't have as much impact as the first, and it knows it. It kind of makes fun of itself, and there are one-liners galore. Mainly from Angela's character who I really like. When comparing this Angela to the prior Peter, it doesn't make sense how one could change so drastically. But it's a slasher to be enjoyed, you can't expect things to be perfect. The death scenes are a notch up from the first film, but the effects are a step down. Very bad effects, hehe, but hey... adds to the humour. Overall this is yet another slasher I enjoyed (of the few) which prooves thst Sleepaway Camp might be (or is) my favourite slasher franchise. Due to the fact I can enjoy it, even if formulaic, simply based on the character of Angela and how upbeat she really is. Other slashers fail because they have braindead non-speaking killers, and the same sex-charged teens being killed. Nothing added, nothing fun, just constructed deaths on film which aren't that exciting.

Sleepaway Camp 3;
Oooh, this one sticks to the same path as the second. And is just as fun! Angela's back, baby... just like her cityscape graffitti claims. The oepening scne is a real hoot, and just a teaer of what is to come. Angela sticks to her past humour and personality, which once again makes this enjoyable although predictable and formulaic still. The one liners have increased, and the effects have (somehow...) gotten much, much worse! And I loved it. The rubber heads, the corn syrup blood, and Angela crushing dummy bodies in a garbage truck, and hacking away at latex organs. Classy! I guess this pretty much seals it that SAC (haw, haw...) is definately my favourite slasher franchise. It's just too enjoyable. And it has the rewatchability and movie-night-with-friends factor. How can you pass that up?

Nightmares & Dreamscapes 2: Croutch End;
I wasn't fond of the first episode at all, and got quite dissapointed in the series after it... but, this one changed my mind. I don't know why, since the whole thing on second viewing comes off as very, very lame, cheesy and poorly acted - but when I first watched it, in the middle of the night, half-asleep (may be why...) I was genuinely interested. It's such a bizzare tale, and is definately trippy. A very different step from the first episode, completely different. There are a lot of wierd camera angles, washed-out scenes, and bizzare sound effects, music, and color changes. It gives it a dream-like feel, which I assume is what they were going for. I had a gripe with the female's acting, mainy her delayed-shocked close-ups after she looked around to see a werewolf gang, the two kids, and acat with a deformed eye. The twist at the end was kind of... odd, and I didn't get why a gang of were-people were kept being shown. They didn't have anything to do with it. Or wait, maybe cat people? And they symbolized the change? Oh, who knows. I enjoyed it. I'd watch it again. I'd like it again. You... may not.

Pirates of the Carribean 2;
This is what a summer film should be, and usually is. Only this tended to be a lot more fun. It has a whole lot more humour then the first, and the whole audience was basically pissing themselves through the entire thing. Also, the budget has been stepped up quite a bit and the effects were amazing. So were the sets. Nice, colorful beach scenery, expecially in the tribal scenes, and dark, grim imagery later on when at sea vs Davey Jones. Speaking of Davey, his crew and himself were pretty much some of the best character designs ever. Part fish, part human. Very cool characteristics and looks. I had fun trying to identify what each one was. Starfish, clam, crab, lobster, squid, etc. The Kraken was also cool, but I expected it to play a larger part and have more of a character. It was kind of... just there. Though it did play part in a twist I was rather dissapointed with. Won't spoil it, but let me just say the "death" scene was not as climactic as I wished it to be. It was... forgettable. Then they just moved on and brought back a character from the first. The ending definately took a dive in the excitement factor, but I still await the third part which is probably finish NOW even though it only comes out in May, 2007 due to them filming the second and third part at the same time. Oh, and Orlando Bloom took off his shirt. Actually, it was ripped off. Mmm, he has a sexy back. (AAAHH!!! JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES EWWW)

I'll write these later...
Creep, Ginger Snaps, Jekyll + Hyde

Last edited by joshaube; 07-17-2006 at 04:01 PM.
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Old 07-17-2006, 11:36 AM
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i forgot - i saw Wolf Creek on the weekend..

suprised me how much i liked it ..
great character developement .. you actually gave a shit what happened to these people - for a change.

beautifully shot as well...

then again ,,, most anything shot in australia/new zealand is beautiful..gorgeous part of the world.
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Old 07-17-2006, 11:43 AM
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Originally posted by urgeok
i forgot - i saw Wolf Creek on the weekend..

suprised me how much i liked it ..
great character developement .. you actually gave a shit what happened to these people - for a change.

beautifully shot as well...
I liked it, too, for the same two reasons.

Last night I watched Rain Man. Had to show it to a girl who's never seen it.

In my opinion, if you've never seen Rain Man, you need to be shot.
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Old 07-17-2006, 03:25 PM
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Little Man - 3/5

You, Me, and Dupree- 1/5

Warning Signal- 0/5

Originally Posted by ferretchucker View Post
It's not rape if you shout suprise!
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Old 07-17-2006, 03:33 PM
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Originally posted by joshaube
Pirates of the Carribean 2;
This is what a summer film should be, and usually is. Only this tended to be a lot more fun. It has a whole lot more humour then the first, and the whole audience was basically pissing themselves through the entire thing. Also, the budget has been stepped up quite a bit and the effects were amazing. So were the sets. Nice, colorful beach scenery, expecially in the tribal scenes, and dark, grim imagery later on when at sea vs Davey Jones. Speaking of Davey, his crew and himself were pretty much some of the best character designs ever. Part fish, part human. Very cool characteristics and looks. I had fun trying to identify what each one was. Starfish, clam, crab, lobster, squid, etc. The Kraken was also cool, but I expected it to play a larger part and have more of a character. It was kind of... just there. Though it did play part in a twist I was rather dissapointed with. Won't spoil it, but let me just say the "death" scene was not as climactic as I wished it to be. It was... forgettable. Then they just moved on and brought back a character from the first. The ending definately took a dive in the excitement factor, but I still await the third part which is probably finish NOW even though it only comes out in May, 2007 due to them filming the second and third part at the same time. Oh, and Orlando Bloom took off his shirt. Actually, it was ripped off. Mmm, he has a sexy back. (AAAHH!!! JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES EWWW)
Thankfully Ive already seen it, but Id slap a spoiler warning on that for those who havent got to yet. Even though you dont flat out say what happens, you do hint at a few things that probably are best not hinted at...if you get my point.

By the way...(*Spoilers*)

How much more climactic did you want the "death" (Hah, like that's gonna last) to be? I hated the reasoning behind it, but thought it was a very cool looking scene.
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 07-17-2006, 04:00 PM
joshaube joshaube is offline
Evil Dead
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I agree it is sort of a spoiler, I guess I should go back and mark this. And for the sake of things...

I agree the scene looked very cool, and I loved the shot and slow-motion effect. But it seemed a little not-built-up. I don't exactly know how to explain what I feel - but I didn't feel it was impactful. Like, in other movies... deaths bring something. Characters mourn, you feel saddened, or something. Here it was just... "Oh, he's dead. LETS RESSURECT HIM!!". None of the characters were all that effected, and if you could count the final scene that only lasted, what, 2 minutes? Then they were back smiling. I would say if the film ENDED with that scene, and you didn't know if he DID die or not, and you had a flash of all the characters shocked reactions then cut to credits now THAT would be a good cliffhanger. Angering, yeah, but I would have preferred it. Even if it was hinted he might survive. But no, he died. Just like that. And now their back to bring him back to life.

PS - I also knew the ending beforehand which might have effected it for me. I read your thread, heh.


Jekyll + Hyde (looks promising), Eternal (second viewing), and Fragile (heard so-so things).

Last edited by joshaube; 07-17-2006 at 04:07 PM.
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Old 07-17-2006, 04:19 PM
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Originally posted by joshaube
I agree it is sort of a spoiler, I guess I should go back and mark this. And for the sake of things...

I agree the scene looked very cool, and I loved the shot and slow-motion effect. But it seemed a little not-built-up. I don't exactly know how to explain what I feel - but I didn't feel it was impactful. Like, in other movies... deaths bring something. Characters mourn, you feel saddened, or something. Here it was just... "Oh, he's dead. LETS RESSURECT HIM!!". None of the characters were all that effected, and if you could count the final scene that only lasted, what, 2 minutes? Then they were back smiling. I would say if the film ENDED with that scene, and you didn't know if he DID die or not, and you had a flash of all the characters shocked reactions then cut to credits now THAT would be a good cliffhanger. Angering, yeah, but I would have preferred it. Even if it was hinted he might survive. But no, he died. Just like that. And now their back to bring him back to life.

PS - I also knew the ending beforehand which might have effected it for me. I read your thread, heh.


I saw this a second time today and I really don't think the characters were back smiling so much as excited about the prospect of raising their "captain" from his grave. The whole thing has to do with curses, magic, ressurection... I think it was a good ending. I did notice (only the second time through) when Tia gets the monkey and they show him a second time he's actually sitting on somebody's big black boot. At least that's how it looked to me and if I'm right that means Barbosa was at Tia's when Jack visited. You knew Sparrow wouldn't die though, he talked about filming the third movie... I give the third movie 20 - 30 Jack free minutes.
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Old 07-17-2006, 06:16 PM
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Originally posted by urgeok

great character developement .. you actually gave a shit what happened to these people - for a change.

That's what I was trying to explain to my friends who didn't have anything to say but..''what's taking so long? it's a horror movie, when's somebody gonna get hacked?''
Whatever The Fuck Ever
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Old 07-17-2006, 06:33 PM
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Originally posted by alkytrio666
I liked it, too, for the same two reasons.

Last night I watched Rain Man. Had to show it to a girl who's never seen it.

In my opinion, if you've never seen Rain Man, you need to be shot.
So are you supplying the bullets or do I need to buy them myself?

Anyway, I just watched Dawn of the Dead '78 for only the second time. I really glad that I gave it another chance...the first time I saw it, I didnt really like it much. Now, looking back, I think it was a mix of overly high expectations plus the comany I was with. I saw it for the first time with a bunch of friends, at 1 in the morning, on a total sugar rush. This time I was calm, and alone, and I enjoyed it alot more.

I still dont think it can top Night or Day IMO, but it really is a fantastic, classic film, and I cant imagine how I didnt like it before.:confused:
"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." - Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 07-17-2006, 06:44 PM
joshaube joshaube is offline
Evil Dead
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The state you are in really does effect how you view a film. At least I find this true about myself, in a lot of cases.

I heard mixed-things about this. It was so-so, not as good as the director's past films, and even some heavy complaints. I am glad I finally got around to watching this, ignoring those remarks and hoping for the best, because the best is what I got. I don't know whether I just have awakward tastes, or like movies for the wrong reasons, but Fragile really struck a chord. I can say now that above all else, B-horror is where my fandom lies. A lot of classics, and hollywood pictures dissapoint from their hype - but B movies, and Independant flicks such as Ginger Snaps (even with it's hype) always seem to bring something to the table I can sink my teeth in to.

For this film, I had not a single gripe about it. I thought Callista did a great job on her character, and the saddened rage scenes were very well portrayed. The directing was excellent, the shots were beautiful, as were the set pieces. The effects were also rather good save some green-screening when the building begins to crumble near the ending.

Fragile is probably my favourite ghost-themed movie now. I can't recall much, and if someone reminds me, this might change - but in recent memory, this takes the cake. The ghost was very eerie, and designed well. The twist that went along with the "mechanical girl" was also very suprising, and unexpected on my part - but smart, and exhilerating.

I was thinking of saying something to this effect, before I completely finised the film; "Being the fan of cliffhangers I am, I would have preferred it if the movie had ended with the kiss, and a fade to black with her heart beat starting up, then roll credits."

But I took that all back when I saw the real ending, it was a real heartwarmer and it made me smile.

"Do you enjoy films?"
" Yes, if it's a good one."

This was one of those. Reccomended.
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