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Old 11-04-2011, 09:48 AM
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OK - So it's been a while since I've posted updates here... Here goes...

Rammbock: Berlin Undead (2010)

Pretty average and derivative zombie film. To be honest, I don't typically mind if a film is derivative (example: 2004's Shutter), that is if the film has enough to keep me interested. In the case of Shutter, I thought that it had solid acting and while it was "just another Asian ghost movie," I thought it had some good jumps/scares, good acting and writing, and was well done.

In the case of Rammbock, to be honest, I really didn't care for our main character to begin with, so that makes me lose interest almost immediately. I also didn't really care about our supporting characters. Want to see a good outbreak movie in an apartment complex? Watch [rec] or even Quarantine (I don't care what you say; I liked the remake) - But you can skip Rammbock.



Seconds Apart (2011)

Baaaahaha - Ok, it's hard to put how I feel about this movie into words... There is so much wrong with it - It's INCREDIBLY self-conscious and over-the-top (but not in a humorous way), it takes itself waaaaaaaay too seriously, it's rampant with not only horror tropes, but noir tropes as well (EVIL TWINS, MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS, COP LOOKING FOR REDEMPTION), the reveal is seriously insane... And why on EARTH would they think that casting ORLANDO JONES as a bitter detective was a GOOD IDEA?!

But... At the same time... For all of these pitfalls, the movie was actually incredibly enjoyable, even if in some odd, ironic sort of way. I kinda want someone like Fortunado or Roshiq to check it out because I think that they would find it as entertaining as I did.

It's a mess of a film, but ultimately I sat through it and enjoyed what I had just watched... Even if only ironically.

(I don't think I can give a star rating to this)


YellowBrickRoad (2010)

Buh - Talk about another mess... I actually really like the premise and the sort-of found-footage vibe:

1940: the entire population of Friar, New Hampshire walked up a winding mountain trail, leaving everything behind.
2008: the first official expedition into the wilderness attempts to solve the mystery of the lost citizens of Friar.

The acting was just so/so, the pacing was horrendous, it didn't really effectively create the creepy atmosphere that it was going for (so many scenes where it was so so close, but nooooooooot right), and the end made me bang my head against the wall.

It feels like an art school project for horror fans by horror fans and the boyfriend definitely enjoyed it more than I did, but the whole time I just felt as though it were missing critical components... Kinda like spaghetti sauce without tomatoes...


Scream 4 (2011)

Meh. Pretty forgettable, but better than the third one, I guess?

I appreciated the beginning of the movie, the "opening scenes" from the Stab films were entertaining, particularly the scene with Anna Paquin and Kristen Bell.

The thing is, the beginning of the film is clearly critiquing poor horror movie franchises while, of course, being one - I realize the concept of self-consciousness, but I really didn't see the point or need for another Scream movie - I'd prefer that the money goes into something new. Sigh.

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Old 11-04-2011, 10:07 AM
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Last seen film was The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence.

It was terrible in every way. As expected.

They do say curiosity kills the cat. It almost killed me!
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Old 11-04-2011, 10:08 AM
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The Last Broadcast (1998)

I actually really enjoyed this. A lot of people compare it to Blair Witch but it takes the approach of the documentary instead of flat-out "found footage" - It plays like an extended episode of Unexplained Mysteries or the like... Now, depending on your preference, you may find this approach (and this movie) to be incredibly boring... My boyfriend did. I, however, enjoyed it a lot - It's not a perfect movie by any means (the ending, while the statement was interesting, was a little silly), but I enjoyed it for what it was.

Not a lot of people on this board liked the movie Lake Mungo (like I did)... If you did, I recommend this.



Trick 'R Treat (2008)

My second time watching this movie, and it certainly doesn't lose its charm over repeat viewings. I really love how it plays with the myths and legends surrounding Halloween and also plays with the viewer's expectations. It's a great homage to classics like Tales from the Crypt or Creepshow. That being said, if you're not a fan of anthology horror films, stay away (my boyfriend isn't and didn't really like this movie).

I find it clever, well-made, and there are parts that still eek me out or make me squirm. I think it's a total blast and the perfect film for the die-hard horror fan.

Watch it if you haven't already.



Grave Encounters (2011)

I really liked this. I am also finding out about myself that I really enjoy the "found footage" style of film, so as long as the movie is relatively well-done I'll get some enjoyment out of it.

The acting is solid. The atmosphere is definitely creepy (made me jump a few times). The special effects, while silly at times, are forgivable because I think that this movie really does succeed to separate and alienate our (anti?)-heroes, so their fear is our own.

It's a pretty simple film-crew-goes-into-a-haunted-asylum-and-horror-ensues-found-footage-film and I'm sure that a lot of people would call it "derivative" or "a rip-off of Blair Witch" or something to that extent... But I don't care - I thought it was well done and it creeped me out, so I recommend it if you're looking for a good solid little scare.



Paranormal Activity 3 (2011)

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie - I thought that the acting was spectacular (I typically HATE HATE HATE child actors, but these little girls were fantastic), the scares were solid, and the ending/reveal was fantastic.

I could care less about the complaints of "HOW DOES THIS FILM EVEN CONNECT TO THE FIRST TWO" because, quite frankly, I actually think that it could stand on its own as a solid haunting/demon film. I really liked the ending; I thought that it was well-done and truly horrifying (nothing necessarily new to the horror genre as a whole, per se, but I thought it was well done) and there were honestly scenes where I had to grip my boyfriend's hand out of fear.

I thought that the movie had perfect pacing - While I think that the second film might have burned a bit too slowly, I think that the pacing in PA3 really brought the threat in soon and escalated it well.

Plus, I thought the special effects were great - Clearly you have someone at the helm who loves horror and who loves to play tricks on the audience members - Bravo to them.

All-in-all, an enjoyable, believably creepy, and well-done movie. Definitely recommended.


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Old 11-04-2011, 11:47 AM
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Oh, Chrono!

I can only agree with you on Trick 'r Treat & YBR. But Grave Encounters?!? I didn't find it creepy or care for the characters. Very average with cheap scares & effects (except for that rat eating scene...they done that well).

And I did enjoy Rammbock & Seconds Apart and also liked Scream 4 as I hadn't any expectation to get blew away from a 4th installment of a slasher franchise, I guess. It was simple fun with known formula. As a sequel it was at least better than SAW 4-7, IMO.

I haven't seen Last Broadcast & PA3 yet.
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Old 11-04-2011, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by ChronoGrl View Post
The Last Broadcast (1998)

I actually really enjoyed this. A lot of people compare it to Blair Witch but it takes the approach of the documentary instead of flat-out "found footage" - It plays like an extended episode of Unexplained Mysteries or the like... Now, depending on your preference, you may find this approach (and this movie) to be incredibly boring... My boyfriend did. I, however, enjoyed it a lot - It's not a perfect movie by any means (the ending, while the statement was interesting, was a little silly), but I enjoyed it for what it was.

Not a lot of people on this board liked the movie Lake Mungo (like I did)... If you did, I recommend this.

I LOVED Lake Mungo! The Last Broadcast was very good too, until the ending, when I wanted to put my fist through the TV screen, I was so angry. They totally ruined a perfectly adept mockumentary. They should have just kept the doc format running all the way the way through, kept up the mystery, and left the ending open.
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Old 11-04-2011, 01:47 PM
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Evilspeak - I loved it. Typical bullied-kid-gets-revenge story, but with Apple II's and demons! Actually brings back fond memories of my teen years.

A Serbian Film - I wasn't sure what to expect with all the hype. I decided it pretty much lives up to its reputation for the surprise ending alone, if not so much by the rest of the film. There are certainly a few over-the-top scenes which are too goofy to be effective. Overall, though, one of the more disturbing films I've seen, and well-made. Some very nice gore to boot.
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Old 11-04-2011, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by roshiq View Post
Oh, Chrono!

I can only agree with you on Trick 'r Treat & YBR. But Grave Encounters?!? I didn't find it creepy or care for the characters. Very average with cheap scares & effects (except for that rat eating scene...they done that well).

And I did enjoy Rammbock & Seconds Apart and also liked Scream 4 as I hadn't any expectation to get blew away from a 4th installment of a slasher franchise, I guess. It was simple fun with known formula. As a sequel it was at least better than SAW 4-7, IMO.

I haven't seen Last Broadcast & PA3 yet.
Baha - I liked Grave Encounters. I really did. I thought it was a solid little indie addition to the found footage style... But I can see why others didn't.

Tell me more about how you felt about Seconds Apart!! What a strange, scattered movie, huh???? Couldn't stop watching the disaster though...

Originally Posted by Q... View Post
I LOVED Lake Mungo! The Last Broadcast was very good too, until the ending, when I wanted to put my fist through the TV screen, I was so angry. They totally ruined a perfectly adept mockumentary. They should have just kept the doc format running all the way the way through, kept up the mystery, and left the ending open.
TOTALLY agree... I get the point that they were making, but thought that pulling away from the mockumentary and tearing down the fourth wall like that was a mistake... But I enjoyed the first bits enough to just ignore it.

Glad you liked Lake Mungo... I thought it was so well done and genuinely unsettling.

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Old 11-04-2011, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Q... View Post
Last seen film was The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence.

It was terrible in every way. As expected.

They do say curiosity kills the cat. It almost killed me!
Tell me more. I'm honestly curious with people's reactions to both movies... I'll probably never see them because I know they'd eek me out too much but, like you said, curiosity... What made it so awful?

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Old 11-05-2011, 01:20 AM
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Originally Posted by ChronoGrl View Post
Tell me more. I'm honestly curious with people's reactions to both movies... I'll probably never see them because I know they'd eek me out too much but, like you said, curiosity... What made it so awful?
Well, for a start, there are so many plot holes it's really hard to ignore them. The tag line of "100% medically inaccurate" is absolutely spot on. The victims would have been dead long before any of the actual procedure started. Plus, you never get to know any of the victims well enough to really care about them, so the film is totally devoid of emotion.

The acting is awful. It's probably very low budget (I can't seem to find budget details for it online) but even so, the Average Joe in the street could put in a better performance than the "cast" collected in HCII. Maybe, like first one, the one decent performance came thanks to the antagonist; Dr Heiter in the first and Martin in the second. Martin doesn't speak, which make him an interesting character I suppose.

There is also some nice references to the first film, which I won't say too much about in case of spoiling it for anyone, but used in any half-decent way the technique could be effective. However, Tom Six fails here.

But I watched it and will watch the third one, because it's something a lot of people will love to hate!

Just have the sick bag ready if you do watch!
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Old 11-05-2011, 10:52 AM
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Originally Posted by ChronoGrl View Post
Tell me more about how you felt about Seconds Apart!! What a strange, scattered movie, huh???? Couldn't stop watching the disaster though...
Normally evil twin premise seem cliched and predictable but at the very beginning; Seconds Apart comes with an interesting opening scene. There is no build up, we are thrust into this crazy story as we witness some boys become the subjects of the twins' interesting "project". It does not let down from here on in as the deaths become stranger and the storyline becomes more warped.

This film would have fallen apart if the two twin leads did not have the right look or the talent to back it up; fortunately both the brothers were impressive. They mirror each other exactly, making the scenes where they terrorize classmates all more chilling. When weaknesses start occurring in one's personality it's really nice to see how they play off each other and as their relationship change.
Though Orlando Jones is barely recognizable in his role as Detective but he wasn't terrible either. The problem mainly lies in his character like with the feeling of guilt and responsibility after his wife's death and this case seems to be a personal mission for redemption…now that's pretty cliched.
What is great about this film is that nothing really goes in a usual way; it has all the makings of a generic thriller, but the story did kept me watching to see how it is resolved at the end. The storyline with the detective is fairly predictable and it resolves itself the way you would imagine, but the end sequence was well orchestrated as the things were heating up well before they climax to a blistering end.

Overall, a surprisingly good entry from AfterDark Originals.

Last seen as our yearly 2nd Eid Holidays starts from today...

Killer Elite (2011)

Pretty solid action extravaganza but I don't see why Sir Di Nero took that part.

>>: B+

Apollo 18 (2011)

It turned out better than my expectation. Not bad.

>>: B

Satanico Pandemonium (1975)

A Keira Knightley look-alike beautiful nun intellectually goes spoiled & turns into a sexually depraved serial killer! Quite an exceptional Nunspoitation flick, loved it.

>>: B+

Smile (2009)

"Whoever that camera captures in its evil pictures...dies!":D

Horrible acting, horrible dialog but not too bad entirely. At least kudos to the team for managing a foreign location at the beginning, loved those beautiful sceneries of Morocco. Found it kinda entertaining near the end...specially the finale comes with a bit of a Final Destination style.

>>: C
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