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Old 03-29-2013, 05:14 PM
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GI Joe: Retaliation

There's a lot i liked about this and a lot i didn't. I wasn't happy with some of the choices they made with the characters they used, it felt like the whole team of good guys were comprised of minor characters and they didnt even bother using Destro.

It wasn't as cheesy as the first one but the first one also felt more like a GI Joe movie, this felt more like an action movie simply using the GI Joe name. The action scenes were pretty good though and the story wasn't terrible. If i wasn't comparing it to the first one i would say it was decent.

If you're gonna check this out though, i'd suggest waiting for the DVD.

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Old 03-30-2013, 07:27 AM
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Seen A few since my last post

Leprechaun (1993) I saw this on Paddy Dad

This movie started of quicker then I thought it would be and in the the first scenes, we already the Green little Monster.

There was very funny moment in this movie that made laugh, there some very silly moments in this movie, that don't think were that funny at times, they tried to be a little too funny.

I would have thought this movie , would have been a lot more gory then it was, there were some bloody moment, I never seen anyone get killed by Pogo-stick before.

I also liked the way, how they got rid of Leprechaun, that were some good old melting effects.

7 out of 10

Leprechaun 2 (1994)

Is back again!

This movie was no were near as decent as first one, which was just about decent with fun factor put in there.

This movie did not have any of fun factor that first movie had, The lead girl in this movie, which wide eyes and Scream, . Which was way over the top.

After that, I knew I was in tough ride. As ^ That was first scenes, as the movie went on, I got bored of it.

I left the movie on and started doing another things as well, I Don't think there was one scenes that I actually liked in this movie.

The acting was really bad in this movie as were the effects and the dull plot!

1 out of 10 (This is were series stopped for me. Even had 3 Beers before this movie, was drinking my 4th beer while it was on, that didn't even help!)

Terror Tract (2000)

Another anthology which is stable as more of dark comedy Horror movie

A a real-estate agent (Played by Late John" Ritter trying to sell a variety of houses to a young couple;

They 3 different house and they all seem have very Dark Pass!
(The first House)

A man catches is wife sleeping another, soon thing happen, when tries to revenge on her boyfriend, soon what thing lead to another, some one killed, that body was sleeping with the fishes.

This segment started of really well but as the it's went down hill really quick .

There some decent scenes that could have been really creepy but so many of those ending being fake scare.

When any another scary scenes happen you already know that already try to creep out with also the same scenes twice , one tiny thing changes in those scene,

Its got boring, I didn't really care the near the end of this story, Decent story but ruined by to many fake scare too close to each other!


After hearing that Story, the young couple didn't what to buy this house, so go to other house, which they love Until

Man tells them story about this house


Normal nice family father and daughter getting along really well, until she finds the monkey in the tree.

She ask her dad to keep it but some the Monkey hates everyone but the girl, The Dad not happy at all, Daughter is acting like a right brat, who should be slap too next year!
Never mind go to her room

The monkey soon start attacking but it's shame with only see aftermath of monkey, we don't see he attack in first few animals and people its kills.

At end, we do see attack one person in the movie, which far to late the story, I thought attack was decent.

This never really had ending, never see what happens in end of story, we only gun shot but dad was not holding the gun.

The acting was really good in this story from whole cast!


Again Young couple pass on this house

And they go too next house

Come To Granny"

Teenager who seem have psychic abilities and he goes to see a therapist, he tells her he as crazy visions in which he sees the Granny killer killing his victims. (Granny mask was very cool and funny in way).

When he gets these Visions is starts having a fit (Which was poorly acted in flash back)
then he warns her that she next Victim of the Granny killer.

This one was Decent story but very predicable and some of worst acted segment in this movie and I didn't like the Idea of Granny kill Mask.

4 out of 10

The couple refusing to buy any of the houses, The estate agent goes mad and snaps!
soon things turns nasty.

The last scenes was bloody funny, the whole neighbour hood was crazy, every house some thing bad was going on.

I give this movie 7 out of 10

The Vault of Horror (1973) Also know Further Tales from the Crypt and Tales from the Crypt II

Five strangers meet and end up getting stuck in room, so then each of them tell them a dream,

When first one

Framing Story

Harold tracks down sister as their father died, so her their father as giving her everything so, he track her down,

it's not every turn out the way he wanted to do

This was one was just about decent, there some cool twist at the end of this

movie, Did dose really a little out dated a bit.

5 out of 10

The Neat Job

The as got to be the most Stumper story I have seen, (My older brother his a bit like him) is very neatly but I don't think even, he said can't you do anything Neatly.

I found the think way of the top act, the story, the ending was planing stupid.


This Trick’ll Kill

A bit better then the last story

Sebastian and is wife are india and looking for new trick and he finds this girl. who dose a trick,

he want her trick and as he ask her to hotel room, it's her first mistake and His too.

I didn't like sound effect in story at all, it's just sounded odd..

I didn't really get the rest of , for me it made sense at all, I found its very silly and ending I didn't really get it! (This another one that felt a little outdated as well)


Bargain in Death

This wasn't to be bad, Scan between to Friends, back stabbing and then karma strikes

there one decent scarce Scene in this movie and I did I liked how story came to a end.

Drawn and Quartered

They saved the best story for last, I loved this, this was great story about Painter. who gets some voodoo pen /pins and start Draw with the them.

He pain someone, when he wants his revenge , he dose nasty stuff the pictures , which happens to them in really life, for time this movie came decent.

Some things did bother me in this movie, that would spoiler the movie over all I did enjoy the last story


Overall, This was very disappointing, then some really silly segments in this movie, the last story saved the movie a bit!

7 out of 10 ,

Body Bags (1993)

This corpse tells 3 stories about this other bodies in the morgue

"The Gas Station"

Anna who arrives for her first job at working the night shift at an all-night filling station And Bill her Boss tell her to care full of people as t a serial killer has broken out of mental hospital.

So keeps the booth Closed most of time, The short is was on edge, serving peope!

This short was good, there was some little tense moment in this movie were well done and I really liked the twist was really good and I really liked how the segment ended



Richard Who's getting bald and then when he advert on TV about miracle' hair transplant operation, and goes thought with it and really happy with results.

Soon he keeps growing in places that never meant to have year,

I not sure what to think of this one, I found this bit of weak story and Some of effects in this short.

5/10 Decent


I would say this was the best of bunch, They saved best for last!

Brent ends up losing one of his Eyes after Car Crash (Which Could have been done better) But there one nasty gory scenes in that Crash, Which I thought was decent.

When doctor tells his could get new Eye after the doctor tells and again after he also happy wit results. Until take Dark turn in the story!

I really liked this story, very well paced and some really good acting from the cast, some very wearied scenes in a good way!

I liked how the story came to end really good!


Not bad anthology the whole movie I give 7/10
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Old 03-30-2013, 07:30 AM
The Horror fan The Horror fan is offline
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Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)

I have seen once before but I Could not remember much of it in my first watch

It's no were near as good as first movie, We all that coming, There should not even been sequel to this movie, never mind 3, (4 and 5 both of these are the same movies)

I did like the sound of plot of movie, I thought it started of decent but really on in the movie is went off into r, science fiction, and fantasy.

Which just felt really wrong and Another thing I didn't like how it's was going back and forward to the real and Dream world.

It go annoying and it's happens way to many times this, some times those scene were just odd in Bad way

there were some scenes I thought decent in this movie but I don't think was one scary or shocking moment in this movie, will shock anyone!

Some of the effects were not bad but Could have been done and the acting was really good from the whole cast!

4/10 -Worth watching a least once!

Unaware (2010)

Another one those found footage movies , I have been looking forward to this movie since the trailer came.

The trailer seem great however this as got to be one the BIGGEST Disappointment's Ever!

This as got to be the most boring-est and dullest movie I have ever sat thought, there nothing really happens until hour into the movie.

Little things were like over in an flash and then panic and then it's calm down for again until last five minutes of the movie, where the movie start going and of course ends!

The scenes was okay but nothing great at all as there were no suspense in this movie at all, not sure what to thing of the Alien.

I felt I seen this done before and better in Alien Abduction: The McPherson Tape (Which not great but still miles better this movie)

And what hell was the point of that end of Credit scene, Blue sky!

The acting was wooden at times by lead Male, the Girl scream was good!

One of the worst and dullest of them Found footage movies

3/10 Very, Very, VERY! Poor! (I can't believe , That I was actually dying to see this movie, I am at my self )

The Exorcist III (1990)

This I have really mixed feeling about, It is much better the Second movie in the series but still not as Great as the first one.

But this did have a very creepy atmosphere at the start of the movie and the snap of Jesus eye opens was little creepy.

As movie went, It did kinds of lose that creepy feeling as it turn into bit more of true psychological thriller then . creepy or scary horror movie.

I did some scenes very boring to watch, I felt they drag some scenes a little to longs in this movie.

There were some strange scenes near end of the movie, Which I thought were little odd, I did find it a little funny.

There one scenes that really took me by surprised is near the end as I didn't expected this movie gory at all, then one really nasty gory scenes near the end.

The acting from everyone in this movie was really good.


Exorcist: The Beginning (2004)

I have tired to watch this movie a few times, only well, i fell a sleep in the first 2 times, I did put a bit late, so i decided to give it another today, when day was light.

Now that I have seen the whole movie, I don't think it was all that bad, there were some creepy moment in this movie that worked really.

There were really cool bloody scenes that really liked in this all though I don't think iit really fitted in this movie.

There was really calm moment in this movie, which do feel little boring at times.

The acting wasn't great in some part of the movie, I felt some of actor Could not be bother that near the end of the movie as the acting didn't look as lazy at the start.

I feel mixed feeling about this movie.


But I not sure if, i Should see Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005) - I Heard it kinda of the same! (I Will give it watch maybe next week)

The Bay (2012)

A lot diffrent then I thought it was going to be.

I liked the start of the movie, with real reports of Dead Animals that news, a few years ago.

Also liked the fact their were few other going on at the same time, Normally Found footage movie are calm and try keep tension.

This was like the normal one person hold camera movie, this different shorts CTV, Police dash boards and people seem to talking the Camera every where.

But this goes straight into the mess and I liked the Plot, It Kinda of re mind me of the Cabin Fever a little, with the whole water is infected.

The infections did look really nasty look on, Which i thought was really make up effects in this movie.

I found one scenes really chilling in this movie, Is when the police man goes into the house and who see words , how scream them,
I found that really affected

I liked the later scenes in the movie, shouting and crying coming out of me, the lady sceaming was little annoying.

The acting in this movie could have been better from some of the people, I felt that were little stale at times and there were some decent action of some of the cast in this movie.

I didn't think it would be scary or creepy, I sure did find it really entertaining.


Uninvited (1988)

A scientific corporation of ill repute loses control of its test subject--a poisonous, mutant cat

This was one bizarre movie, I did liked how the moved paced, there were some calm scenes and the cool Bloody scenes in this movie.

There were so very bad scenes in this movie, I loved it cause some of scene were so bad that they were funny.

There were some decent gory scenes in this movie for the PG 13 in 80's and Did like the idea of plot, some scenes were done right at time.

Really odd B-movie 4/5 out of 10

Conjurer (2008)

This movie as been on my watch list for really long, The trailer dose
make this movie look a lot more creepy then it is.

The movie start of well with Couple lose Miscarry the Baby , it kind at
first you felt really sorry for then.

Then movie to country side to have fresh start,

For first 20 minutes felt like this could be a good movie , some calm
scenes in this movie felt a little bland at times.

Some of those scenes do drag here and there, I felt what was point of
the wife in this movie, she barely in the movie, had no reason for her
to be in movie as most of the movie, Just show doing normal house work.

While Husband is started to bit freaked out seeing thing in this movie,

Some of the scare Scene or the Jump scenes, were not scary at all, they
tired to make it creepy by keeping far from each other but think it
failed, other scenes felt empty

The whole movie was just about watch-able and twist was decent, I had
didn't see it coming at all but this dose leave some plots holes in the

( I heard cast and crew were actually haunted on set, and those stories
they told were a lot creepy then this movie )

The acting from two mane lead were really were bad in some scenes, as
some scenes were almost un -watchable.

4 out of 10

Last of the living (2009)

This another that been on my watch list for long time, I have tired watch before, As this very low budget movie, it did put off.

A contagious virus is turning everyone into zombies, and the only hope for survival lies in the hands of three couch potatoes.

The movie starts just liKe 28 days later, when Man in mid 20's is walking around empty street and News flash of it at the start of what going on.

As Its went to meant to Horror comedy but I didn't find any of zombie that scary at all, some were very stranger then others, some doggey make up effect and it wasn't really that gory at all.

Felt same scenes were getting repeated over and over again and those scenes end up dragging at well, I do mean killing Zombie scenes. well.

I don't think I laughed more then once, The thing that I laugh was not really that funny but I didn't find any of other things funny at all.

The acting was really tame time from most of the cast, at the ending what was with shouting, that way, way over the top.

Ending was predictable and kind boring for zombie to end that way!

3 out of 10
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Old 03-30-2013, 08:12 AM
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That fucking Guy...

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Caught the ass-end of "American Ninja 2"...have recently grabbed all of those films on a whim.
Wow...I used to love these movies, and while the first was not bad, I felt like this one was terrible.
Will still watch the rest though.
Too bad about Michael Dudikoff never really taking off too much, have only seen him in maybe 3 movies aside from AN 1, 2, and 4.

I hear the fifth one isn't even part of the series, rather a cash-in rename of another film starring one of the guys from the latter part of the series...as a different character.
Looks almost like a kids film from what I've seen.

Will get around to all of it though, I suppose.
Still love seeing ninjas getting projectiles thrown at them.

...Never really seen a "serious" ninja movie, is there any?
I know there were quite a few ninja themed movies in the 80's, though I never really saw any.
The last "modern" ninja movie I saw was "ninja assassin" which was fun but really pointless.
Does Azumi count? That one I could dig, even if it was a living manga.
The door opened...you got in..:rolleyes:
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Old 03-30-2013, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by cheebacheeba View Post

Will get around to all of it though, I suppose.
Still love seeing ninjas getting projectiles thrown at them.

...Never really seen a "serious" ninja movie, is there any?
I know there were quite a few ninja themed movies in the 80's, though I never really saw any.
The last "modern" ninja movie I saw was "ninja assassin" which was fun but really pointless.
Does Azumi count? That one I could dig, even if it was a living manga.

Have you seen American Samurai, also starring David Bradley (as well as Mark Dacascos)?

I remember liking that one. Not ninja but tournament flick.
I'm right. It's the rest of the world that's wrong.
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Old 03-31-2013, 12:14 AM
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Last night "Paranormal Activity 3" was on TV... I'm sick at the moment and didn't have anything better to do, so I thought "oh why not". Although it's better than the first one, I wasn't very impressed.
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Old 03-31-2013, 08:15 AM
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Rest Stop ( 2006) I don't why but for few weeks, I got this mixed up with Drive Thru (2007), A few year ago, least Drive Thru was a lot fun to watch and really enjoyed). (Funny both of these movie 4.4 IMBd site) both went to Straight to DVD

A young couple seem to go on a road, they almost get hit my another car, only for boyfriedsn to angry shout abuse at the driver before it's drivers off.

They come to rest stop, where the girl goes nasty bathroom and come back out to see her boyfriends gone, first she thinks a Joke.

I found the whole movie was jokes, cause felt so bored after all that happened and then movies just kept on going aroudn and around and around in circles and those scenes were not that good at all.

They were not scary or tense or anything there really flat from start to end of the movie, I Could wait for the movie for come to end.

Just before 45 minutes I was trying really hard to fall a sleep as I thought the movie could be better in the last of movie,

I was wrong there too as is stayed in that bleke flat zone and the acting was all over the place of Girl, could not take her serious at all. (In few scenes she clam and the next crying and going of the top and some scenes act like she read from the script.

The whole movie was very Predictable, nothing not really done in other horror/thrillers movies, I done much better then this.

There one scenes that I really liked in this movie, which I thought was really stranger and very odd in good but that scenes was really point-less as it had nothing little main plot the movie.

2/10 Avoid it , That one scenes is not worth it to sit through this mess

I won't be seeing the sequel at time soon!
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Old 03-31-2013, 11:35 AM
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Silent House (2011)

Been holding off on this one for a while cause I kinda knew what to expect with a movie like this. Over all it wasnt too bad just a little slow.

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Old 03-31-2013, 01:01 PM
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The Awakening (2011)

Genuinely impressed with this moody, brooding, creepy thriller. Reminded me a lot of The Others and Woman in Black in that it's a successfully atmospheric haunting tale. Adored Dominic West, whom I had only previously seen in The Wire.

What I think what really impressed me about this was that the ending, while perhaps a bit overdone, actually wrapped the story up quite well - I'm typically suspicious of "twists," but it really worked well here. Nice slow-burner.



ParaNorman (2012)

I love animated films. I love claymation. I love horror. And I really loved Coraline, so I was very excited about this one coming out from the same studio... But while it was absolutely stunning, I thought that the characters were silly, unbelievable, and 2-dimensional, the dialog was really lazy, and the story, while not bad, was just executed poorly. Huge disappointment for me because I really thought the animations was stunning.

Watch Frankenweenie instead. Best animated movie of the year, hands down, and Burton's finest period.


The Giant Mechanical Man (2012)

Cute Jenna Fischer in a cute indie romcom.


For a Good Time, Call... (2012)

I'm all for chick-flicks, but this was just lazy, lame, and predictable. And - SPOILER - you don't even get any real girl-on-girl action. Damn.


Admission (2013)

HA! Never have I been so thankful for free movie passes - This was awful. Just really really awful. I needed a Girls' Night Out movie and I figured - Hey, I like Tina Fey - I like Paul Rudd, how bad can it be? Oh, it can be bad. Very very bad.

I was hoping for a dopey romcom but this was an oddly ill-conceived drama. Also it had a random cow birthing scene.


Wow, my most recent movie- watchings have been mostly disappointing... Going to have to remedy that...

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Old 03-31-2013, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by ChronoGrl View Post
The Awakening (2011)

Genuinely impressed with this moody, brooding, creepy thriller. Reminded me a lot of The Others and Woman in Black in that it's a successfully atmospheric haunting tale. Adored Dominic West, whom I had only previously seen in The Wire.

What I think what really impressed me about this was that the ending, while perhaps a bit overdone, actually wrapped the story up quite well - I'm typically suspicious of "twists," but it really worked well here. Nice slow-burner.
I really liked that one too although i thought certain aspects of it could've been better. The scary atmosphere was done really well though and i definitely agree with you on the comparision to Woman in Black and The Others.

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