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Old 06-29-2004, 01:53 PM
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Originally posted by bwind22
I just sold an uncut version to kpro about a month ago.
Hell yeah and it was fucking awesome to... thx Bwind...

Jesus had a tough life. I read about that guy. Jesus is the only guy that ever came back from the dead that didn't scare the F--- out of everybody!
-Sam Kinison
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Old 06-29-2004, 07:51 PM
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No prob, dude!

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Old 01-19-2005, 01:07 AM
42ndStreetFreak 42ndStreetFreak is offline
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Just dug this up...And i could not beleive what i was reading!!!

Speculation on whether the deaths in "Can Holo" were REAL???!

Are you guys fucking serious?

You are a tabloid paper's dream come true.

"I find it hard to beleive the guy did not have his dick chopped off"??
and.do you really have to ask the question????...
so....zwoti... are you saying that dude's dick really did get chopped off?
It's a movie!
A movie that got a widespread, international release on cinema, VHS and DVD...A movie that has actors who have worked in other films and who give interviews.....
and you are even contemplating that ACTORS were really killed??? Murdered??!!

The onl real deaths are documentary film deaths...NOTHING to do with the actual movie or it's actors!

You sound like the idiots who wrote garbage like 'Snuffed Out' in the UK papers over Video Nasty films!

Use your heads!
Or at the very least stay WELL away from this film and it's ilk.
Stick to Freddy.

And guess what? "Blair Witch Project" wasn't real either...yeah...*shock*:rolleyes:

Last edited by 42ndStreetFreak; 01-19-2005 at 01:13 AM.
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Old 01-19-2005, 03:46 AM
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Judging by your response, freak, you didnt read the entire thread, and if you did, you appear to have missed something. Zwoti cleared everything up, and the basic idea of a snuff film is possible enough, so it was a valid question.

I have no personal interest in CH, but shit on someone else's curiosity about it.
Some misguided people decided I was funny enough to pay. See if they're right:
(I tweet pretty hardcore, too)
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Old 01-19-2005, 05:13 AM
42ndStreetFreak 42ndStreetFreak is offline
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Bullshit! It was not a valid question at all!!
Nothing should have needed 'clearing up'!
For Christ sake how can anyone defend such crap and treat it with even the faintest bit of respect?

It was valid to ask if an actor was really killed and mutilated by the film maker? SERIOUSLY? You think that?

And all those guys Bruce Willis shot...never got up again.
And "ET" really came down.
And Jason really sliced and diced all those unfortumate actors.
And none of the "Blair Witch" actors were ever seen again!!

Crap like this makes my blood boil!

This kind of 'snuff' bullshit is the garbage 10 year olds say in school playgrounds (but they obviously have an excuse!!) and the propaganda that Censorship groups spread try to get films banned and cut!
And that this mind-set is being spouted in a hORROR FORUM is sad indeed!

With friends like these the horror genre needs no enemies!

Deodato..film maker in various genres, who makes films released all over the world to be seen in public, who works with many actors some more than once, who works on TV and who gets interviewed about his films........
KILLED someone in his movie??? Yeah..right...
What planet do some of you guys live on!?

It's not only insulting to the horror genre to say that 'these' types of people that make 'these' types of films would MURDER ACTORS but an insult to horror fans with even half a brain to have in their ranks idiots who think directors might have killed people for real!!

Such people make us all look like the dumb fuck, moronic horror fan cliche many of us have tried for years to leave behind!

"Hey dude..you hear about this film? they supposedly kill people for real on set"!
"Really? Gross dude"!

This is Beavis and Butthead mentality in full flow!

That these moronic questions were even asked is bad eneough...but to then have someone defend the right to ask them?!

Perhaps some people really should stick to "Rugrats" cartoons and do us, the horror genre, films in general and themselves a real big favour!

Oh and I guess the actor who had his dick chopped off must be a REAL sport...as he went on to appear in "City of the Living Dead" and then back to the cannibals again for "Cannibal Ferox"!
Not bad for a dickless dead guy!!
:mad: :rolleyes:

Last edited by 42ndStreetFreak; 01-19-2005 at 05:15 AM.
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Old 01-19-2005, 07:29 AM
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good points ...

but you are taking the stance that all horror film fans are stable sensible people.

there ARE tons of 'horror fans' out there that dig on the reality of the gore only. Why do you think the 'faces of death' shit exists anyway ? to appeal to the 'sound of music crowd' ?

I understand the frustration at the confusion over whats real what isnt ... yes the movie is a legit release albiet not popular release ...
Yes there is a faux attempt - a la Blair Witch - to make it look like a documentary ...

But to say this kind of conversation gives horror fans a bad image ?

c'mon ! how many critiques are already on this forum where people complain about the lack of gore in a film ? a lot more than the 'lack of style - or social relevance' complaints.

There are a lot of folks attracted to the blood and guts - i used to be.
I think i've grown out of it .. it doesnt really do it for me anymore.
Actually - if it is completely nuts and unrealistic (99% of Evil Dead)
then i find it funny, i love the wild entheusiasm - but the realistic gore (i.e. - people committing violent crimes against each other) i'm getting pretty tired of it ...
It's just getting too close to whe you see in the papers.

I guess it's true .. getting older can possibly mellow a fella depending on what he's been exposed to.

But the vast majority of horror fans are young guys who seem to view exposure to blood and guts as a rite of passage ... I'm a tough guy - i can handle this shit ... well, good for you. your medal is in the mail.

To sit back and try to protect the 'image' of us fright fans like the poppa smurf of horror is kind of a shallow endevour..

People dont care as much as you think. You talk about the past when people scorned the works of James Whale, etc ... well it certainly didnt affect the business did it ? Horror films have been made .. progressivly more violent and graphic. Some times the censors tighten up .. and then they relax again ... cycles.
Reactions to the public demands ...which come and go like the tide.

This is basically a long winded way to say .. relax ... unknot your panties and stop worrying about the image of the fans ...
They'll be making horror films of ALL kinds long after you or I or anyone else here is long gone.

Last edited by urgeok; 01-19-2005 at 08:21 AM.
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Old 01-19-2005, 08:46 AM
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and the moral of the story is....

.....always make sure you check thats it's ok to make threads on certain subjects, before you press that submit button, otherwise some readers may throw their toys out the pram.
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Old 01-19-2005, 09:33 AM
42ndStreetFreak 42ndStreetFreak is offline
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What has gore got to do with anything?
What has a love of gore got to do with anything?

Your whole post missed the point. And wasn't about anything i said!

Liking gore has nothing to do with asking the moronic question..or even contemplating the thought...about whether or not Ruggero Deodato murdered actors!!!

This has nothing to do with what kind of film people like or the content...it's to do with idiots asking if a film maker MURDERED someone!
And that such a question..or even such a thought is in any way anything but absurd!

And what has age got to do with anything??? I know a few young horror fans on message boards, but none of them are sdumb enough to ask if people were really killed in "CH" or did the guy really have his dick cut off!!!
Age is yet another point that has nothing to do with my post. (children aside)

Shanks...you're either 10 years old or an idiot.
Either way, stay the hell away from anything over a PG.
Your mentality is evey right thinking horror fan's worst fucking nightmare!

I'll say it gain...
This kind of 'snuff' bullshit is the garbage propaganda that Censorship groups spread try to get films banned and cut!

Last edited by 42ndStreetFreak; 01-19-2005 at 11:05 AM.
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Old 01-19-2005, 09:58 AM
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no, i think i addressed a number of your points ...
I aknowledged your frustration at what upset you .. the real vs staged deaths ...
you also mentioned the horror fan cliches ..and potential 'enemys of the genre' i addressed that as well ..

I'm a huge fan of the horror genre ... have been for over 20 years. I'm not a moron and i don't take Shanks to be one either ..

But I'll tell you .. i've seen my fair share of morons that do love horror .. and every other genre ...

Shanks isnt exactly sinking the ship here.

The filmmakers should be bloody proud (pardon the pun) that the make up effects made a fan question their authenticity at all !
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Old 01-19-2005, 10:22 AM
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ET isn't real?

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