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Old 02-12-2015, 12:48 PM
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anglewitch anglewitch is offline
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I forgot about you typing 15 more chapters again LOL.
Wtf do you want?
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Old 02-18-2015, 06:32 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Wentzville, MO
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Chapter 13
The next few weeks where fun but I got increasingly anxious. I was in class when she noticed the writing in the drawer. I was doing my work and noticed while trying not to look like I was looking that she saw it. Her eyes grew huge, I saw her get uneasy. She wiggled in her seat a little and just stared at the words for a good couple of minutes. In my head she was trying to find a reasonable explanation. Maybe that had been there this whole time and she just hadn’t noticed it. She was backtracking and thinking of all of the strange things happening lately. She had to think back to the feeling that someone had been in her room, and the fact that she hadn’t been able to find her keys in days. Worry racked her face and I could see that she wasn’t sure how to respond. She closed the drawer and composed herself. Then went on writing my grades in the folder she had removed. I smiled to myself, that was awesome.
I had started making noise at night. It seemed like the next logical step in getting to her. After I was sure she was asleep, I would run down the hall real fast, loud and occasionally hit the wall by her door. Then I would rush back into my bed before she could muster up the courage to explore. Then when she asked me about it, I would tell her that I didn’t hear anything.
One time I thought she caught me, I had just jumped back into my bed and I heard her door close and then footsteps come down the hall. My door opened very slowly. I tried my hardest to control my breathing, it was hard because I was completely out of breath. She walked all the way over to the bed and put her hand on me. I didn’t respond and continued to fake sleep. After a minute she went back out of the room. It was exhilarating. After about fifteen minutes I slid out of bed and tiptoed down the dark hallway. I slid into the little storage room and very carefully moved all of the stuff out of the way so I could see into her room.
Edith sat on the edge of her bed with her face in her hands. She was crying. I could smell the salt in her tears. I was so happy, my games where working perfectly and so much fun at that. I watched as she tried to compose herself twice and failed. She balled for an hour and I sat there with my eye pressed against the small hole soaking all of it in. Finally she stood up and walked toward the door. Concerned she was going to come out and that she would catch me, I jumped back, quick and quiet and covered the hole. I sat there in the tiny dark closet and waited. I heard her walk away down the hall and then down the stairs. I let out the breath that I had been holding and opened the door. At first I thought I would just head back to bed. But I changed my mind.
I walked as quietly as I could to her door. Turned the knob gently and went into her room. I was terrified that she would come back quicker than I had expected. How would I explain being in her room in the middle of the night. But I pushed all of that to the back of my mind. I wanted to do something that would really get her attention. I wanted to bring all of this to a head. I was fast, and determined. I took a tube of bright red lipstick from her bathroom, I have never seen her wear any makeup and was a little surprised to find it. I slid the window in her room open and leaned out of it facing upward. I wrote on the outside of the window in quick messy letters that looked nothing like my own writing, “Im coming.” I closed the door and drew the curtains closed. I rushed as fast as possible back to the bathroom to put the lipstick back, but I decided to keep it. As I was about to come back out of the bathroom I heard the bedroom knob turn. I hadn’t heard the footsteps approaching, I must have been too caught up in what I was doing. I wanted to panic but remained in control. I quickly stepped back into the bathroom and through the door into the guest room. I heard her close her door as I was closing the door to the guest room. I walked softly but as fast as I could back to my room. I didn’t want to risk getting caught any more tonight. Although I was very disappointed that I wouldn’t get to see her reaction. I climbed into bed, feeling great about myself and really looking forward to tomorrow.
I woke up early the next and got ready for the day. I think I am going to spend some time outside today. Sarah was probably starting to feel like I was ignoring her. I hadn’t talked to her in a while, I have been so caught up with other things. I grabbed my pellet gun from the corner of my room and the box of pellets and headed outside. I noticed as I passed through the kitchen that Edith hadn’t been down there yet. My mind raced, I thought maybe she hasn’t opened her curtain yet. I ran out of the house and around the corner to the side of the house that my and Edith’s windows where on. “Yes!” I heard myself yell. I could see the writing and the curtain was still pulled across it. She must be tired from last night and sleeping in. This is perfect.
It was a beautiful Spring Saturday morning. The trees had just started growing back their leaves and the there was a brisk wind blowing through the tall grass out in the field beyond the yard and before the forest. I scavenged a few soda cans out of the recycling and sat them up on a tree stump about fifty feet from the house. I could hardly restrain myself from staring at the window. I started pumping round after round into the cans. My mind was with Edith as my trigger finger pulled off shot after shot into the little metal cans.
I lost myself between the image in my mind of Edith finding the writing and the thoughts that would shoot through her mind and the metal tinging sound as the pellets hit the cans and I reloaded. I almost missed the sound, a fairly light scream shoot through the air as I was refilling the little clip. It was muffled through the closed window and the thick stone sides of the house, but I heard it. I spun around instantly and looked up. I could see Edith’s face with her hands over her mouth trying to hold in the scream. At first she was staring directly at the words. Then I saw her catch me in the corner of her vision. I stood straight up and looked up through the window and smiled at her. Confusion washed over her face and even from this distance I could see the color drain from her face. Then she fell.
This is the time. She passed out after connecting the dots and realizing that she wasn’t crazy. Now was the time for me to act. I ran as fast as I could for the back door. I pushed it open hard and it slammed into the wall. Tossing the pellet gun onto the table I ran up the stairs pulling my jacket off as I went. I ran full steam down the hallway and surged into her bedroom.
Edith laid there on the floor. A little bit of blood dribbled down her cheek from a gash in her nose. She must have hit the window sill as she went down. She was still but I could see her chest breathing. The rest of the room looked exactly like it had the night before when I snuck in and wrote on the window. I was acting on pure instinct. I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do because I honestly hadn’t planned on her fainting. Options ran through my mind, I could tie her to the bed, I could take her downstairs and tie her to a chair. But I needed something that would make for easy cleanup. Then it hit me like a freight train. The fort! It’s secluded and I already have most of my tools out there. But how the hell am I going to get her out there? Unfortunately, I am still just thirteen and she is a bit bigger than me.
She started to stir a little and I realized my window was narrowing. I grabbed a pillow from the bed and took off the pillow case. I put it over her head. I took off my belt and wrapped it around her ankles tightening it down as much as possible. I was getting more and more excited as I went. I could hear the voice in my head cheering me on “Yes, tie her up, this is going to be so much fun.” I ran into her closet and rummaged through all of the things hanging there. I came back out with a thin blouse. I used one of the arms of the blouse to tie her wrists together. I could hear her starting to make noise and she was pulling on her bindings slightly. I grabbed her wrists and pulled her still mostly limp body over to the closet door. Using the other arm of the blouse I attached her bound arms to the door handle of the closet as tight as I could.
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Old 02-18-2015, 06:33 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
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I stood back and watched as she started to pull on the blouse and wriggle her feet. I smiled, feeling pretty damn proud of myself. I heard her say “What the hell is this, Michael? Are you here Michael?” I giggled a little and gave myself away. She yelled out “Michael, this isnt funny! What do you think you’re doing?” I didn’t say a word. Leaving the room I was thinking “I really need to get the fort ready.” I walked downstairs and grabbed the pellet gun, feeling pretty secure in how well she was tied up I decided I would go and prep the fort.
I walked through the back door and out into the woods. It was still pretty early, only maybe noon. The sun was warm and pleasant and the birds and other little animals had begun coming back to the forest. Lucky for them, I wouldn’t need any of them for a while. I have a new toy.
I came out of the forest into the clearing and walked up to the now pretty old fort. Walking through the door I noticed that I must have grown some sense the last time I spent time out here. I had to duck a little to get through the door. I could still stand upright inside though. I looked around the little room trying to figure out the best way to do this. I moved the table to one of the far walls and picked up my action figures. I thought about putting down a curtain or another tarp over the floor to catch whatever I spilled but I decided that I wanted it to soak into the dirt. After feeling comfortable that there was plenty of room to work I went into the woods and got four tree limbs around four feet long and as big around as my wrist. I spent the next two hours hammering the limbs down into the ground until only about eight inches still showed. This should be perfect. Now for the hard part.
I walked back to the house feeling satisfied with my prep work and feeling very confident with how things were progressing. The walk back was calm and the forest was alive with the sounds of the little critters running through the leaves and the birds fluttering from tree to tree overhead. I felt very alive and ready to do what needed to be done, in order to start my future. The voice in my head told me “This is the beginning of something incredible. You are going to change the world and leave a mark that no one will ever forget. I’ll be here with you the whole way. This is the first day that you are officially a man.” Every word that rang through my head made me more confident, made me feel stronger.
I approached the house from the side that Edith’s window is on. For a brief moment I thought I saw the dark outline of my mother in Edith’s window. I veered off my route and stopped at the shed outside. I grabbed the bundle of rope and wheelbarrow. “These should be enough to get her out there.” I thought. Then I pushed the wheelbarrow up to the back door and grabbed the rope before I headed inside.
The house was very still. I couldn’t hear anything. “Maybe she gave up trying to get away.” I stopped at the fridge and grabbed a soda before climbing the back stairs with the rope over my shoulder. I walked down the hall to Edith bedroom. Very carefully I opened the bedroom door. Being as quiet as I could I slid inside? Edith was still sitting with her back to the door. Her hands above her head had turned bright red, maybe even purple. She struggled so much that she had lost circulation. The belt was no longer around her ankle and her feet were free. I snuck up to her very slowly and then yelled “BOO!” her whole body convulsed and she screamed. It was a beautiful sound. I started laughing uncontrollably. I couldn’t wait to hear more.
She started kicking her legs and yelling gibberish. It seemed like maybe she had lost it in the few hours that I left her alone. She yanked and tugged at the blouse around her wrists. I leaned back against the bed and sipped on the soda I had grabbed downstairs. When there was a break in her screaming I said “You know all that screaming is doing nothing for you. I can even understand what you’re saying.” Then another round of yelling and curse words. I couldn’t believe she could even say such horrible things. I let her go a while longer trying to figure out how to re-bind her legs without getting kicked. All of the struggling and screaming must have worn her out because by the time she was done it looked like she could barely move.
I spoke up and said “Edith, you’re going to need to calm down and accept the situation your in.” Through her anger and tears she said “What situation, I don’t even know what’s happening?” I chuckled a bit “You’re going to be part of something incredible. I am becoming a man today and you’re going to get to play a pivotal role.” She tried to scream but her voice was worn out. She said “You’re going to rape me? I won’t let you Michael, I won’t let you!” She doesn’t know me at all. “I’m not going to rape you, I’m not a monster, plus you’re old. Just understand that your day is going to get worse. Now, I have a 9mm that I bought online, don’t fight with me or I will end your life right now. If you follow my orders you’ll be fine.” She said “You promise, Michael. You’re not going to hurt me if I do what you say?” “Absolutely not.” I said in return. “Now will you walk for me?” She said trying not to show how scared she is “Yes.” I walked over to her and untied the part of the blouse securing her to the door.
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Old 02-18-2015, 06:35 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
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Location: Wentzville, MO
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After I helped her to her feet, I asked her “Edith, can I trust you not to do anything crazy? I want to be able to trust you.” Edith replied “Take the pillow case off of my head Michael. I can’t see where I am going and if I am going to trust you, then you have to trust me.” I thought about it for a second but then I realized that she would know I didn’t actually have a gun and she would try to get away. I said “No, Edith, but if you don’t walk I will get you downstairs another way.” She hesitated and then said “Ok Michael, I guess I have no choice.” I put my hand on her back and directed her to the door. When we got to it I stopped her and told her to open it and step out into the hall. She did without incident.
As soon as she stepped into the hallway she split. I was a little dumbfounded. She ran down the hall grabbing at the bag on her head trying to pull it off. In her panic it didn’t look like she could quite get it all the way off and she reached the end of the hall at a full steam and ran straight into the wall. By this time I was running as fast as I could behind her, the old bat was quick. When I saw her make contact with the wall, she stumbled back a couple of steps trying to regain her balance. She wobbled to the left then to the right and just as I reached her she tipped over.
The end of the hall takes a sharp right and the back stairs are there. I watched in slow motion as she fell down the stairs. She fell rolling over and over down the stairs, bouncing off of the walls. I couldn’t help myself and I started laughing. I laughed so hard I was crying. After I mopped up the tears with my sleeve I went to the bottom of the steps. She we out again. But she did the hardest part for me so all I needed to do was get her outside and into the wheelbarrow. I climbed over her body stopping for a second to make sure she was still breathing, and opened the door to the back yard.
Un-wedging her ragdoll body from the bottom of the stairs was a little difficult but after I got her dislodged I grabbed her ankles and dragged her out of the house and over to the wheelbarrow. She weighed in around a hundred and ten pounds. She wasn’t incredibly heavy but I was only thirteen and maybe one thirty soaking wet. I pulled her up to where she was standing hunched over in front of me and just pushed hoping that she would land in the wheelbarrow without tipping it over. I remember thinking to myself “I really should plan this better next time.”
After making sure she was secure I started to cart her out to the woods. It went pretty smooth, we have a nice two wheeled wheelbarrow and it carried without a problem. As I was walking I was trying not to think about all of the possibilities, all of the things I wanted to experience. No matter how I tried to distract myself the excitement kept sweeping over me and my mind kept drifting back to Edith. She would make someone an awesome grandma wherever she was going.
The wheelbarrow bumped along over little rocks and sticks until I broke through the threshold into the clearing. I had worn a small path through the tall grass from walking back and forth so many times but the path wasn’t big enough to make this easy. I pushed the wheelbarrow as hard as I could to get it to plow through the high grass on either side of the path. It took a lot out of me to shove it that last fifty feet or so. Finally we came to the area around the little fort that had been clear for some time. I wheeled her around to the door. Of course the wheelbarrow was too wide to roll through the door. Then the memory of carrying shovel full after shovel full of dirt to the doorway when I was digging the hole for the coyote trap danced through my mind.
I looked down at Edith’s face, she looked so serene. Like nothing was wrong at all. I wondered if she was dreaming. If she was, what about. I imagined briefly that it was a pleasant dream, the last one she would have. I sighed with a huge smile on my face and tipped the wheelbarrow forward spilling her limp body through the doorway. “I should probably hurry, she should wake up soon.” Moving the wheelbarrow out of the way I stepped past her and reached down to grab her wrists. My fingers wrapped around her limp wrists and I pulled hard enough to drag her across the dirt floor to the center of my sturdy spikes. With the rope that I grabbed from the shed I tied her wrists and ankles to the posts as securely as possible. Then I ran rope around her throat just tight enough to hold her in place but not tight enough to choke her. I walked that rope to the side of the fort and fed it through the logs that made up the wall. “That will hold you in place.” I thought to myself.
Having her tied up tight and feeling confident that there was no way she could get away from me again, I positioned all of my tools on the table just to the side of her. Everything that I would use laid out in perfect order. Everything clean and ready. I had my trusty pocket knife, my drill, and a pair of pliers. I thought to myself “This should be perfect.” I took the rabbits foot that I made into a necklace all those years ago out of my pocket. I had been keeping it on a nail on my wall. For some reason I didn’t feel like it should be worn. I pressed my lips against it gently. When I did the memory of how I got it rushed through my mind. I sat it next to my clean shiny tools. Last but not least the first aid kit that I had kept in the fort sense the coyote incident. I would need this if I wanted to do everything I meant to.
After being completely sure everything was in order and checking the ropes again I decided to lay down with her and wait for her to wake up. I laid as close to her body as I could and rested my head on her chest. I listened to her steady heartbeat and slowly drifted off. She would be awake soon and we have so many things to do.
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Old 02-24-2015, 10:48 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Wentzville, MO
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Chapter 14
“Where am I?” I said out loud. Everything was so dark. I wasn’t in the fort anymore. I felt so alone but at the same time I felt like there where a hundred eyes on me. I looked around trying to get some sort of idea where I was. It didn’t seem like there where walls and there was no light at all. I looked down and couldn’t even see the floor. Then out of the darkness I saw two red dots. Eyes, bright red eyes. Then two more, then more. They were lighting up all around me. There weren’t just a hundred eyes but thousands. I spun in circles feeling scared and intrigued. Then blinding light as flames shot up from the ground and temporarily revealed the sources of the eyes. Thousands of demons, some huge, some small. Dripping fangs, some looked like lizards some like people. As quick as I could see them the world fell back into darkness. I let out a loud scream, it echoed all around me, then they started screeching as well. I could feel them getting closer, I could feel the drool and saliva dripping on me. Then the fire again and they were all around me, pressing down on me.
There was another shrill screech and my eyes shot open. My heart was racing and I was trying to regain my composure. Edith laid next to me screeching into the room. I must have fallen asleep, the dream felt so real. I took a couple deep breaths and tried to calm myself. It was hard to do with this wretch next me making so much noise. I turned to her and said as calmly as I could “Please shut up or I’m going to have to gag you.” She kept up the screaming and I screamed back “Shut up now or I’ll give you something to scream about!” Her screams stopped and she said through a cracking voice “Why are you doing this Michael? What did I do to you?” I laughed and said “Nothing, you did nothing, your innocent and will find your place in heaven. I plan on doing some amazingly terrible things to you, you’re going to suffer, and you’re going to feel a pain you never knew existed. Then you will die and you will go to wherever you go.” She looked terrified but steadied her voice and said “You couldn’t do that Michael, you’re too good.” I smiled at her and got to my feet.
I walked over to my table and took my shirt off. I picked up the rabbits foot, again pressing it to my lips and put it around my neck. Then picking up the little pocket knife I asked “Are you ready Edith? This is going to hurt, but they tell me if you concentrate hard, you can find pleasure in the pain.” She started screaming again, but I instantly tuned her out. A feeling of wonder washed over me. I could feel the other me step up and take the reins. I heard him laugh in my head and I laughed out loud. We were one, and together we were going to experience this amazing moment.
We stepped forward and got to our knees. We used the blade to cut Ediths shirt down the middle and lift it off of her chest. We ran our fingers over the skin of her belly. It was a little wrinkly but felt like heaven under our fingertips. Then with the tip of the blade we cut through just the top couple of layers of skin. We aren’t ready for the blood yet. Her body tensed and we slipped a little, a tiny dot of blood bubbled up through the little cut we made. We almost lost control, almost jammed the knife in and cut her open, but with much concentration we regained control.
We made an X about the size of a half dollar just above her belly button. We got up and walked to the table, setting down the knife we picked up the 18 volt cordless drill. We walked back to her side and said “Listen to us very carefully, if you resist and spoil this for me, it will be so much worse.” We squatted down and pressed the tip of the silver drill bit against the center of the X and took a deep breath.
Squeezing the trigger on the drill gently we watched as the bit turned slowly. It caught her skin and we felt a surge of electricity shoot through our body as the skin of her stomach twisted and stretched around the bit. It was amazing how resilient her skin was as the bit turned and her skin stretched we could see the tension growing. Then in a split second it started to tear, the blood poured from the wound and her body twisted in agony. A chunk of skin about the size of a baseball tore loose and wrapped around the drill bit. We lifted it off of her stomach. We didn’t want the bit to bite down and drill down into her. We stood up and looked at her with a huge smile on our face. Her face was twisted with pain as she screamed. We couldn’t hear her at all, but knowing that she was feeling it made me that much more excited.
We walked back to the table and set down the drill. We peeled the flesh off of the end of it and played with it in our hands for a moment. It was so bloody and fleshy. We weren’t ready to get lost yet so we put the chunk of flesh down on the table and picked up the pliers. One more for today and we might need to rest some more. This can’t be easy on her body and we don’t want her going into shock.
Walking back to her we felt full of energy, completely recharged. We sat down next to her head and cupped her face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She looked like she was in excruciating pain. We took the pliers and quickly stuck them inside of her mouth grabbing her tongue before she realized what was happening. We felt her struggle and try to pull her tongue back, but that wasn’t going to work as we squeezed down tighter. She couldn’t move her head because of the rope around her neck. We squeezed down on the pliers and watched as her tongue flattened between them. Her eyes were wide open and looking straight into ours. We squeezed tighter and watched as her tongue crushed into the shape of the teeth of the pliers. Blood started to seep out of her tongue. She was screaming though the pain but she started to gurgle on her own blood.
We panicked, “Stupid!” we yelled, thinking she was going to choke on her own blood we let up on the pliers and removed them from her mouth. She coughed hard and a wad of blood came up out of her mouth landing on her cheek. We sat and watched making sure that she was breathing. We said “Can you breathe ok?” she didn’t answer, rude bitch. We reached down to the hole in her skin and stuck two fingers into it “I’ll ask again, can you breathe ok?” She screeched nodding her head. “Good, we think this is enough for today.”
We took the pliers back to the table and got the first aid kit. We couldn’t let her bleed to much. She needed to be alert for round two. We cleaned her wounds and bandaged her stomach up. Her tongue would be fine. We said “Alright, you get some rest. We’ll be back in the morning to continue our play date.” We walked slowly out of the fort and I felt the other me melt away.
I stood outside of the fort, listening to Edith scream and thought to myself “That was incredible. It was everything I needed.” Then just past the edge of the clearing in the dark forest I barely caught two red eyes, then they were gone. “It couldn’t have been.” I thought to myself, convincing myself that it was just in my head. I headed back to the house, leaving Edith screaming in the background.
By time I walked back up to the back steps of the house, still shirtless and with blood on my hands, I was whistling a tune and couldn’t hear Edith at all. I felt fantastic. I went in through the back door, at first cautious but then realizing I didn’t have to worry about anybody. The house was mine and there was no one in it to catch me or tell me what to do.
I washed the blood from my hands in the kitchen sink. Then pulled my shirt over my head and went to the freezer to find something to eat. We were a little low on food seeing as Edith hadn’t been to the store in a couple weeks. I got out some ham and cheese and put together a nice little sandwich. Heading to the media room I grabbed a bag of chips and a soda.
I flipped the Bruins game on with the projector and sat down. I was so hungry and tore through the sandwich quick. Sitting back in the couch I realized how relaxed I felt. This was the best day of my life so far and I am hoping there are many more to come. I wasn’t even thinking about tomorrow and what’s to come. A state of perfect relaxation and euphoria poured down over me. I watched the game and lost myself, not a single thought or stress passing through me. I felt a smile more genuine than I have in ages spread across my lips.
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Old 02-24-2015, 10:49 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
Join Date: Dec 2014
Location: Wentzville, MO
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After the game ended and I had eaten my fill of chips I sat up and decided that I wanted to talk to Sarah. I got up without picking up my trash and headed upstairs. Ha, I didn’t even have to clean up anymore. Life was going to be so much better. I walked down the quiet hallway, the house was really quiet without anyone in it. Walking by Edith’s room I decided to close the door, I would worry about cleaning up some other time. Then on to my room.
When I came through the door to my room I stripped down and headed straight for the bathroom to take a shower. I climbed in and turned the water on pretty hot. Standing there under the water I allowed myself to reflect on the day’s events. It was pretty amazing that I had managed to get her out there. As the water ran over my skin I thought about all of the sights and the smell of Edith’s fresh blood as it ran out of her stomach. Tomorrow we get serious, tomorrow will be the end of Edith time.
Climbing out of the shower feeling completely refreshed and exhilarated I through on some boxers and stopped at the computer to see if Sarah was online. I didn’t have to pull up the site because it was pretty much the only thing I got on the computer anymore. As I started clicking through I sat down and felt myself start to zone out. Sarah wasn’t there but she had left me a private message. It was pretty simple:
I have missed you lately, are you mad at me? I need to talk to you, I need the release and no one else on this silly site makes me feel as special as you do. Please meet me back here soon.

I would send her back a message later, right now, I felt like I needed to type a story. I clicked back to the main page of the forum and found the Literature and Short Stories section. From there I created a new thread and entitled it “Torture: Day 1” I commenced in writing a short story about a young man who had recently lost both of his parents and decided to torture and murder his caretaker. It was very detailed, you could almost mistake it for a journal. I wrote about the drill and crushing “Lucy’s” tongue between the teeth of pliers. I wrote at the bottom that “Day 2” would be posted tomorrow.
After reading back through it I felt entirely satisfied with the story and then started thinking about how I was going to reply to Sarah. I really needed to talk to her as well. I needed to pull her back in before I lost her. She is the next step in my plan, and I guess I kind of missed talking to her. She was a good girl, very obedient. I clicked the reply button on the bottom of her private message and began typing:
I am not mad at you. I have had some things I needed to handle the last couple of weeks and haven’t been able to get on. I am back now, and I have some wonderful things to talk to you about.
P.S. You should read the story I started on the forums, it’s a good one and is going to get better.
That should appease her. I stretched and looked at the time. Only 10 pm and I am exhausted, it was a long day. I flipped off the lights and headed for bed. As I was laying down I rolled toward the windows and saw two small red dots off in the distance. I knew what they were and I knew they were watching me.
For the next hour I stared back at them not wanting to look away just in case they took the opportunity to get closer. But eventually I drifted off to sleep. I had pleasant dreams that night. Dreams of Edith’s contorted face and of Sarah completely naked sitting on my lap, blood pouring out of her wrists all over both of us. Dreams that did nothing but make me happy, no sign of the demons or fire, it was nice.
The next morning was pretty standard and I think it will become my normal routine. I got up and got dressed, had breakfast and watched some cartoons. Around 9 am I decided that Edith probably needed some food and water, plus I should check her bandages. After I turned off the TV and cleaned up last night’s mess I headed for the kitchen. I have decided that I can’t let the house get messy, even though I could it would drive me crazy. I made a couple scrambled eggs and put some water in a water bottle, packed it all in a lunch box and headed out.
The walk through the woods was nice. I stopped for a minute to admire the pretty spring morning at the creek. As I was standing there I realized I should be able to hear Edith’s screams if she was still at it. But all I could hear was the soft sound of water flowing over rocks and wind blowing through the fresh green leaves. So either she finally got some rest, or she got loose, but I really don’t think that could have happened. I was very careful in tying her up. I continued on my little path to the fort. After walking into the clearing and down the little path in the tall grass I finally came to the little building. I didn’t want her to hear me before I saw her, her screams would ruin the moment. I walked softly around the fort and peeked around the corner. There she was, exactly as I had left her. She was fast asleep, her head awkwardly hung to the side so she wouldn’t choke. I could see her chest rising and lowering slowly. It looks like the blood might have seeped through her bandage a little but I must have done a decent job because it didn’t leak out.
I walked around the corner clearing my throat loudly. Edith’s breath hitched and I saw her hold it a second. I imagine she was having one thought in waking “Please tell me yesterday didn’t happen and I’m in my bed.” I said out loud to her “No such luck, it’s all too real and it’s going to be even more fun today. I brought you breakfast though.” I wanted her to feel like a part of me still gave a shit, when in all actuality I just wanted to keep her alive as long as I could. I knew the protein would help her energy level so that she doesn’t pass out to easy.
I sat down cross legged on the floor next to her. She tried to talk to me but her tongue was pretty swollen. I took the water bottle and sprayed it into her mouth. She winced from the pain but sucked it down greedily. I spoke to her knowing that she couldn’t talk back “Im planning on feeding you and letting you rest a little, but then we will play some more. Im going to make it last as long as I can but I make no promises.” I could see a mixture of terror and sadness in her eyes. She whimpered a little but didn’t scream. I said “I want you to try hard to enjoy this. I know it hurts but I am trying to show you a new world.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. I spoon fed her mouthfuls of eggs. She chewed very slowly trying not to bite her swollen tongue. She ate every bite and finished the bottle of water, I cupped her cheek and said “Good girl, now take some deep breaths and rest, we will start in a couple hours.”
Walking out of the fort I felt like this was going exactly how I wanted. The plans may have gotten mixed up a bit and I probably could have thought out the process better but overall I am happy. I looked back over my shoulder and noted that Edith wasn’t pulling on the ropes, it looks like she has given up hope in escape which is nice. I’m not really sure how to kill the next couple of hours, I didn’t have any plans and I was getting anxious. I decided to go back to the big rock by the creek and just relax a bit. I needed to be rested up too, it was going to be a long afternoon.
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Old 02-24-2015, 10:50 AM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
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The rock was cold from the cool spring morning. I laid back and stared up into the trees. As I was looking up I started to see faces in the entwined limbs and branches of the trees. They were looking down at me, every time the wind blew they would change and move. I felt like they were watching me just as I was watching them. It was somewhat comforting to know that someone was there with me. I kept thinking about life and how things are changing. The other me, let me say that im not crazy, I know that the other one is just another side of myself. It is hard to describe the feeling inside of me when that part of me takes over, the easiest way I can think of is by saying that there are two of us. The other me seemed to know a lot more about what we were doing. I knew that there was a greater purpose and that I would change the world, but I had no idea how that would come to be yet. I have this feeling that I was important, very important. That the world needed me and my name would end up in huge letters someday. It was an incredible feeling. Right now I am in training, I am learning my craft and honing my skills.
I must have drifted off while lying there because I found myself in that dark room again. The red eyes stared at me from everywhere. Then the fire, but instead of a burst flames shot up everywhere and stayed. The entire place lit up and it was huge, it went on for as far as I could see. The sky was deep red and smoke filled it like clouds. Although surrounded by fire I was not hot at all, I felt comfortable, I felt at home. The demons that had been staring knelt to one knee and bowed. I stood straight up and through my arms into the air. I felt so powerful. And all at once, it ended.
My eyes shot open and he was with me, we were together again. And we felt stronger than ever. We got to our feet and ran off toward the fort. We didn’t care how long it had been or if she had rested enough, it was time. She heard me coming this time because we could hear her start to cry out loud. We came through the doorway and we could tell that she saw that other us. Her body tensed up and she pulled on the ropes at her arms. Her eyes were huge and bulging. We knelt by her side and placed our hand on her stomach. Drawing in a deep breath we stood back up and went to the table. We took off our shirt and picked up the rabbits foot and put it back around our neck. Then the small pocket knife that was so dear to us. We went back to Edith and held it up so she could see it. Not a word spoken between us, she began to screech through her ruined tongue and pull at all of the ropes. Our voice was firm “Edith, if you keep that up we will stretch this out longer than you could ever want, we will consume your soul.” She instantly relaxed.
We knelt again by her side and slid the knife to the back of her ankle. We ran the blade through the skin at the back of the ankle hoping to cut the Achilles tendon. It’s not that easy to cut through. We had to saw back and forth a few times to get it to cut through. When it did sever it pulled up under her skin real fast. Edith was screaming but we couldn’t hear her, we were in the zone. We cut the other tendon much more smoothly. That wasn’t enough, we wanted to see where it went. We ran the blade up each side of the calf and across just under the knee, cutting all the way through the skin. With a little effort we grabbed the loose skin and peeled it off revealing the dark, bloody ball of muscle that when it had been stretched out had been her calf. We laid the piece of flesh across her bare stomach.
Without noticing what we were doing, the want to feel her blood washed over us and we cut her calf loose from the connecting tendons and veins. We lifted the ball of muscle up and showed it to her. This was the first time we had looked at her face sense this started and we noticed that she looked very faint, like she might be in shock. But when she saw the muscle in our hands her eyes grew and she continued screaming at the top of her lungs. We took the bloody lump to the table and sat it next to the tools. Then our eyes caught on our hands. The blood was everywhere. We rubbed it together in our hands and up our arms. Electricity buzzed through our body again, our muscles twitched and our vision went red. We rubbed the blood all over our chest and face. It smelled so good. We licked our lips and the coppery taste hit our tongue, it was incredible. Our head spun with pleasure and joy. We looked back her way and realized that she had passed out. Her chest was still moving but the pain must have been too much. She was bleeding a lot and wouldn’t last too much longer, but an image of her heart beating inside of her chest raced through our mind. We needed to see it, we wanted to feel the last attempt to pump in our hands before she was finished.
We walked over to her and slapped her face. She didn’t respond, she didn’t even move. We were pissed and kicked her hard in the side. Then again, and she coughed and winced in pain. We reached down and slapped her cheek again, our voice rumbled “Wake up you filthy bitch! We’re not done with you!” Her eyes opened just a slit, but we were happy with that. We made sure she was focused on us and straddled her waist. We knew she could feel my erect penis through my jeans but didn’t care. We took the small blade and pushed it through the skin just under her clavicle. Her eyes opened wide again and that was all we needed, we had her attention.
The blade ran down her chest between her breasts, splitting the skin open inch by inch. Blood seeped out of the cut as it went. It was a beautiful site. We ran the blade all the way down to the bottom of her rib cage. Then just beneath her breast we made another cut from side to side. We could tell she was screaming by the way her chest was moving. We peeled back the flaps of skin that we had made revealing her ribs and the fatty mass of muscle where her breasts are. An amazing feeling had come over us, this was an opportunity to see the life flow out of her but we had to work fast. We could see the life leaving her as we went. After getting the skin peeled back we couldn’t figure out how to get through her ribs. Panicked fluttered over us as her life drained away. We had to get there, we jumped up and ran to the tool box. There had to be something there, something… “Hammer!” I heard myself yell.
We jumped back on her stomach and her eyes popped open again but only briefly. We yelled “Woman!” we could see her eyes peel back just a slit. We raised the hammer above our head and brought it down hard on the right side of her chest. There was a loud cracking sound as I watched two of her ribs shatter. “Perfect.” We did it a couple more times on each side destroying her rib cage. We hurriedly pulled out all of the broken chunks of bone revealing a lot of parts we had only seen in small animals, but there wasn’t time to really enjoy it. We could see how shallow the beats of her heart were. We reached down and slid our left hand under it. The feeling shooting through our body was absolute perfection. Our eyes looked up into hers which had opened wide again. The moment was upon us.
We didn’t squeeze or pull on her little bloody heart. We leaned in close to her face and whispered “Thank you, this was amazing, you were wonderful.” We kissed her gently on the lips and stared deeply into her eyes. Her heart beat had slowed and lightened and our smile was the last thing she saw as her soul left her body. We watched as the last beat ended and her blood stopped pumping. We felt her power drain into us, a surge of life shot through us as we watched her disappear.
We sat like that for another five or ten minutes, then we collapsed on top of her. Everything was absolutely perfect. We slipped out of consciousness and passed out on top of her bloody raw body. Clean up would come later, right now we just needed this feeling all over.
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Old 02-25-2015, 12:24 PM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
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Chapter 15
As I came back into myself, waking up slowly, I realized where I was and took a deep breath letting out a sigh. I sat up peeling myself off of the bloody corpse under my body. The blood had dried all over my skin and it felt sticky and wonderful. My skin had stuck to what was left of Edith’s body. I sat back and looked down admiring what I had done. The blood was still wet where I had been laying and glistened in the morning light coming in from the doorway. I pushed my hands into her chest feeling the blood gush through my fingers. She was still a little warm but I could tell that she was starting to cool down. I moved around her lungs and her heart looking at all of the bloody little details. It was amazingly intriguing. Her face was finally relaxed and I felt like I could see just a hint of happiness. I wonder if she found the pleasure before she expired.
I knew that I had to start thinking about disposing of her, but I was loving every second of this. Finally I stood up, separating our bodies. I looked down at my blood covered body and then at hers. It was a good night, I must have laid there with her for ten hours. There were no dreams, no demons, no voices. Everything felt right. I stepped away from the body and over to the table. Slipping the rabbits foot from around my neck, I noticed that it was caked in Edith’s blood. I would have to remember to clean that later.
This is the hardest part of this process “How am I going to make Edith disappear?” I asked myself out loud. I sat wracking my brain for what seemed like forever but I am pretty sure it was just a couple minutes. Then it came to me, I would dig a deep hole, put the body in it and burn it until there was nothing left. Then bury it. That seemed like the best way to get rid of her. I untied her arms and legs and pulled the rope around her neck off. I had to fight my instincts constantly, I wanted so bad to dive back into her body.
After I had her loose and resting on the flat blood soaked earth floor of my fort, I went around to the back of the fort looking for a clear spot to dig the pit. I need to make sure its as deep as I can get it and much bigger around than the one I had dug for the coyote trap. About twenty feet behind the fort was a perfect spot. It was an area where the tall grass had died and rotted and the ground was flat and loose. I would need to get the shovel and probably grab some food and water, it was going to be a long day.
I walked out of the woods toward the house, still thinking back to the evening before. Not everything went as planned but it was still beautiful. I went the back door, still not wearing a shirt and still covered in dried blood. I thought hard about taking a shower but I didn’t see the point, I was just going to have to move her again. So I went to the fridge and grabbed the milk and cereal and sat down to have a good breakfast. It was delicious, it almost seemed as though my sense of taste was stronger. I cherished every bite of cocoa puffs like it was a brand new thing. They had never tasted like this before, even the milk was incredible. I started to wonder if last night caused all of these feelings. Could I have gained something from Ediths death? I wasn’t sure what to think.
Leaving my bowl and the cereal out I grabbed a box of matches out of the junk drawer and headed back outside. I took a minute to stand at the back door and look into the sky. Was it my imagination or did the clouds seem closer? I felt this overwhelming sense that something truly incredible happened last night, I didn’t want this feeling to ever end. I ran down to the shed and collected the shovel and the jug of gasoline that was kept there to fuel the lawnmower. “I have to remember to fire the lawn man.” I thought to myself, I really don’t need anyone poking around.
The woods where a sight, as I walked back through them to the empty spot behind my fort I took in the sounds of the animals moving around and the bright green of the leaves. It felt like I was seeing everything for the first time. I could actually feel the rocks and sticks under my feet through my sneakers.
Before I knew it I walked out into the clearing and headed toward the spot I was going to use for a makeshift burial grounds. The shovel plunged into the earth with no resistance. I felt strong and powerful as I scooped shovelfuls of dirt out of the hole. I dug straight down at first then outward making the hole about five feet across and not stopping until it was almost eight feet deep. I was so caught up in the moment I almost dug myself to deep and got stuck. I used roots and footholds I broke loose to climb my way out of the hole. I didn’t feel the least bit tired, there was still a sense of electric running through my body.
Going into the woods I needed to gather a lot of wood and start a fire before I put Edith into the pit, then I would start another fire on top of her. I need to make sure that she is completely incinerated. I gathered up four armfuls of branches and tossed them into the pit. I poured about half of the jug of gasoline onto the pile of wood. I took the box of matches out of my pants pocket and struck three of them. I tossed the matches into the pit and the wood burst into flames send a small fireball into the air. It scared the crap out of me and I jumped back, I guess I didn’t need so much gas. It was approaching noon and it was starting to get kind of warm out. I sat back and let the wood burn down a little bit and smolder. The smell of the wood burning was nice. It kept making popping and hissing noises as it burned down.
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Old 02-25-2015, 12:25 PM
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Jake.Ashworth Jake.Ashworth is offline
No Tears Please...
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I hoped up and went back to the front of the shed. As I walked in I said “Hey Edith, I guess we aren’t going to be having our lessons today.” And laughed a little. Of course I wasn’t expecting to hear a response but it was a little funny to imagine it “No Michael, I think I’m going to need a couple days off, I’m not feeling well.” I grabbed her by her ankles and dragged her out of the fort.
She didn’t feel heavy this time. My muscles tensed under my sweaty skin as I dragged her the fifty feet or so from the spot that we had played to the hole. It was putting off a ton of heat now. This should work perfectly. I pushed her up to the edge and yelled “Geronimo!” as I pushed her over the edge. Her body tumbled down the side of the hole and landed on the pile of embers and sticks that where burning. When she came to rest her arms and legs where a contorted mess and her dead empty gaze pointed straight up out of the pit.
I went straight out to the woods to find more sticks, this time bringing back about twice as many and throwing them into the pit as I went. By the time I felt satisfied you could barely tell there was a body under all the brush I had filled the hole with. I, carefully this time, poured the rest of the gasoline into the hole making sure to aim for the body. Black smoke billowed out of the hole as the trash burned down. I stood next to hole and thought about the future and about how I needed to come up with a better way of handling this process.
A vision passed over me of the clearing, one side filled with small grave markers. The other end of the clearing, where my fort should be, there was a cinder block building. The building was only slightly larger than my fort. I couldn’t see any windows or doors but I also couldn’t see the entire building. Then the vision was gone and I knew that I needed to build this place. I needed to make somewhere I could be more creative.
I stood there and watched as the fire swallowed Edith whole. I would let this burn down until there was no more flame, then assess what was left and decide what to do from there. I had a feeling it would burn for the rest of the day so I headed back to the fort to finish cleaning up before going back to the house.
Although trying to keep everything clean I could tell that I got carried away. The fort was a mess. There was blood all over the place. I wasn’t too worried about it though. I wanted to get the tools cleaned up and get my rabbits foot back home. I thought my clothes are probably not salvageable. I took my pants and underwear off and grabbed the shirt that was balled up on the floor and through them in the fire. The piece of flesh ripped off of Edith’s stomach was still sitting on the table next to the drill. I wanted to keep it. I grabbed the little blob of flesh and the hammer I had used to break through Edith’s rib cage and nailed it to the wall.
Gathering all of the bloody tools in the wheelbarrow I started back to the house. Looking back over my shoulder as I walked into the forest out of the clearing I saw the smoke pouring out of the hole and through the smoke on the opposite side of the hole I saw a large hooved creature standing what seemed like ten feet tall. It had huge hooves and the legs of a powerful horse. Just above the waist it shifted into a lizard scaled torso. Its arms and stomach where very muscular and a dark green color. Its head was tilted down and seemed to be looking into the hole. The head was also very lizard like. It hid small beady black eyes on the top of its head. It looked up toward me and when it saw me looking back it bowed at the waist and then jumped into the pit. Embers and flame shot up out of the pit and there was a loud cracking sound. “I don’t think I have to worry about any remains.” I said to myself and anyone else who wanted to hear as I started into the woods.
I emerged from the woods by the shed and walked over to the garden hose attached to the side of the shed. I carefully ran the cold water over all of the tools making sure to get every little bit of blood and sinew off of the drill bit and the hammer. The wheelbarrow hadn’t seen any blood so I didn’t have to wash it. It dawned on me that I was standing here at the side of the shed, completely nude except for my sneakers and socks. I briefly looked around forgetting how all alone I was out here. Then finished my project and headed inside leaving the tools in the wheelbarrow sitting in the sun to dry.
Walking through the house nude was a little liberating. I walked the halls thinking about how different things are. Feeling like I have grown so much over the last few months. My mind turned to Sarah, I need to start concentrating on nourishing that relationship. My voice in my head said that we had big plans for her and possibly her boyfriend. While thinking about all of this I had wondered upstairs and was walking down the hall to my room.
Back in my room, I looked all around taking in the colors and smells like it was the first time I had ever been here. I kicked off my shoes and grabbed some shorts and a t-shirt out of my dresser. I sat down at the computer to reach out to Sarah and start drawing her into my trap. Just as I flipped on the monitor I heard a noise. I stopped everything and sat perfectly still listening. Then it came again, there was someone in the yard. I jumped up and shot to the window. Scanning the yard back and forth looking for anything that could have made that noise I didn’t see anything. But I heard it again, and this time I knew what it was.
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Old 03-03-2015, 12:53 PM
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Chapter 16
I jumped back into my shoes and ran for the door. Down the hall and out the back door as quickly and quietly as I could. The door to the shed hung open and the older gentleman that took care of our yard, I think his name was Pedro, was rustling around in there no doubt looking for his gas tank and wheelbarrow. I snuck around the side of the shed facing the house, then around the back and came up on the wheelbarrow sitting in the sun drying. I grabbed the hammer and walked around the front of the shed to the door. Pedro was scratching his head and looking into the shed. I took two steps forward, raised the hammer above my head and brought it down as fast and powerful as I could.
I watched as the world shifted into slow motion. The hammer cut through the air like it was a knife through clothe. As it made contact with the back of Pedro’s head I saw his scalp split open and the white of his skull flash in the light from the setting sun. A gush of bright red blood shot through the air and splattered across the window at the side of the shed. His knees buckled and his legs looked like gummy worms. He went down face first. His mouth made contact with the edge of a work bench and one of his teeth popped loose and rolled across the floor. I looked around the room at the tooth, the work bench, and then the window. I saw a set of eyes peaking over the edge of the window. The eyes looked human but where dark red. The skin looked burnt and crusty. I could tell without seeing it head on that it was smiling.
I looked back toward Pedro who had gone completely limp on the floor. Everything caught back up and shifted back into full gear. I realized I didn’t have a plan for Pedro at all, but I wanted to play with him. I quickly grabbed my rope and his ankles and started to try to pull him out of the shed. He was much heavier than Edith, I wasn’t going to be able to move this one as easily. I stood there contemplating what to do. I surveyed the room and realized I could use the shed, but I would have to get anything that could be used as a weapon out of here.
I spent the next hour rushing all of the blades and saws out of the shed. Anything that looked sharp or heavy I took around to the side of the shed and laid in the yard. I noticed that the grass was getting a little long and thought to myself “Im going to have to call the gardener…” Then laughed at myself as I realized what I was thinking. I went back into the shed and grabbed Pedro’s arms pulling him to the leg of the workbench that was bolted to the floor. I tried his hand together and to the bench as tightly as I could. I didn’t want him to be able to get up at all. I tied some rope around his ankles and rolled him onto his stomach. The rope I tied to his ankles I ran up and around his wrists as well, it was the closest thing to hog tying as I could get without having ever done it. I emptied his pockets, not interested in his wallet I stuck that in my pocket along with his car keys. I needed, wriggling my fingers down his front right pocket “There it is.” I said out loud “This should come in handy later, we don’t want your family to come looking for you.” I said to the unconscious body on the floor as I pulled the cell phone out of his pocket.
I think I will keep this one for a while I thought silently to myself as I looked on at the tied up body lying on the floor. I turned and walked out kicking the door shut behind me. Back inside I had some lunch and decided to relax a bit before going back to talk to Pedro and work out his family situation. I plopped down in the media room and put on one of my favorite movies. The opening scene of the first Hellraiser flashed across the screen, screams and the sounds of blades being sharpened. The camera pans across a tall Victorian house then goes inside to explore it room by room as the screams get louder. I love this opening sequence and the thought behind this movie, that extreme pain can bring great pleasure, makes me happy.
The movie entrances me every time and by the end of it I am completely absorbed. I barely noticed the screams from outside in the shed. As the movie fades out and the credits roll, I feel just as satisfied as I always do when it ends. I will watch the rest of the series over the next few days, it’s hard for me to just watch the first.
As I am sitting on the couch listening to the music over the credits and living in the dream state I always leave these movies in, the screams start to pierce my veil of ecstasy. I shake my head a little and realize Pedro is awake. I knew he wouldn’t be easy to convince to stay, but I was going to. I grabbed the cell phone I took from Pedro’s pocket and went back outside. While I walked down to the shed, listening to the screams get louder, I flipped through the phone book looking for anything that hinted towards it being his wife.
I pulled the door to the shed open and said “Good afternoon sleepy! I trust you slept well. I was wondering, what’s your wife’s name?” He screamed back a bunch of expletives in Spanish. I could only make out a few. I shook my head and said “Listen very carefully Pedro.” And he broke in with more cursing. I stood up and kicked him as hard as I could in the side. He winced and coughed hard, then started screaming again. I put two more hard kicks into his ribs, then one solid blow to his face. He spit blood out onto the floor and looked up at me shocked.
“Now Pedro, do I have your attention?” He nodded with a look of terror and disbelief in his eyes. I said “Pedro, I am going to keep you here for a little while and we need to let your wife know that you aren’t going to be coming home.” He started to refuse and shake his head, he looked like he was panicking. I made a fist and brought it down hard on his temple. “Pedro, you’re going to have to understand that your fate is sealed, but if anyone comes here looking for you, theirs will be as well.” He spit some more blood onto the floor. I could see the anger and fear in his eyes, it was a beautiful site.
“I’m going to let you think about it for a little while and when I come back, I expect you to comply.” I got to my feet and laid one more hard kick to his mid-section and said “I will convince you one way or another.” I walked to the door listening to his labored breath behind me. As soon as my hand touched the knob he started screeching again. I walked out and stood on the other side of the door. I would have to wait until he stopped screaming and then try again.
I looked up into the air and could see the black smoke that had been pouring out of the fire pit. It looked like it had been dissipating and was almost gone. I needed to make sure everything burnt down ok so I started walking out into the woods toward the fort. I could hear Pedro’s screams behind me again and listened to them fade away slowly as I walked to the clearing in the woods.
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