Old 07-02-2008, 10:21 AM
zombie brains
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Independent Horror Movie - Zombie Undead

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to let you know that there is a new horror film currently in production.

Zombie Undead is an independent British full length horror film currently in
principle photography. Produced by Dark Waters Entertainment the film is a
claustrophobic drama that follows a group of survivors in the aftermath of a
terrorist dirty-bomb that unleashes a zombie plague. Free from studio
constraints DWE are pulling out all the stops in creating a gut wrenching
nightmare vision with the highest standards of cinematography, acting and
directing. With newcomer director Rhys Davies and effects supervisor Scott Orr
(Da Vinci Code, Children Of Men) leading the SFX team Zombie Undead, on
a relatively small budget, will provide effects of the highest calibre.

"A car roars through the darkened country roads. Inside, a distraught
Sarah, holding her stricken dad, Mark, is desperately trying to stem the
flow of blood from a wound in his chest. Having been re-directed to an
Evacuation facility on the edge of town, Steve, an off-duty Paramedic is in
a race against time fully aware that Marks chances of survival are rapidly
slipping away.
The scene that greets them on arrival is one of chaos. The dead and
wounded lie around them on a floor awash with blood. Doctors dart back
and forth, clearly overwhelmed. A violent convulsion causes Mark to lose
consciousness, heart stopped he slumps to the floor. As the adrenalin
needle slams into her fathers heart Sarah stumbles back and her world
fades to black.
Upon regaining consciousness Sarah is greeted by the uneasy silence of a
seemingly deserted building. Bleeding and dazed she stumbles through the
darkened corridors, trying to find her father, unaware of the fate that
awaits her..."

For more information, trailers, pictures, production blog just take a look around at
www.zombieundead.com .


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Old 07-02-2008, 10:42 AM
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