Old 04-14-2010, 04:15 PM
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In fifteen years...

What will you remember? We all look back fondly on movies we loved to watch or games we had fun playing but what do you think you'll reminisce about from the past few years? Maybe you'll remember when you saw Avatar for the first time after you buy the 3D Deluxe Holographic Disk version or maybe you'll be playing some new Sony Playstation 5 game remembering how much you loved Bioshock's setting and interesting story telling. Maybe it'll be a book or comic you read that pops into your head... who knows, but anybody willing to guess?
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Old 04-14-2010, 04:18 PM
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Probably will be wishing I didnt smoke cigarettes over movies
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Old 04-14-2010, 04:44 PM
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Memorable movies that I will carry with me:

I'd have to say films like Oldboy and Audition changed how I viewed horror films; they're the first foreign horror films that I really watched and they really sparked my interest for Asian horror. I also think that Chan Wook Park in general will be a memorable Asian director, along with Miike.

For games, you mentioned BioShock. It was the first console game that I played all the way through since I had my Sega Genesis (the XBox 360 was the first console that I owned since Sega). I was absolutely stunned how far games had come with graphics and story and mood and was incredibly impressed. It still impresses me, even as consoles continue to pump out gorgeous games... Fallout 3, however, really possessed me for a while... I honestly love the game and am looking forward to Las Vegas... In 15 years it will DEFINITELY be a game that I look back on and remember...

One of the things I wonder if it will persist is Facebook. Honest. I remember when Friendster was the hot social network, and then MySpace; it seems as though Facebook blew them both out of the water, and I wonder if it will keep up that momentum. Sort of like Craigslist, which I think a lot of people have gotten over (because quite frankly it hasn't really evolved), I wonder what the NEXT BIG THING will be, or if Facebook will continue to be the premier social network site... Same thing with Twitter I guess, though I don't waste the time I waste on FB on Twitter... Knock Facebook as much as you want; I can't deny how it's brought me closer to friends in other states/countries whom I haven't seen since college, high school, etc. I actually am starting to see the benefits of it.

In terms of FADS, I will definitely remember the Twilight FAD, not that the movies or the books for that matter are that great, BUT I'll remember how crazy kids and 'tweens around the world god over this series (also I'll remember how my boyfriend accidentally went into the opening night of Twilight - A 40-year-old-man sitting with a bunch of teenie bopper girls - LOL)

I think that the technological explosion that's happening now will DEFINITELY be memorable as in 15 years all of this technology will be obsolete: The iPod, the Kindle, the iPhone, the iPad, etc... This has been a RIDICULOUSLY awesome time for technology; I think that all of those products have been influential in the marketplace and they will definitely be remembered not just as fads but technological advances that will have been built off of.

Also: I REALLY hope that flared pants and ballerina slippers stay in style... They make my ass look HOT.

Join my Facebook Horror Group!
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Old 04-14-2010, 05:04 PM
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Flared pants are in style? :p
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Old 04-14-2010, 05:42 PM
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I'll be remembering when I was alive. Damn, those were good times.
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Old 04-14-2010, 05:49 PM
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What will I remember in 15 yrs? hmm..

I hope to remember all the times I've spent with my friends,going to RHPS( monthly,our theatre doesn't show weekly) and going to the mall dressed up as batman villains(haven't done it yet,but it's planned)

All the horror movies I watched and laughed at, because of not being scared,I hope something scares me in 15 yrs, 'cause not much does not,maybe slightly disturbing but nothing that makes me scream in terror.

okay that's all I have for now.
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Old 04-14-2010, 06:08 PM
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at my age and with all the brain cells I killed with beer..........I'll be damn lucky to remember my name.
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Old 04-14-2010, 06:29 PM
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I will be fondly remembering Guillermo Del Toro movies. More than likely I will still be watching them because instead of having a date movie, Derek and I have a date director.
I'll also be remembering all the crazy grindhouse double features lately, and the crazy superhero movies (good or bad). I will be able to tell our kids all the horror movies we went to see on opening night, and how I saw all of the Saw franchise in theaters. (I'm sure that will be a big deal 15 years from now.)

For video games I will definitely still be talking about the Fatal Frame and Silent Hill games. Most specifically Silent Hill 2, which is still mind blowing when I play it over. Bioshock will be on the list for changing the way games are written. Table top gaming awesomeness goes to classic D&D, and Arkham Horror for all the good times I have spent bonding with my friends playing them and eating Mr. Noodle.

For books The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. It's made a huge influence on me and my boyfriend. The Dune books will be a fundamental, must read or you get kicked to the curb in my household. Nothing has touched me as much as those two series have in my life so far, and my morals are strongly based on them. V for Vendetta, The Watchmen, The Sandman and anything by Warren Ellis are huge too. Twilight books will not be allowed in my house, and will be burnt on sight.

...and of course I will remember my college days (that will be over in one week!) and all the new friends I have made, how much I love them.
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Old 04-15-2010, 03:44 AM
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In fifteen years i will have wished to have kept my mouth such that i would not have to live in exile...

Fate is my mistress, mother of the cruel abomination that is hope.
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