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Old 01-07-2008, 02:40 PM
Liar,liar Liar,liar is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Panama City, Florida
Posts: 75
Terror In Transylvania

The movie I'm currently in the progress of making I'd like to know what you think about it.

All current credits to myself-Cody Adams and Malynne White.



A mini plane(flight 1818)with a family consisting of a mother-Melissa, a father-Darrel, a son-John, and a daughter-Alexi, then there’s the couple on the plane Chris and Julia ,and a few others including a ex Marine-Damian and a Co-Pilot-George and Waitress-Laura and playmates/film stars Erika and Amy there’s a total of 20 people. The plane is heading to Transylvania for tourism. And then on the way there a failure in the GPS system and the plane looses direction and deep in the depths of the Romanian forest the plane crashes killing 9 people including the pilot and a few civilians and on a search for civilization they run into swamps full of Crocodiles, Snakes, Mosquitoes, and Poison Ivy. But that’s not even the worst of hells awaiting for them in the Transylvanian hell hole a sadistic serial killer cannibalistic family of fives starving for food with there pet wolf cant wait to greet there guests with Traps set all over the woods and one by one the victims get picked off in a gruesome series of deaths and torture taking the lives of every last soul.


The moon shined brightly through the trees, cries of pain disturbed the silences that usually dominated the forest. Birds flew out of the trees, and creatures scurried through the damp leaves, trying to get away from the wooden building that occupied the clearing.
The black door to the building opened up with a loud bang. A dark skinned man, with black uneven cut hair, wearing nothing but what looked like faded blue jeans, and sort of vest made out of pale, blood soaked flesh, carried a struggling body, in his arms.
The man’s face was twisted in glee, as he stared down on the person he was carrying.
Yet, it was not completely a person. His, a male by the look of it, arms were cleanly cut off to the elbow, and his legs were cut off to the knee. Blood gushed out of the nubs; the male struggled and twitched with pain. He would soon die of blood loss.
The man carried the body to a sort of ditch, and threw it in.
“Wait!” The injured male moaned, stretching a nub upwards towards the other male.
The cannibal simply grinned wider, and turned to see a wolf bounding towards the ditch.
“Dinner time my love.”( cina timp meu dragoste) The cannibal said to the growling dog.
The wolf bared his teeth and jumped into the ditch. The man inside screamed loudly as the wolf bit into his face.
“Help!” The male cried, his voice muffled by the wolf. He didn’t yell for long. The dog ripped out his tongue and chewed on it before spitting it out to feast on the rest of the body.
“Quit fucking around!”( liber fucking around) A raspy voice suddenly said to the cannibal that was watching the dog.
Another dark skinned man stood beside the ditch. He was a tall, and brawn man, with long white hair, a beaky nose, with rotten sharpened teeth sticking out over his lips.
“Sorry.” supărat )(The cannibal apologized to him. He ran into the building and closed the door.
The older cannibal climbed down into the ditch, and chuckled at the sight of the dog. He grabbed the same body and tilted the eaten face upwards, where the neck was exposed. Baring his teeth, he bit into the neck. He chewed on the raw human flesh, blood trickled down his chin.
“Good boy.”( bun băiat) The cannibal said to the wolf. He scratched the wolf’s ears, and continued to feast.
The neck was soon completely eaten, a scrap of flesh clinged onto the bone.
Standing up, the man smiled and greedily licked his lips. He climbed out of the ditch and made his way into the building, slamming the door closed behind him.
Inside, the building was dark, except for the flickering of old fashioned lamps. A faint smell of rotten flesh, and blood filled the air.
The older cannibal walked through the hallways, where doors were set along on each side, and you could hear human presence inside of them.
He made his way to last door alongside the hallway; he opened it up and stepped in.
Inside were many mechanical devices, and a couple of human bodies were thrown carelessly into the corner. The younger cannibal who had previously been outside, looked up and saw the other man.
He quickly grabbed a badly burned female body, and slung it over his shoulder, and walked out of the room.
The man looked around the room, and walked over to the bodies. One twitched, it was small, but the man grinned all the same.
He kicked a few bodies aside, and came to see it was a woman who had moved. Her eyes widened, as the cannibal stared down at her.
“It seems your not dead yet.” pare al tău nu mort încă ) He said, smiling. And with that, he grabbed the woman and threw her onto a large metal chair connected to a mechanical device overhead.
The man began tying the woman up, while tears streamed down her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but only a gurgling sound came out. Her tongue, or what was left of it, had been cut out.
The cannibal walked over to a sort of switch control, and pressed a couple of buttons.
The device lowered it self to her mouth, thin wires were connected to it with what looked like hooks attached to the end of them.
The older cannibal went over to her, and forced the woman’s mouth open. He inserted the hooks in her lips, making the woman cry out in agony. The hooks attached forced her mouth to stay open.
The man looked around the room, and smiled when he saw a can of what looked like gasoline. He grabbed it and, and made his way back over to the woman. The woman’s eyes opened wider, she screamed as loud as she could, as the cannibal poured the gasoline down her throat. He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a match.
“Goodbye...”(bun…) He said, in a voice full of contempt. And with that, he struck the match on his pants and threw it in the woman’s mouth.
Her screams filled the room, but the cannibal’s laughter drowned them out.
Footsteps were heard in the hallway. A girl with eyes close to her nose, and a large woman with a hump on her back were dragging an unconscious body of a middle age man into a room.
The woman whispered instructions to the girl, and helped her daughter set the man on a sort of operating table. The girl tied the man to the table, and followed her mother outside of the room. Soon another person entered the room. This cannibal had large muscles, bulging from behind his shirt. He had a large nose that seemed to close to his upper lip and what looked like, a third eye.
The man went over to a shelf full of tools, and grabbed a kind of cheese grater. He walked back over to the man and proportioned his head, so it was facing the ceiling. The cannibal shook the man, to wake him, and the man woke up with a start.
“Who are you? Let me go!” The man’s eyes widened when he seen the other mans face. The cannibal said nothing, he allowed the man to panic.
The cannibal smiled evily, and grabbed the man’s head. “Hey! What are you doing?!” He cried out.
The cannibal lifted up the grater and began roughly rubbing the man’s face with it. The man screamed loudly as flesh was peeled off. The cannibal did this for a few more minutes, and then looked at his handy work. His face was mutated, the skin was bloody, and folds of flesh were peeled off, and layed against the table. His eye ball was dangling out of the socket, and the man’s lips were completely cut open. Yet he wasn’t dead.
The cannibal went back over to the equipment table and took a large knife from one of the shelves. He made his way, back, lifted up the knife and brought it down to the man’s stomach. The cannibal cut it open, and a rotten stench filled the room.
The man gave one last gasp, and was soon dead. The cannibal grinned when he seen the man’s insides, he grabbed his guts and chomped down on them, licking his lips greedily when he was finished.
The cannibal turned and looked over at the door; seeing it was still closed he leaned down and began to eat.

Last edited by Liar,liar; 01-07-2008 at 02:49 PM.
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Old 01-07-2008, 02:42 PM
Liar,liar Liar,liar is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Panama City, Florida
Posts: 75

The moon shined brightly through the trees, cries of pain disturbed the silences that usually dominated the forest. Birds flew out of the trees, and creatures scurried through the damp leaves, trying to get away from the wooden building that occupied the clearing.
The black door to the building opened up with a loud bang. A dark skinned man, with black uneven cut hair, wearing nothing but what looked like faded blue jeans, carried a struggling body, in his arms.
The man’s face was twisted in glee, as he stared down on the person he was carrying.
Yet, it was not completely a person. His, a male by the look of it, arms were cleanly cut off to the elbow, and his legs were cut off to the knee. Blood gushed out of the nubs; the male struggled and twitched with pain. He would soon die of blood loss.
The man carried the body to a sort of ditch, and threw it in.
“Wait!” The injured male moaned, stretching a nub upwards towards the other male.
The cannibal simply grinned wider, and turned to see a wolf bounding towards the ditch.
“Dinner time my love.” The cannibal said to the growling dog.
The wolf bared his teeth and jumped into the ditch. The man inside screamed loudly as the wolf bit into his face.
“Help!” The male cried, his voice muffled by the wolf. He didn’t yell for long. The dog ripped out his tongue and chewed on it before spitting it out to feast on the rest of the body.
“Quit fucking around!” A raspy voice suddenly said to the cannibal that was watching the dog.
Another dark skinned man stood beside the ditch. He had long white hair, a beaky nose, with rotten sharpened teeth sticking out over his lips.
“Sorry.” The cannibal apologized to him. He ran into the building and closed the door.
The older cannibal climbed down into the ditch, and chuckled at the sight of the dog. He grabbed the same body and tilted the eaten face upwards, where the neck was exposed. Baring his teeth, he bit into the neck. He chewed on the raw human flesh, blood trickled down his chin.
“Good boy.” The cannibal said to the wolf. He scratched the wolf’s ears, and continued to feast.
The neck was soon completely eaten, a scrap of flesh clinged onto the bone.
Standing up, the man smiled and greedily licked his lips. He climbed out of the ditch and made his way into the building, slamming the door closed behind him.
Inside, the building was dark, except for the flickering of old fashioned lamps. A faint smell of rotten flesh, and blood filled the air.
The older cannibal walked through the hallways, where doors were set along on each side, and you could hear human presence inside of them.
He made his way to last door alongside the hallway; he opened it up and stepped in.
Inside were many mechanical devices, and a couple of human bodies were thrown carelessly into the corner. The younger cannibal who had previously been outside, looked up and saw the other man.
He quickly grabbed a badly burned female body, and slung it over his shoulder, and walked out of the room.
The man looked around the room, and walked over to the bodies. One twitched, it was small, but the man grinned all the same.
He kicked a few bodies aside, and came to see it was a woman who had moved. Her eyes widened, as the cannibal stared down at her.
“It seems your not dead yet.” He said, smiling. And with that, he grabbed the woman and threw her onto a large metal chair connected to a mechanical device overhead.
The man began tying the woman up, tears streamed down her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but only a gurgling sound came out. Her tongue, or what was left of it, had been cut out.
The cannibal walked over to a sort of switch control, and pressed a couple of buttons. The device above her slowly sank down around her head.
The device had many graters attached to it. The cannibal pulled a small lever, and the graters pushed towards her face, and started quickly going up and down, against her flesh.
The woman screamed the best she could, but the graters wouldn’t stop. Flesh fell to the floor in strips, and blood trickled through the blades of the graters.
The cannibal pulled back the lever, and the graters pulled away from the woman. Her face was mutated, the skin was scraped clean, and an eyeball was dangling against her cheek bone.
The cannibal went over to her, and pulled out a knife from his pocket. He fingered it between his hands, and admired the glistening of the blade. He then stabbed the woman in the stomach, and stabbed her in the neck.
The female was dead, and so the man began to eat, once again.
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Old 01-07-2008, 02:43 PM
Liar,liar Liar,liar is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Panama City, Florida
Posts: 75
The moon shined brightly through the trees, cries of pain disturbed the silences that usually dominated the forest. Birds flew out of the trees, and creatures scurried through the damp leaves, trying to get away from the wooden building that occupied the clearing.
The black door to the building opened up with a loud bang. A dark skinned man, with black uneven cut hair, wearing nothing but what looked like faded blue jeans, and sort of vest made out of pale, blood soaked flesh, carried a struggling body, in his arms.
The man’s face was twisted in glee, as he stared down on the person he was carrying.
Yet, it was not completely a person. His, a male by the look of it, arms were cleanly cut off to the elbow, and his legs were cut off to the knee. Blood gushed out of the nubs; the male struggled and twitched with pain. He would soon die of blood loss.
The man carried the body to a sort of ditch, and threw it in.
“Wait!” The injured male moaned, stretching a nub upwards towards the other male.
The cannibal simply grinned wider, and turned to see a wolf bounding towards the ditch.
“Dinner time my love.” The cannibal said to the growling dog.
The wolf bared his teeth and jumped into the ditch. The man inside screamed loudly as the wolf bit into his face.
“Help!” The male cried, his voice muffled by the wolf. He didn’t yell for long. The dog ripped out his tongue and chewed on it before spitting it out to feast on the rest of the body.
“Quit fucking around!” A raspy voice suddenly said to the cannibal that was watching the dog.
Another dark skinned man stood beside the ditch. He was a tall, and brawn man, with long white hair, a beaky nose, with rotten sharpened teeth sticking out over his lips.
“Sorry.” The cannibal apologized to him. He ran into the building and closed the door.
The older cannibal climbed down into the ditch, and chuckled at the sight of the dog. He grabbed the same body and tilted the eaten face upwards, where the neck was exposed. Baring his teeth, he bit into the neck. He chewed on the raw human flesh, blood trickled down his chin.
“Good boy.” The cannibal said to the wolf. He scratched the wolf’s ears, and continued to feast.
The neck was soon completely eaten, a scrap of flesh clinged onto the bone.
Standing up, the man smiled and greedily licked his lips. He climbed out of the ditch and made his way into the building, slamming the door closed behind him.
Inside, the building was dark, except for the flickering of old fashioned lamps. A faint smell of rotten flesh, and blood filled the air.
The older cannibal walked through the hallways, where doors were set along on each side, and you could hear human presence inside of them.
He made his way to last door alongside the hallway; he opened it up and stepped in.
Inside were many mechanical devices, and a couple of human bodies were thrown carelessly into the corner. The younger cannibal who had previously been outside, looked up and saw the other man.
He quickly grabbed a badly burned female body, and slung it over his shoulder, and walked out of the room.
The man looked around the room, and walked over to the bodies. One twitched, it was small, but the man grinned all the same.
He kicked a few bodies aside, and came to see it was a woman who had moved. Her eyes widened, as the cannibal stared down at her.
“It seems your not dead yet.” He said, smiling. And with that, he grabbed the woman and threw her onto a large metal chair connected to a mechanical device overhead.
The man began tying the woman up, while tears streamed down her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but only a gurgling sound came out. Her tongue, or what was left of it, had been cut out.
The cannibal walked over to a sort of switch control, and pressed a couple of buttons.
The device lowered it self to her mouth, thin wires were connected to it with what looked like hooks attached to the end of them.
The older cannibal went over to her, and forced the woman’s mouth open. He inserted the hooks in her lips, making the woman cry out in agony. The hooks attached forced her mouth to stay open.
The man looked around the room, and smiled when he saw a can of what looked like gasoline. He grabbed it and, and made his way back over to the woman. The woman’s eyes opened wider, she screamed as loud as she could, as the cannibal poured the gasoline down her throat. He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a match.
“Bye bye...” He said, in a voice full of contempt. And with that, he struck the match on his pants and threw it in the woman’s mouth.
Her screams filled the room, but the cannibal’s laughter drowned them out.
Footsteps were heard in the hallway. A girl with eyes close to her nose, and a large woman with a hump on her back were dragging an unconscious body of a middle age man into a room.
The woman whispered instructions to the girl, and helped her daughter set the man on a sort of operating table. The girl tied the man to the table, and followed her mother outside of the room. Soon another person entered the room. This cannibal had large muscles, bulging from behind his shirt. He had a large nose that seemed to close to his upper lip and what looked like, a third eye.
The man went over to a shelf full of tools, and grabbed a kind of cheese grater. He walked back over to the man and proportioned his head, so it was facing the ceiling. The cannibal shook the man, to wake him, and the man woke up with a start.
“Who are you? Let me go!” The man’s eyes widened when he seen the other mans face. The cannibal said nothing, he allowed the man to panic.
The cannibal smiled evily, and grabbed the man’s head. “Hey! What are you doing?!” He cried out.
The cannibal lifted up the grater and began roughly rubbing the man’s face with it. The man screamed loudly as flesh was peeled off. The cannibal did this for a few more minutes, and then looked at his handy work. His face was mutated, the skin was bloody, and folds of flesh were peeled off, and layed against the table. His eye ball was dangling out of the socket, and the man’s lips were completely cut open. Yet he wasn’t dead.
The cannibal went back over to the equipment table and took a large knife from one of the shelves. He made his way, back, lifted up the knife and brought it down to the man’s stomach. The cannibal cut it open, and a rotten stench filled the room.
The man gave one last gasp, and was soon dead. The cannibal grinned when he seen the man’s insides, he grabbed his guts and chomped down on them, licking his lips greedily when he was finished.
The cannibal turned and looked over at the door; seeing it was still closed he leaned down and began to eat.
Suddenly the door slammed open, the thin and puny cannibal male from outside, walked in dragging a beautiful naked, unconscious female. The older man looked around and smiled when he saw what his brother was carrying.
“Give her to me, Ignor.” The older brother told his younger brother.
“No!” Ignor yelled. He dragged the woman to a corner and began scanning her body with his eyes. The older cannibal scowled and grabbed his younger brother, and threw him across the room.
“Fuck you, Mump!” Ignor screamed, while crawling out the door.
Mump laughed, got on his knees beside the woman. He set his hand on her leg, and trailed his fingers up her dress. Suddenly, the woman gave a little cry. She sat up and saw Mump beside her.
She opened her mouth and screamed, trying to get away. Mump grabbed the woman’s arm and wrenched her down near his face.
“LET GO OF ME!” The woman yelled. She pulled her arm back and punched him in the face as hard as she could. Mump hadn’t expected this. He starred at her for a moment, as the woman attempted to free her arm.
Mump slapped her face, and the woman crumpled to the ground. She gave a little gasp, when she hit her head against the hard woodened floor. Getting to her feet, the woman clawed at Mumps face leaving a few scratches, as he attempted to get her back to the ground.
The woman was still screaming, Mump looked around and saw a large machete. He grabbed it, and pushed the woman back on the ground. The woman attempted to get back up, but Mump held her down, raised his arm and brought the machete down on her neck. Her head rolled a few feet away from her body, its mouth, hanging open.
Mump threw down the machete, and pulled the body to him, he then took the women and raped the corpse Mump laughed gleefully, and allowed the body to fall to the ground.
He opened the door and walked out, zipping the zipper on his pants.
Soon the door opened again. Ignor ran to the woman’s body, and pulled out a sharp knife, He knelt down and ran the knife down her skin and removed what seemed like every last piece of flesh from the bone. And a few minutes later, he lifted up some fingers sticking one in his mouth and chewing on it and tucked the rest into his pocket, and walked back out of the room.
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Old 01-07-2008, 02:45 PM
Liar,liar Liar,liar is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Panama City, Florida
Posts: 75


The airport door opened with a ring as the new flight attendant, Laura walked inside. Water dripped from her hair, to her shoulders, from the outside rain. She looked around, it wasn’t a very fancy, or even a big place for an airport, but it was a place to make money, and that was what Laura wanted.
She walked through the crowd, pushing a fighting couple out of the way, and walked through security, grabbing her bag from one of the guards.
“Have a good flight.” One of the guards said to her, with a smile. She waved to them and looked at the entrance to the plane.
“Cheers to a good flight, and another job.” She mumbled to no one in particular. With that note, she stepped inside, and made her way to the plane.

“The plane is just up ahead.” Chris said to his girlfriend, Julia.
They stood in front of security, waiting for their bags to be checked.
“I’m glad we decided to take this trip.” Julia told Chris, smiling at him.
They kissed, his hand brushed down her back.
“You guys are up next.” The security guard told them. Chris nodded and set their bags on the conveyer belt. Chris stepped through, and suddenly the alarm went off.
He stepped back through, and shrugged at his girlfriend, as he emptied his pockets. The guard narrowed his eyes when he saw the boy pull out a pocket knife.
“What the hell?” Julia asked a little irritated.
“Sir, I’m going to have to confiscate that.” The guard told him.
Chris handed it over. “No need to overreact, Julia.”
“I’m not overreacting!” She protested. “But, I mean this is an airport!”
“Just SHUTUP!” Chris yelled at her.
A lady then pushed him out of the way and walked through security. “Have a good flight.” The guard told her.
Julia walked through the gate, towards the plane. “Are you coming?” She yelled to Chris.
He rolled his eyes, and made his way through security, following Julia to the plane.
“We’ll do one more take, and then you can go catch your flight.” A heavily mustached man told the two girls lying on a bed with a handsome, slightly muscular man.
Three cameras surrounded them; the lights shone on their naked skin, the boxes in the used warehouse were pushed back against the wall, to make more room for the extended movie crew.
“You ready Amy?” The director asked a light brown haired girl. She smiled, and nodded at him. The director turned to a blonde haired girl. “You ready, Erica?”
“I’m ready.” She replied. “Are you ready, Jake?” She asked the handsome man. “I am.” He replied.
The mustached man nodded. “Action.”
The music clicked on, suitable for a adult film.
Jake sat up against the cushions on the bed, and Amy and Erica crawled up to him. Both of them pressed their lips to his mouth. His hands trailed down their backs, ending cupped around their butts.
Amy pulled back from Jake, and bent down facing his who knows what. Erica started kissing him, fiercely, and trailed her kisses down to his neck, where she started to suck on his neck. Amy opened her mouth, She began rubbing against him softly with her hands. Jake took a deep breath in then let it back out slowly, he grabbed Erica and started to rub his hand up her legs. She gasped and threw her head back.
Suddenly, Jake sat up more; he pulled Amy away from his legs. He went behind Erica and entered from the back. Amy crawled over to the other girl and tilted her head back; she then began to kiss Erica passionately.
Erica allowed her hands to roam around Amy’s body, and stopped on her legs. Amy, gripped the bed sheets with her hands, and slowly brought them to Erica’s breasts. She clutched them in her hands, and squeezed, bringing her mouth down to Erica’s.
“Alright! Cut!” The director finally said. The actor’s pulled themselves out of each other, and grabbed their robes, and quickly put them on.
“Amy, Erica, It’s about thirty minutes, till.” The director told them.
“Oh shit! We’ve got to go!” Amy yelled. They quickly dressed, and grabbed their luggage.
“Bye guys!” Erica told them. The crew waved goodbye, then the two girls left.
“John, Alexi, get those legs moving!” Darrel yelled to his two teenage kids. His wife Melissa hurried alongside him. The entrance to the plane was only several feet away. They reached security, and sat their bags down, on the conveyer belt.
“Are you kids ready for a fun trip?” Melissa asked them, her voice sounding strained.
Her two teenagers didn’t answer. Darrel frowned and stepped through security, to wait for the others.
Alexi yawned. “Is this trip really necessary?” She asked. Melissa sighed; they hadn’t had a family trip in years, mostly because they didn’t get along.
“Shut up.” John told his sister. Alexi flicked him the bird, and stepped through security. Darrell grabbed Alexi’s wrist. “Stop doing that,” He said through clenched teeth. She snatched her arm away from him, and grabbed her bag from the conveyer belt.
Melissa stepped through closely followed by John. “Darrel, please just shut up for once.” Melissa said, in an exasperated tone. “She is right, this trip is pointless.”
Darrel grabbed his wife’s bag and threw it at her. She caught it with the tips of her fingers. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.” He said. “Just shut the hell up.”
Melissa closed her eyes, and with another sigh, she walked towards the plane. John gave Darrel a glare and followed his mom.
“Go!” Darrel yelled at his daughter. Alexi rolled her eyes at him, and started towards the plane, followed closely by Darrel.
“It’s a shame isn’t it?” Damien, an ex-marine said to his wife, Sarah. She was watching a family argue, and shook her head. “I know.”
Damien placed his hands on Sarah’s waist, and kissed her on the lips. “I’m really going to miss you.” He told her.
“I’m going to miss you too, but I’m glad you want to travel.” She replied, laying her head against his chest.
“I want you to come with me.” Damien said, smiling down at her. Sarah closed her eyes, listening to the steady beat of her husband’s heart.
“You know I can’t. My job...” She trailed off. Damien looked down at her. “I understand.” His smile faded. He lifted her chin up with his fingers. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Sarah replied.
The family had entered the plane, suddenly a voice boomed through the airport. “Flight 1818 is soon to take off; Flight 1818 is soon to take off.”
Damien attempted a smile. “Well, I have to go.”
“Be safe, remember I love you...” Sarah paused. “Have fun.”
Damien leaned down and kissed her. “I’ll see you soon, my love.” With that, he pulled away and started walking towards the plane.
George the co-pilot walked through the plane, smiling at the people who had boarded. It wasn’t a large crowd, but he still had a job to do.
“Welcome to flight 1818.” He said to them.
He walked through the curtain that led to the pilot’s compartment. The chief pilot was already seated in his chair. “Are you sure it’s safe to fly in the rain?” George asked him.
The pilot, Lloyd grinned. “The rain isn’t too bad, plus it’s supposed to leave.”
George nodded, taking his seat.
“Whatever you say, sir.” He replied.
“We’re about to go.” Lloyd said. “In...” He checked his watch. “Ten minutes.”
George flipped a few switches, and checked the screen. Lloyd glanced at his co-pilot.
“How are things with your ex-wife?” He asked. George shrugged. “Things are alright, I’m just waiting for her to get hit by a bus.” He replied coolly.
Lloyd laughed and patted George on the back. “Stay optimistic, you’ll be okay.”
“Whatever you say sir.” George repeated.
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Old 01-07-2008, 02:46 PM
Liar,liar Liar,liar is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Panama City, Florida
Posts: 75
Whats I've came up with so far.


The occupants of the airport watched through the rain soaked windows, as the plane slowly rose into the air, to them air travel was nothing; only a way to get from here to there. A tour in some foreign land was only a trip of leisure, unlike the many business trips they had had to take.
The airplane sped up, flying swiftly through the dark grey clouds that loomed menacingly in the sky.
The rain made a pitter patter sound on the windows of the plane, causing the occupants to be in a more relaxed state than usual.
The machine was emptier than usual; only twenty or so passengers had gotten on. Nine lucky people were able to have the luxury of first class, whilst the other eleven were forced back into coach, because of their inability to purchase such expensive tickets.
A couple of passengers, dosed in their seats, unaware of the rain outside. Some read books that they had managed to bring with them on the plane, and others sat in their seats, staring out the window, or staring at each other.
The nasally voice of the pilot soon filled the space of coach. One or two of the sleeping passengers jerked awake, having forgotten they were on a plane.
"The rain will soon stop, and it is only a mild inconvience." The pilot assured some of the worried passengers. He continued. "We have four hours until we reach Transylvania, until then, we'll try to make your flight as comfortable as possible."
"Like we fucking care." A young, black haired male, whispered to a young, blonde haired girl, who was sitting quietly beside him.
She ignored him, and continued reading the book she had brought onto the plane.
A man who looked forty or so, glanced at his two teenage children, and at his wife, and gave the young man a dirty look.
Soon an air attendant rushed out from behind the curtains that lead to first class. She walked down the aisles, carrying a tray of bagged peanuts, handing them out to the passengers.
"Thank you." An older, slightly rugged man said to the flight attendant. The lady smiled at him and walked back through the curtain.
The outside sky darkened, as later hours arrived. The flight attendant came back out and dimmed the lights for the sleeping passengers. She slunk back through the curtain to await the end of the flight.

Cheese Grater-To the face
Saudering Gun-To the cheek
Wire Cutters-To the throat
Knife-To the knee tendons
Gasoline-Down victims throat then lit match tossed in and inners burn
Lighter-Burns, nose, lips, eyes
Hatchet-To the face
Acid-pored on body
knives-Under fingernails
Fire-Burning victim
Dog-Eats victims face
Plane crash-kills victims
Nailed 3 feet above the ground-slowly tortured
Nail Gun-eyes
Skill saw-decapitate
Barbed Wire-neck
Wire tied to tongue and log and log is dropped and tongue pulls out of stomach
Sledge Hammer-decapitates head
Drill-through limbs(torture)
Machete-Decapitates head


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