Old 07-17-2016, 04:17 PM
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American Guinea Pig: Song of Solomon

It has begun..

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Old 07-17-2016, 04:18 PM
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American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon shooting is just beginning. More info to drop this week. Sneak peek... James Vanbebber as Father Blake.

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Old 07-17-2016, 04:20 PM
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With BLOODSHOCK, the second in Unearthed Films’ AMERICAN GUINEA PIG series, recently released, the company and its topper Stephen Biro are plunging into the third installment, SONG OF SOLOMON. We got the scoop from the franchise’s special FX creator, Marcus Koch (who also directed BLOODSHOCK), about how SONG OF SOLOMON will attempt to challenge a horror classic’s disgust factor.

Biro, who helmed the initial AMERICAN GUINEA PIG: BOUQUET OF GUTS AND GORE, returns to direct SONG OF SOLOMON, which just started shooting in Florida. Koch is handling the FX with Jerami Cruise of Toetag Pictures, and as the title suggests, the story takes a religious-based tack this time. “As a writer, Steve likes that good-vs.-evil motif,” Koch explains. “He was originally saving this story for the eighth AMERICAN GUINEA PIG, but some directors who were going to be up for the third movie kind of fell out, so he just decided to do this one next. It’s about an exorcism, and there’s some very messed-up stuff that happens in it. Obviously the benchmark for this kind of film is THE EXORCIST; I don’t think anyone has come close to the intensity of that one. But this being an extreme gore film, Steve has written some stuff that really ramps it up. It may not be as scary as the original film, but it’s definitely grosser.
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Old 07-17-2016, 04:21 PM
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There have been countless exorcism films, especially recently,” he adds, “and the one thing everyone copies from the original is the pea-soup vomit. But what Stephen wrote for this… If anything could surpass a vomit scene, this would be it, because it’s probably the most horrendous thing I can think of.”

Jessica Cameron portrays the possessee, and another member of the BOUQUET OF GUTS AND GORE team is back in SONG OF SOLOMON’s cast. “Jim VanBebber is playing one of the priests,” Koch says. “I say ‘one of’ because there are multiple priests, all trying to exorcise the demon out of this girl. It takes a bunch of priests failing before the final rite!”

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Old 07-17-2016, 04:23 PM
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Maureen Pelamati
6 hrs ·

Day 3 on the set of Song of Solomon (aka, Camp Exorcism). Stephen Biro has a strict no photo policy, but this is what the upstairs bathroom is looking like... — in Crystal River, Florida.

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Old 07-22-2016, 08:58 PM
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Josh Townsend

David McMahon

There is a strong satanic energy reverberating throughout the horror world right now and it’s originating from the set of Stephen Biro’s newest directorial effort, AMERICAN GUINEA PIG: SONG OF SOLOMON. The third entry from the AMERICAN GUINEA PIG series promises to give horror fans what they’ve been craving for, an exorcism film that doesn’t play by the established rules and pushes the limit on what we as fans have seen on screen in regards to makeup FX. With Marcus Koch (WE ARE STILL HERE, 100 TEARS, AGP: BLOODSHOCK & BOUQUET OF GUTS AND GORE, FRANKENSTEIN CREATED BIKERS) and Jerami Cruise (AUGUST UNDERGROUND: MORDEM, AUGUST UNDERGROUND: PENANCE, MURDER SET PIECES, RED SIN TOWER) bringing us the guts and grue I can guarantee that some viewers will need vomit bags in the theater. Stephen’s also bringing independent film legend, Jim VanBebber (THE MANSON FAMILY, DEADBEAT AT DAWN) back to the screen in the role of a priest and pairing him with multi faceted indie staple Jessica Cameron (TRUTH OR DARE, MANIA, CAMEL SPIDERS) who will be portraying Mary, the possessed antagonist.Chris Hilleke (A HORRIBLE WAY TO DIE, ABC’S OF DEATH, GIDEONS ARMY, TRAPPED) will be the director of photography on the project. Here’s the plot breakdown and full cast list that was graciously provided to me by Stephen.

Mary witnesses the brutal suicide of her Father. His death unleashes the savage forces of demonic possession in his daughter. The End of Days is upon the world, famine, drought, looting and chaos is ripping the world apart and the Catholic Church is trying to save an innocent soul from the ravages of satanic possession. Wave after wave of holy men are sent to confront the possessed but what is the Holy Church actually doing? The City on Seven Hills is working on the Second Coming of Christ but before He comes back… the Antichrist must rule for seven years. The Song of Solomon’s true nature is to unleash an evil the world has been waiting for since the beginning of time.


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Old 07-29-2016, 05:07 PM
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Finishing the last couple of days of shooting AGP: The Song of Solomon. Will be back in the office late tomorrow... Will get to all my IM'S when I get home. Please bare with me.
I'd like to thank, everyone in the cast and crew. James Vanbebber for killing it, Scott Gabby, Maureen Pelamati, David McMahon Gene Palubicki, Josh Townsend, Betanya Grant, Andy Winton and Scott Warner for going above and beyond the call of duty. Chris Hilleke. For kicking ass and giving SOS a dynamic and spellbinding look.
Special thanks goes to Jerami Cruise and Marcus Koch for not only exceeding my expectations but bringing to life the gore SFX that will melt minds.
Last but not least, My heart felt thanks to Jessica Cameron for nailing this role and bringing dynamics to the set that gave the crew nightmares.
I personally don't think anyone is going to expect this
when it begins making the rounds next year. Very excited... since this is a true horror film that anyone in the horror genre will be able to watch. It's not just for gorehounds to drool and salivate over but for hard core fans of Evil Dead and The Exorcist... Very exciting times for everyone involved

Fucking Marcus Koch and Jerami Cruise on the Fx Lord have mercy!

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Old 08-10-2016, 02:04 AM
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Truth time.. I know, I actually said I got my head back a week ago... but the rush, the intensity and the overall experience of shooting, "The Song of Solomon" is over. The haze of a mile a minute, over the top intensity of your ass on the line, has finally dissipated.
I still have some pick up shots to do in September... Rough cut is in the works... were at 87 minutes so far... My editor refuses to show me though... he's still working on it. End of the week, I will go over all the footage with my editor and see what we got. Very excited to have 87 minutes with another 15 minutes coming...
Working on the soundtrack with Scott Gabbey... a talented musician that doesn't let anyone know he is. Humble... I love that side of him. Scott... sorry to do, what we did to you on the set. Totally my fault but I think everyone will dig it.
I've noticed that the cast and crew began calling it Camp Exorcist... Sort of awesome... but a terrible title for a movie. LOL
Now that I am back to actual normal... I would like to thank again, the people who brought this monster to life. And this is a monster... technically, it's not an American Guinea Pig... but it is. This was supposed to be the last in the series... The proverbial cherry on top. On set, we even added a scene and due to the talent we had, we pulled it off in spades...
Jessica Cameron... You did an amazing job. I will sing your praises to everyone I ever talk to. Thank you for going above and beyond and helping both cast and crew in keeping it together and on point. I watch the dailies and am still flabbergasted over your performance.
Chris Hilleke... you were a madman... the amount of work and visual style you gave this monster, exactly what it needed and I will always, be forever indebted to you.
James VanBebber... You killed it man. Your introduction is timeless. I will see you tomorrow... :-)
Scott Alan Warner... Dude, you brought it and then some. Your take on the Therapist has given my editor chills. Working as hard as you did, without knowing us, jumping into the fray and killing it, in more ways then one. Just means, I owe you more then what I can say. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Scott Gabbey... You kicked ass beyond the norm.. Actor, Sound design... personal assistant... I needed the help and you gave it to me. I understand, I took way too much for this film. You helped and I never needed to bring it up again, ever.
Gene Palubicki... Dude, we have gold in them thar hills. Thank you so much, for killing it when we needed. It's a learning experience and what we got from you... fucking gold man.
Betanya Grant... Thank you so much for being a part of this. You killed it and your death will be talked about for years to come.
David McMahon... Whoa dude, You did an amazing job... freaking amazing. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You brought the ending to full circle with Jessica... Your footage will be talked about for years.
Jerami Cruise... You did an amazing job on SPFX. I can only masturbate so long to the dailies before running out of lube.
Marcus Koch... Dude, you did it again. Bouquet was my first, Bloodshock is our second. I could never reach the heights of gore atrocity without you. Thank you, for being you.
Josh Townsend... Man, who would have figured, your stopping into Video Mayhem, back in 2001, we would work together. Life is fucked up, know you enjoyed the pool... thanks for doing what we needed
Maureen Pelamati... You did an amazing job... thank you from the bottom of my heart. You went out of your way to cook for us, keep us happy and acted your heart out. I was supposed to be the cook... but your lasagna made me step back and realize, your better then me in every way/shape and form.
9MMSPFX for the contacts... Hand painted, never used and now totally used for this indie film. Thank you so much... The contacts shove the film into a wonderful experience. No one can use these, without mentioning us... Thank you for everything!!!
This, is a different film. People will try to steal from it. I understand, people just don't understand theology. Fucking posers.
Anyway... were almost finished. 10% left to go. Looking for the proverbial DROP at a festival. Should be fun,,,
~ Stephen Biro

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Old 08-13-2016, 07:40 AM
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Last edited by DeadbeatAtDawn; 08-13-2016 at 07:43 AM.
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Old 12-31-2016, 03:15 PM
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