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Old 10-19-2009, 02:27 PM
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ferretchucker ferretchucker is offline
Ziggy Played Guitar
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Part 13

Opening credits roll. Fade to a shot of Hammerfan's house. Aside from a small group of trick or treaters walking past outside, everything is perfectly still and quiet. There is barely even any wind to rustle the fallen leaves. The camera slowly moves forward, passing through the front door. As it does, muffled sounds can be heard. It moves towards the basement staircase. The sounds can be heard more clearly now. Muffled growling and screaming and shouting. The camera passes down the staircase and through the tick metal door to the basement. Everything is alive.

While Hammerfan, Dude Guadalupe, Neverending and Rayne stand on the outside calmly watching the chaos on the otherside of the wall unfold. Neverending is so relaxed he is even texting. Hammerfan is marking points on the large blackboard and keeps looking down to her stopwatch.

Hammerfan: Flayed hasn't landed a good hit for nearly fifteen seconds now-oh wait...

Rayne winces slightly whilst Dude laughs with admiration.

Dude: Good hit, Flayed!

The camera moves into the other side of the room. The Flayed One i, his werewolf state lunges his powerful fist at Murderdoll but she is too agile and dives out of the way, bouncing off the wall and diving onto the back of his neck. She uses hey rigid nails to tear at his neck whilst at the same time biting his neck. He howls in pain.

Hammerfan: That's gotta hurt. I can see this ending soon.

Flayed reaches to the back of his neck, grabs her with his large hands and throws her hard into the wall. She slumps to the floor then regains herself just in time to see his almight foot stamp down onto her ribs. She clenches her teeth hard, then smiles malevolently at him as she grabs either side of his foot with each hand and begins pulling it apart. He howls and falls backwards, trying the scramble away but she has too good of a hold on him. The flesh in between two of his toes begins splitting. The split makes it's way down his foot. In an instant his fear and anguish becomes blind rage.

Dude: Don't let her hold you down! The teeth! Use the teeth!

Flayed curls his massive body round with the right leverage tears his foot from her grasp, at the same time bearing down upon her. He starts pummeling her face which quickly turns brown and blue with bruises. She tries to fight back but he's too powerful.

Hammerfan: I'm gonna call it. POINT TO THE HOUNDS!

Neveredning looks up halfheartedly, his eyebrows widen for a moment then he makes his way to a small gun. He aims it through one of the holes and shoots. A small dart sticks into his furry back. Instead of calming him down, it only angers him.

Rayne: Erm...I think it's gone wrong.

Flayed stops pummeling her. She gets a look up at him, her face full of admiration. There is not an ounce of fear or worry. She closes her eyes as he opens his jaw wide and clamps it on her skull.

Neverending: Must have been a dud. I'll just get another.

He slowly walks towards a small cupboard but Hammerfan holds up her hand and speaks with no empathy.

Hammerfan: I wouldn't worry. It's too late for her now.

Flayed's teeth crack into her skull. He chews a small bit of it then spits it out. He turns his attention to her brain, digging his snout into the small hole and feasting.

Neverending: Give him a couple of minutes to wind down then we'll get him with another dart.

The screen fades to black, then cuts back to Flayed slumped down in the fighting room, eyes closed. Dude throws a bucket of water onto him and he jolts awake, quickly taking in his surroundings. He notices a small pile of mashed up pieces of brains over in at the wall where he killed her.

Flayed: So I did kill her then...heh. Thought that might have been a dream.

Dude: Nah, you got her good and proper.

Flayed: Bitch probably deserved it. Last thing I remember is her tearing shit! My foot!

Dude: You're fine. Rayne bandaged it up, it'll heal in a week. Unless her teeth where made of brass you should be fine.

The both laugh. Hammerfan laughs aswell, Rayne looks confused, and Flayed gets to his feet.

Rayne: I thought it was silver that killed you guys.

Hammerfan: It is, it is.

She wipes a small tear of laughter away.

Dude: You wouldn't understand, babe. Hound joke.

Neverending: Guess it's up to you and me now, Rayne. Win it for the bats.

Flayed: Ha! You wish.

He limps over to one of the armchairs and sits down, relaxed. Hammerfan sniffs the air. They look at her cautiously and Dude sniffs aswell.

Hammerfan: Smell that?

Dude: Yeh...yeh I do. Flayed?

Flayed: Now that you mention it...smells like brains.

Hammerfan: Yeh...but different. I've had plenty of brains and they don't usually smell like this...what do you think dear?

Neverending: I'd tell you if I had a sense of smell...that's one of the things they don't tell you about dying...

Hammerfan: Yeh, yeh, I'll get a violin later.

She moves over to the large wooden crate where Muderdoll's body sits. She sticks a finger into her hollowed out her and takes a scoop of the brains. They all watch cautiously as she tastes it. Her eyes widen and she turns around to them.

Hammerfan: Oh my God...tastes like cabbage.

Rayne: Is it bad?

Hammerfan: Well, I don't like cabbage as it is so-

Rayne: No! I mean, what does it signify.

Hammerfan: Oh! Zombie blood. She must have been drinking it. No big deal.

They all sigh with relief and chuckle slightly.

Rayne: Cool. Didn't know we had them round here.

Dude: Neither did I. Still, it's always cool to see. Shame they drop dead so soon.

Neverending: Yeh...they'll never make a good zombie apocalypse when they can only last a few days.

Hammerfan: You lot want to go and find a few after the fights?

Flayed: Nah, Hellraiser six is on. Apparently it's so bad it's good.

Dude: Yeh...might as well watch that instead.

They all sigh again, and smile slightly, not bothered at all by the threat of the zombies. Ending credits roll.

The Ferrets like it...
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