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Old 01-23-2018, 05:11 PM
Onslow Onslow is offline
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Posts: 36
Thoughts on the Friday the 13th Remake (spoilers)

I've recently been binge re-watching the entire Friday the 13th Franchise, all 12 movies. After several days, I've reached the end, finishing up the reboot tonight. Here are a few thoughts on the film. I liked it. It was a good story, full of action, it looked good cinematically, the acting was on point, and it was just about the right length.

There are lots of specifics that made me like the film even more. For instance, I enjoyed that the backstory of Jason held very true to the origin that had developed over the first few films in the series, back in the early 80s. I also liked the fact that, for the most part (up until the final scene), Jason was pretty much just a tough human... nothing supernatural. No lightning infused fence railing, no telekinetic resurrection from Crystal Lake, no electrified power cords, no space repair ants, no Freddy Krueger. Don't get me wrong, I love the supernatural elements in those later Jason movies. Each one has it's own charm, as far as I'm concerned. But, it was nice to see a straightforward slasher story. Another thing I appreciated in this film was the variety of deaths. They were more gruesome, I think, than in other Jason films, and their execution (no pun intended) was very nice.

I know this film is not a fan favorite, but I really liked it. Any other thoughts out there?
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