Thread: Fucking vows...
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Old 03-07-2012, 08:55 PM
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That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
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Fucking vows...

So like I said a little bit ago, the chick and I are getting married on the beginning of our 14th year together.

No big ceremony or anything, there's us and 6 people and it's just like a brief civil service and some dinner/drinks after.

The gameplan is, we'll have a "big" wedding as a re-wedding type deal 5 years after the first one. By then we should have a little 4 year old wondering around that's able to come and join in with us. He/She isn't the only reason to do that, but a cool kind've benefit and something I hope at least part of them will remember.
The other reasons - more money and preparation time.

So yeah anyways...vows...
I know that the "script" covers it, I'd just like to make them kind've personal to our lives and put some time in.
The difficulty is, while I know everything like how I feel about her and us, I also want to keep it fairly concise and not fall into soppy territory.
Having difficulty.

Also, what's the deal, am I supposed to remember them word for word?
Are cue-cards considered kind've gauche?

By the way, it's this Sunday March 11th.
The door got in..:rolleyes:
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