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Old 09-27-2008, 08:36 AM
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Ferox13 Ferox13 is offline
Innsmouth Swim Team Coach

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Snuff: A Documentary About Killing on Camera

Any one see this pretty poor documentry?

Basically it explores the urban legend about the existance of snuff movies where people are killed on camera for the purpose of profit.

It was pretty exploitation stuff - basically showed images that it pretended to condemn in an exploitative manner (the Nick Berg film/Cannibal holocaust animal killings etc).

It finished up with a very phoney tale related by a tearfull producer how he was offered and viewed a 'real snuff film' back in the 80's.

A few other things I though sounded bogus:

They mentioned hours of footage of actual torture/murder found in the Charles Ng+Lake case. I know film was seized but i thought none of the murders were on it.

They said Me Me Lai was the girl on the post in Cannibal Holocaust (she was in Eaten alive and Jungle holocaust not CH) - minior mistake though.

I'm a little sceptical about the Russian Pedo ring selling snuff films - the story got very little coverage in the media and Dmitri Kuznetsov did fuck all jail time.
If this was the discovery of the FIRST EVER REAL SNUFF MOVIE hen surely more would be made of it....

On a similar note any one know the name of those 2 german(or was it Ductch) guys who were caught filming the murder of a prostitute which they intended to sell..
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