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Old 09-20-2018, 01:41 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2013
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Gone (2012)

IMDB: "A woman is convinced her kidnapper has returned when her sister goes missing. "

It's a tight and fast moving thriller. It's nicely shot, mildly exciting, fairly interesting and easy to understand. There isn't much heart to it... you don't get to know the characters very well -- certainly not enough to like or care about them enough. Also, it's 'by the numbers', nothing original or creative here. It's a bit cliche in that sense, but the heroine is quite clever, so that's the kick of the film.

His Perfect Obsession (2018)

IMDB "Allison Jones and her blind daughter Abigail return to Allison's childhood hometown after the death of Allison's beloved aunt. While mother and daughter are reeling from this tragic loss and adjusting to small town life, they encounter Bart McGregor, a helpful local accountant who knew Allison when she was a teenager. But what at first seems like a helpful friendliness soon turns into something more sinister. Bart has harboured a dangerous obsession with Allison for many years, and will do whatever it takes to spend as much time as possible with Allison and Abigail. Abigail, who was at first charmed by the quaint small town, quickly begins to realize that not all is as it seems."

Lifetime movie I tried watching with someone. When the 'killers' elderly mother starts yelling at him, and he acts 'crazy', it was just a little too cliche for me... made me cringe. Been done too many times, and this was much too soft and slow a touch. Again, for someone who's never seen anything like this before... maybe they'd like it.

Last edited by Sculpt; 09-21-2018 at 02:52 PM.
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