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Old 05-21-2019, 03:01 PM
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Sculpt Sculpt is offline

Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: USA, IL
Posts: 6,141
To Morningriser - I'd kinda add/agree with Bloof, no need to leave, we welcome you back! And no need to take posts on HDC too seriously. Sometimes people are trying to be a dick, like MovieLover (sp), but 90% of the time people are just being misunderstood, or trying to joke around, and I see you take it as an insult way, way more than you should. You should give people the benefit of the doubt, largely because, it's just posts on a forum, these are misconstrued, and just assume the best on top of that, not assume the worse. I mean really, if someone actually insults you on here, which I haven't even seen, except for MovieLover, than so what? Who the fuck are they? Nobody, why would you even care? Fuck em. They don't even deserve a response from you.

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