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Old 09-19-2018, 05:42 PM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
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Originally Posted by LuvablePsycho View Post
Man my mom really is a control freak from hell. I wonder if everyone else around my age has parents like her? It's no wonder the current generation of young adults refuses to grow up when they have parents like mine who make it so easy for them not to. I mean all she ever does is tell me that I can never do anything because I'm "limited" and that I'm better off just sitting on my ass and collecting enough SSI money from the government to stay broke for the rest of my life. I really do feel like she doesn't want me to try and do better with my life.

I really hate my life. If I was born without autism or bipolar disorder or if I simply had a more encouraging mother then maybe by now I would be living on my own and making my own choices in life. I could be fully independent like my brother and sister and not worry about having to always ask for Mommy's permission to do anything at 28 years old.

Sometimes I feel like I'd be better off dead. I really do.
It's tough man, believe me I know. I still have family living but none of them are there for me because of a falling-out I had with my grandmother before she died, despite she and I'm making amends with one another Before she died. my point is I don't have a support system either and I know the way the average person is portrayed as having people in their lives and a support system when the truth is not everyone just gets to Skid through life Like we are told we will. Not everything will always be okay and things don't always get better. We are made to believe these things are the norm and we just need to sit back and wait for good things when that has never been the case. ever since my ex girlfriend and I broke up and I went back home I have had to rely on my grandfather for everything because I can't drive anymore. I made a choice, I could sit there on my ass waiting to die while collecting a check and not doing fuck all because I didn't have any friends or anywhere to even go do you have fun so I did something about it and I moved to Las Vegas to start figuring out for myself how to become completely independent. The people here are definitely weird and I don't plan on staying here my entire life but For now this is home. You would be surprised how self-sufficient You will become when you have no one else but yourself to rely on.
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