Thread: Jason hocks
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Old 10-06-2006, 09:15 AM
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horrormad horrormad is offline
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Originally posted by thenightflyer
you can go up on ebay i have them for sale on there horrormasks52 is my name on there
they're quite alot but probably worth it oh and by the way you should take on more things like michaels myers [latex] freddy kreuger [also latex] and possibly that k-fee car advert monster [ah and what do you know, more latex]

the reason for the last one is that it freaks out kids and you can hide in trees at halloween and jump out at victims, or know on a door , hide and then jump out and make a ear peircing screach or nayhting you want. you can get lots of sweets for your kid cos they are reaLLY IMPRESSED UNLESS THEY'RE BRAINLESS TWATS that dont know you from a man in sheets to look like a ghost.

oh yeah and also have you been to that big haunted house the all the tcm things like people on hook and chainsaw weilding maniacs?
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeees tommy
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