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Old 10-10-2021, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Bloof View Post
I would probably go for strictly music from horror films. And it would be our personal favorites, not what we think would be the right ones ?
OK, a vote for horror film music only: Bloof

Well, voting for 'what's the best', as opposed to 'what's your favorite' is tricky business! lol

I don't think it makes any difference really. When peeps pick their 5 selections, there's no reason not to pick a favorite(s). Especially with music, ya know?... like how often would someone say, "This is my favorite horror movie theme, but I really think it's sucky music"? Not often. I mean, the fav is probably good in some way, or it wouldn't be a favorite, right?

But when voting, I think it's kinda the same as always... we're doing this for HDC, so we'd ask voters to pick the best -- and they can decide what that is for themselves. It's subjective and 'unpoliceable' so to speak. If a voter picks a fav, and the other voters thinks it sucks, that's the way it goes. Not a problem.

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Last edited by Sculpt; 10-10-2021 at 05:18 PM.
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