Thread: Freaks (1932)
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Old 03-23-2013, 11:41 PM
jessieblood jessieblood is offline
Little Boo
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Originally Posted by fortunato View Post
Browning's original version included many more comedic scenes (including one of Prince Randian, the "Human Torso", not only lighting his cigarette, but rolling it, too), a longer climax featuring the freaks attacking Cleo and Hercules, implying castration on the latter, and an additional scene during the epilogue showing Hercules singing soprano. The only venue to ever show the uncut film was the Fox Theatre in San Diego. And most of those scenes are now considered lost, which as much of a bummer that is, it's still a great, absolutely singular film.
on the DVD you get to see Prince Randian, the "Human Torso", rolling a cigarette and lighting it, also the DVD has history of the "Freaks" in the film and what happend to them. like the "Human Torso" had a family that he toke care of, which blows my mind a bit... also a history of the making of the film "Freaks" or what they could dig up and put togather history wise. The DVD has some cool stuff with it. I do have to say tho the "Human Torso" blows my mind, the guy had a family with a lot of kids that he toke care of...
Jessieblood, Blood, Guts and gore is the name of the game, after a good story.

Last edited by jessieblood; 03-23-2013 at 11:51 PM.
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