Thread: It all sucks
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Old 01-03-2007, 07:38 AM
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urgeok urgeok is offline

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slasher movies are a no brainer really - as far as the core influences/inspirations come from.

what scares people ... the thought of someone killing you.

what scares you in a film : the technique used to present this to you.

technique is the only real measurable when it comes to who influence who.

so i would say yes - hitchcock perfected the technique of suspense in a horror film,

the others that followed each put their own little tweak on it ..

Bay of Blood = brutality
Halloween = the killer who couldnt be killed
Black Christmas = the killer inside your house..

etc etc ..

the ones that stand out and became popular are the ones who had their own unique angle.

(more atmospheric music, better performances, more inventive kills)
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