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Old 04-04-2019, 04:38 PM
Morningriser Morningriser is offline
Join Date: Oct 2015
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Considering the Commonwealth is in Ohio and such a size that it holds 50,000 people, that's probably where Rick and Jadis are at, but Maggie I have no damn clue. I wouldn't think even if they did come into the show, our group would leave yet. There's still plenty of story left with the Whispers And even though ezekiel's head wasn't on one of those Pikes, it doesn't mean his death couldn't be soon, or even Rosita for that matter. Since she is pregnant and they are trying to cut the numbers down a little anyway, I could see the two of them both dying soon, kind of like how Abraham died by negan's hands rather than the arrow through the eye like Denise on the show did. Who knows though?
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