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Old 05-29-2007, 04:33 PM
crippler666 crippler666 is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 301
With Heavenly Sword, Final Fantasy XIII, Lair, Killzone 2, Ratchet & Clank and Grand Turismo 5 all exclusives.

Metal Gear Solid 4 maybe going multi format, but Konami have already said they will leave the PS3 version intact, so if they dumb it down (due to capacity of disk), it wont effect the PS3 release.

Haze is coming out on PC & 360, but at a later date.

There are many multi format games coming out, for all systems, but that doesn't mean that the PS3 is not getting the game. I will worry more when the games start being canceled.

Sony made some bad comments that many people have taken to heart (never worked out if this was Sony or a bad translation), couple this with the lack of exclusives and you have why the console has not sold by the bucket load.

I bought one on day of release in the UK, I waited 6 months longer than US and Japan. I have been happy with my console and whilst I know it was expensive (around £50 more expensive than the PS2 was at release), I know that if Sony release another console in 7 years time, it only cost me 19p per day. To me this is not expensive for the price per day and I dont need memory cards like the Wii (my friend owns one and likes retro gaming) or pay an online subscription like the 360.

All the consoles are good in their own rights, with the competition between the consoles, the games within the next year will be amazing.
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