Thread: mods
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:58 PM
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cheebacheeba cheebacheeba is offline
That fucking Guy...

Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 7,088
luckily im not on face book,got sick of people being obsessed with themselves,"look at my photos look at my friends look at what i did today"....i dont give a fuck,get over yourself!!
Yep, sure seems like in a lot of cases there's no detail too private or inane for someone to feel like they should mention to everyone.
That and the whole picture whore thing - I'm pretty sure before facebook etc, for most people taking 100+ pictures of themselves/family within a month wasn't really a normal thing to do...I will never put a precious baby photo of my child on there, I will never feel the need to share family memories with anyone but those who have/will actually meet us. As for holiday and "watch us drink" pics, always seem a bit lame and "lookit me!! comment on how cool I am!!!"

I actually read on some yahoo junkpage article, the most stupid facebook related thing I've ever come across - and sadly enough I realised people actually do this.
It was an article on how to have/enjoy a great holiday.
Tip #1 was "Create Holiday envy over social media before, during and after your trip with photos & status updates whenever you can".
This helps people enjoy their holidays more?
Most ridiculous shit I've ever read.

All good and well-thought ideas.

Thanks man, yeah I think it's important to contribute where one can, and they just seemed like pretty easy ideas to go with.
The door got in..:rolleyes: