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Old 02-08-2009, 07:51 PM
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Originally Posted by milktoaste View Post
I just picked up a 20 movie pack titled Chilling for $6.99 at Shopko!! It features Jack Nicholson in The Terror '63, Vincent price in The Man on Earth , James Earl Jones in Blood Tide, and of course 17 more. Super awesome cheep find, it even has House on Haunted Hill '59, Little Shop of Horrors with Jack Nicholson '60 and my all time fav Night of the Living Dead.
Last night I watched The Terror, maybe it was good in the sixties, but I found it pretty dull and talked through the whole thing. It was about a 19th century military officer chasing around a sexy ghost. Decent plot, I may even give it another chance if my cable ever gets shut off.
See, you have to know the backstory of The Terror to appreciate it. Corman had 2 days left on a contract with Karloff and instead of just letting that go like any sane person, he said "I've got Karloff for 2 days- I'll make ANOTHER movie!" So a basic script was thrown together, dialogue was shot with Karloff and Nicholson and a few other actors. It all sat in the can for six months when Corman shot some exteriors to cover what was needed, and it was all assembled out of what was onhand. The six month wait made it the longest Corman shoot ever. Really a fun little film showing what Corman could come up with out of nothing.
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