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Old 07-25-2015, 12:47 AM
neilold neilold is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 348
owwweeees and boo boos!

Wondered the other day, whether it is really, the smaller, things we can really relate to that we acctually find the most unpleasant in horror movies? I have pretty well watched most of the goriest and unpleasant films ever, with bodies being burnt, disected, ground up, and what not with total indifference. However, if i then see someone getting a cut through touching a blade, or having a nail removed, i wince and my fingers and toes actually curl up in sympathy. Funny, and i wonder what i'd think of a film that was mostly stuff life this, rather than big kills. do others on here feel the same? opinions?
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