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Old 10-26-2003, 02:40 AM
Loomis99 Loomis99 is offline
Scares Little Kids
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 17
OK, the more I hear, the more optimistic my outlook. This film "The Woods" sounds good stuff - Filled with the sort of elements that make up classic horror. Apparently, Roth is also teaming-up with Scott Spiegal (those evil dead boys just can't let it go) with the aim of gettting three hideously foul horror features out each year. As for John Carpenter - Halloween may well have been his highlight, but I thought "The Fog" was an exceptionally good chiller. I'd site it in my top ten, purely because of all those old creepy staples that it plays with. "The Thing" I think was also a solid remake and an example of gross-out effects being employed to good effect .(Craven take note) On our TV network right now, (Channel 4) they are counting down the 100 most scary moments in horror. One comment made by Michael Madsen stuck with me as regards that ear-cutting scene in Reservoir Dogs - He suggested that the sequence was far more effective, more shocking due to the fact that the camera moved away at the key moment - What is left to our imagination is always far worse than what we actually see. That ladies and gentlemen, is what every director who cares a jot for the genre should have tattoed onto their heads and that is what gives me hope for the future.
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