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Old 08-12-2016, 06:27 AM
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TheBossInTheWall TheBossInTheWall is offline
Evil Dead
Join Date: Oct 2012
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Basically there's a place called Area X that behaves strangely and the US government has sectioned off sending in expeditions to explore it and return back with what the find/experience. That is the basis of the series. It is not a thriller or very indepth use of government procedure. It is also not what I typically find in most fantastic/science/horror fiction series. Its probably what people who snub series like that as beneath them and 'literature.' This one I think would appeal to them. The Southern Reach(location, not the triology) is elusive to being defined. I do not want to say more than this because it will ruin a lot of the book to try to explain what happens. Indeed I now need to reread the first book to see if I can understand what is occurring in Area X. The wonder at what is happening is marvelous.
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