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Old 01-22-2017, 10:10 AM
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TheUltimateDreamWarrior TheUltimateDreamWarrior is offline
Nancy Thompson
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Springwood, Ohio
Posts: 45
Originally Posted by The Villain View Post
Thanks DreamWarrior. I write about a lot of different things. My first novel Harold's Ghosts (Hated that title, was calles Hidden but they made me change it) was a ghost story. I got it published at this horrible place PublishAmerica, didnt know any better. Im not proud of that one. I rushed through it, didn't really do any rewrites and only really did it to see if i could.

My second, Jeremiah, is about a serial killer. Same publisher but proud of that one.

My third, Eddie, is about an alien. I self published that but i was still pretty green about formats so it came out all weird. Im proud of the story though.

The one im working on now, Big Nasty, is about a Troll. This is my best work yet. Been working on it quite awhile.

I learned about Deadite through my editor, the aforementioned Doc Faustus. He has a book through them and pitched it to them after going over my book. Just hope theyre still interested by the time i finish.
I was told that all artists hate aspects of their work when in reality it's really good. It's those who never question their work who have the real problem. I watched interviews with Wes Craven were he talked about making Scream (1996) and not wanting to do it because it reminded him too much of Last House on the Left (1972). While Last House reaches some dark corners of humanity, it is not a bad film. It has a powerful message. Essentially, it's a grislier remake of Ingmar Bergman's Virgin Spring (1960). It talks about some grim subjects but subjects that need to be talked about.
"O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." - Shakespeare, Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2
"Fool: Well I don't want in, I want out.
Alice: Sometimes 'in' is out." - Wes Craven, People Under the Stairs
"I take back every bit of energy I gave you. You're nothing. You're $%^&." - Wes Craven, A Nightmare on Elm Street
The Ultimate Dream Warrior
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