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Old 01-27-2018, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by FryeDwight View Post
I know what You mean...this really had Me and then just petered out. Sadly, a lot of Hitchcock these days does that...SPELLBOUND, SUSPICIOUS, THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH.
Did you say "Sadly, a lot of Hitchcock these days does that"? That was really funny! But I guess you meant "those days"? Yes, I noticed that too. I think Hitchcock is best used when the story plot thickens to the end (Dial M for Murder, Vertigo, Psycho), rather than where there's just some sort of obvious physical conclusion (North by Northwest's house and monument climbing).

Originally Posted by FryeDwight View Post
SON OF FRANKENSTEIN (1939). So many good points in here (Sets, Music, Splendid cast), but WAY too long, the Monster really doesn't have much to do and that Mushmouth Kid has GOT to go! Lionel Atwill is very good here and Bela is just fantastic...for Me, he really is the reason to watch this. Finally, I could not believe how hammy Basil Rathbone was in here...think LOVE FROM A STRANGER with a high dose of caffeine. Worth seeing, but too lethargic...even the HOUSE films had more zip. **1/2
That kid yelping, "Well, hellooo!" is the funniest delivery of the 30's! Son of Frankenstein is so fun to watch. To me, it's just the ending that really wrecks the experience.

I mean really, basically everything written having to do with the experimenting, science and action sequences of the Monster is ridiculous, unimaginative and quite dull. They needed to bring in a hardcore sci-fi-horror writer to deal with that aspect of the film. Can you imagine if Son of Frankenstein had a hardcore science and horror side to balance out the rich characters?

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