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Old 01-19-2012, 06:10 AM
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roshiq roshiq is offline
Pirate of Bengal

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I'm glad that I watched all the (12) episodes almost in a row in last 4 days. I'm glad that I didn't have to watch it in a weekly TV format basis (with having breaks in the middle of every episode) which would be hard for me to keep up the momentum & follow the progress of the story properly.

Really wonderful stuff overall! Absolutely loved it! Kudos to the Glee-Men for bringing such an entertaining tale of horror for the television this time.

The thing that I think worked mostly & significantly for AHS is its creators' own style of story telling for a TV series; like at first it seems there is a rush to telling or showing so many things in an episode that some may doubt to hold back later properly. But as we gradually step forward from one scene or episode to another we realize that the story is actually evolving in a fine direction, they didn't pitching so many things into the 'mess' but just trying to unfolding everything in an interesting manner through grabbing our attention all the way. The disjoined or messy structure of the show, the unpredictable nature of story progression is the real winner here. Then there were vast & diversifying characters with a solid cast. It was a treat to watch Jessica Lang in every episode. I even 'enjoyed' Dr. Ben’s character. Every time he appeared on the screen I felt somewhat pity for him as well as was eager to see him in more & more terrible situations...a pathetic husband & a terrible psychiatrist indeed who should have get raped by the Rubber Man instead of Vivien at the first place. Now in case of the Rubber man, I agree with Elvis. I was also expecting the character to turn out as a unique malevolent entity with a bizarre past that may likes to screw & torture every new owners of the house. But the young actor who played Tate did quite well in the role. Loved every single back story of the characters. A house filled with so much death, sufferings & terrible events deserved to be haunted badly. Liked the way they put together the conflicting as well as common nature & interests of all those sad, haunted souls. But somewhat like in the way of awesomely creepy opening title sequence, I was expecting Dr. Charles & Nora's Frankenstein-baby to appear or have some more & frequent encounters in the later episodes which didn't happen except in a flashback of Tate's first encounter with Nora. Anyway, I love the way they put an end to the haunted tales of Murder House. IMO: it's better to have a fresh start (probably in different premise & backgrounds) in the next season in an anthology format rather than continue the tale of Harmon's evil child or even the haunting of Murder house anymore further. Otherwise I'm not sure but it may become bit cliched or monotonous, I guess.

I think a positive aspect of having such a show along with The Walking Dead is seeing that the television in the US is becoming more open to the genre subject matters and hoping to see more series in the future with darker, crazier & grotesque contents all over.
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